The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Wearing a smug smile on his face, Corbin raised his eyebrows and said cheekily, “Of course. Is there anything I can’t handle?”

“What did you do to him? Tell me this instant!” Nana asked with a concerned look.

She knew how stubborn and persistent Huey could be. He often came across to others as an overbearing asshole. How could he suddenly have a change of heart and let her go so easily?

“Don’t worry. He wasn’t hurt at all. He only faked his injuries to manipulate your feelings and set you up,” Corbin explained.

After learning the truth, Nana gritted her teeth with intense hatred. She wanted to rush inside and beat Huey up.

“What a scumbag! How could I be so blind to have fallen in love with him back then?”

Eliana walked up to her and patted her shoulder. “Well, it’s all over now. Just promise me that you’ll never see him again.”

“By the way, there is one more thing that I need to tell you.” In one swift movement, Corbin grabbed Nana’s ear and snapped, “Nana, listen to me carefully. Be smarter with your choices next time! You could have told him to confront me instead, so why didn’t you? I am a grown man, and there’s nothing he could do to me. Do I make myself clear?”

“Okay, whatever you say! Let me go now. It hurts!”

Nana’s face immediately turned red. Contrary to her words, she didn’t feel any pain at all. But her ears were tingling with a warm feeling.

At that moment, the nurses and Alvin rushed out of the ward.

One of the nurses was pushing a cart loaded with several medical supplies. Underneath the bright hallway light, a long needle of a large syringe was noticeably exposed, looking rather sharp and deadly.

As soon as Corbin caught sight of it, he was startled and quickly hid behind Nana.

“Oh my goodness! You’re unbelievable. How can such a strong man be afraid of needles?” Nana laughed at him in mockery.

Corbin smiled sheepishly and looked at her with affection.

Nana turned her head, and the pair gazed longingly into each other’s eyes. Like a scene straight out of a romantic movie, it suddenly felt that love was in the air.

Awkwardly standing next to them in silence, Eliana felt like a third wheel.

She didn’t see this one coming at all. It seemed that Corbin was the one who was thought as Nana’s lover by Huey.

But when did they know each other?

Ever since Nana had moved into the Pierce family’s villa, Eliana sensed that something was going on between the two. But she wouldn’t have expected them to fall in love!

Keenly observing the smitten pair, Eliana asked in curiosity, “Nana, do you want to tell me what’s the real status between you two?”

“Well, it’s kind of complicated. I don’t know where to start.”

Nana couldn’t give a straight answer and her face was turning red.

“Just tell me the truth. Don’t wriggle yourself out of this one!” Eliana laughed teasingly as she jabbed her finger at her best friend.

Under the mounting pressure, Nana finally shared the beginning of their love story.

“Well, you were busy with work, so I had been sending the kids to school every day. That’s when I met Corbin. I didn’t know he was Maurice’s assistant and thought that he was Silas’ uncle.”

After a long while, Nana finally revealed all the juicy details.

Eliana’s jaw dropped in sudden realization. “So the mystery friend you mentioned a few times before is Corbin!”

Nana blushed and nodded shyly.

Eliana couldn’t help but grin in immense pleasure for Nana. The romance she shared with Corbin felt like a magical fairytale.

Who would have thought that there was a spark between these two people from entirely different worlds all of a sudden?

Corbin was a nice and respectful man. Eliana would be overjoyed if Nana could be with him.

Seeing that the two needed some space to talk alone, Eliana quickly excused herself.

“You lovebirds hang out and enjoy each other’s company. By this time, Adrian and Aileen should be done with their classes. I have to go and pick them up now.”

“Wait, Eliana. I want you to know how grateful I am for you today. Thank you so much,” Nana said in between sobs as she held her hand.

Smiling warmly at Nana, Eliana nodded and promptly left the premises.

When she knew that Nana was at the hospital, Eliana called the teacher and asked her to watch the kids until she came to pick them up.

Inside the kindergarten, it had been quite some time since classes were over, but no one showed up to take Adrian and Aileen back home. They looked very upset.

Fortunately, Silas was there and kept them company.


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