The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

In the end, Nicole sat down to dine with Wyatt and his mother.

They sat at the same table, and the ambiance was really odd.

Nevertheless, Wyatt was plainly unaware of the unusual atmosphere between his mother and his ex- girlfriend. He recalled that the previous time Nicole lost weight, he asked her to consume more fatty foods, which gave her a tummy ache.

So, as they were eating supper, Wyatt knowingly picked up food for Nicole and chose something moderate.

“You are underweight. If someone were to snap pictures of you, you would look dreadful.”

Dora saw Wyatt’s persistence as he continued to pick for Nicole on a regular basis.

Could she not be familiar with her son?

Dora despised Nicole in her heart. She had no idea what spell this woman had cast on Wyatt to make him still miss her to this day!

The more she considered it, the more upset she felt. Seeing the table laden with food, Dora lacked all her desires. She placed the knife and fork down with force, producing an unpleasant sound.

“I’ll not eat.”

Immediately after Wyatt placed a piece of broccoli on Nicole’s plate, he heard Dora declare she didn’t want to eat and turned to stare at her in disbelief.

“What is the matter with you, Mom? Is there anything wrong with this food?”

Dora remarked in an irritable tone, “These foods are not that easy to swallow. Wyatt, the steak you picked today is terrible. It lacks quality. I will bring you premium steaks henceforth. This steak is unappealing and will only bring shame to your establishment.”


Wyatt was perplexed upon hearing that.

Was the steak’s flavor absolutely unpleasant?

He placed a chunk of steak in his mouth after picking it up. The meat was so tender and delectable that it dissolved in his mouth.

Was it not delightful? What became of his mother?

Nicole bent her head to conceal the icy appearance of her eyes. She understood that Dora’s statement implied disapproval.

She was in no way referring to the steak at all, but rather Nicole’s humility and lack of consciousness.

Immediately, anger flooded her thoughts. Nicole extended her hand to sip some water to calm her fury, but she mistakenly tipped over the glass and splashed red wine over her body.

“Nicole, are you alright?”

Wyatt instantly pulled out a tissue to clean Nicole’s clothing.

“Thanks, but no!”

Nicole evaded inadvertently and exclaimed with excitement.

“I’ll go to the washroom to freshen up. You guys eat first.”

Nicole took a deep breath and got up to use the restroom.

She rinsed the red wine off her clothing with water and then splashed a huge amount of cold water straight into her face using both hands.

She lifted her head and saw a lady in the mirror, whose face was covered with watermarks. She had a white face.

Nicole felt as if she had been taken back to that awful wet evening and remembered her vow to Dora.

“I pledge to end my relationship with Wyatt. I won’t discuss what occurred today, and I won’t stand before your son again. Is that alright?”

Nicole was engulfed in a sad recollection from which she was unable to escape. She was unaware that there were other individuals in the restroom at this time.

It was… Eliana and Lucia!

Eliana had gone to the restroom to find Lucia and wanted to take her away, but she was informed that Lucia was in her menstruation and couldn’t go without a tampon.

Eliana also didn’t pack a tampon, so she had to urge Lucia not to move and then went to get one for her.

Meanwhile, when Eliana returned to find Lucia after purchasing the tampon, Nicole entered the restroom.

As soon as Eliana opened the cubicle door, she noticed Nicole standing at the sink in a stupor. She felt a little odd and wanted to inquire as to what had transpired.

The restroom door was opened again at this point, and Eliana returned to the cubicle in fright.

Dora was the one who entered at this moment. She had removed her gentle mask entirely. As soon as she entered, she said indignantly, “Nicole! You haven’t given up yet, right? Do you still want to badger my son?”

Leaning against the toilet door, Eliana heard it loud and clear.

Dang it!

Dora sounded angry, so she guessed something was wrong!

Eliana was confronted with the decision of going out or continuing to listen in.

Lucia had just used the tampon in her stall and was ready to exit.

Eliana drew her over with a swift thought.

Lucia was unaware of what was happening. Eliana covered her mouth as she was going to inquire, and pointed to the door with her other hand. She said quietly, “There is something wrong there. We shouldn’t go out yet!”

Lucia was taken aback. Even though she could not comprehend the reason, she nodded in accord anyway.

Eliana felt soothed at this and released her hand.

They had no option except to temporarily hide there.


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