The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 456

Chapter 456

Chapter 456

“Nana, what are you thinking?” Eliana didn’t know what to say. “Because of some things in the past, Earle has misunderstood me. He dislikes me. Besides, he doesn’t know that I have children. It will be more complicated if he knows.”

“Then you are really toast.”

Upon hearing Eliana’s words, Nana also understood the seriousness of the matter. And now the two of them were worrying about it.

Aileen and Adrian had no idea what the adults were worried about. As soon as they heard the knock on the door, they ran out of the room.

Aileen looked up at Eliana expectantly. “Mommy, I just heard someone talking. Is it Silas?”

At this moment, Silas was anxiously waiting outside the door. He finally summoned up the courage to come here today. But after knocking for a long time, he got no response from the inside.

He lowered his head in disappointment. It seemed that Eliana still hadn’t forgiven him yet.

Suddenly, Earle held his hand.

“Don’t be afraid. I will help you win your friends back.”

This morning, Earle was very distressed when he saw that Silas was very sad. The little boy didn’t even want to go to school.

So he took Silas directly to the door of the twins’ home.

Aside from helping Silas, Earle actually wanted to see the two lovely children again.

Inside the apartment, Eliana knew that hanging back like this was not a solution. She couldn’t let Earle stand outside all the time.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through her mind. She grabbed Nana’s hand and said, “Nana, I just came up with a brilliant idea. I’ll hide first, and then you open the door. Pretend that you are Adrian and Aileen’s mother. Help me get through this first.”

“You want me to pretend to be you?” As she asked, Nana’s eyes lit up. novelbin

Eliana nodded. “That’s the only way now. But you must be careful not to give yourself away.”

“Okay, I promise to get this done,” Nana readily agreed.

Eliana immediately explained the situation to Adrian and Aileen and quickly hid in the bathroom.

“Ahem!” Nana cleared her throat. She straightened her clothes, took a deep breath, and opened the door. “Hello!”

“Nana!” Silas shouted excitedly.

“Silas, you’re here. Please come in.”

Nana ushered the three into the apartment.

Nana was the only adult in the living room, so Earle naturally thought that she was Adrian and Aileen’s mother. He said, “You must be the mother of Aileen and Adrian. You look so young. You have raised Adrian and Aileen well.”

“Thank you, Mister. Are you Silas’ great-grandfather? My name is Nana Marlin. I’m the mother of Aileen and Adrian.”

Nana began her classy performance.

Earle sat on the sofa and explained his purpose unhurriedly.

“I came here today to explain what had happened the day before yesterday. That day, I suffered a relapse. And the three children sent me to the hospital. It was so urgent that they didn’t have the time to inform you. I hope you don’t blame Silas.”

Nana smiled awkwardly and said, “Of course, I don’t mind. This matter is between the children. They can solve it by themselves.”

Earle nodded in agreement.

Silas had been restless since he entered the apartment. He was afraid that Aileen and Adrian would blame him, so he didn’t dare to approach and greet them.

In the end, Aileen and Adrian took the initiative to step forward and hold his hands.

“Silas, Adrian said you were sick yesterday. How are you now? Are you feeling better?”

“I’m fine,” Silas answered with a flushed face.

Aileen patted her chest exaggeratedly and breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good! You scared me to death. It feels terrible to be sick.”

Silas thought of Aileen’s allergy, and he felt sad again.

“Aileen, I’m sorry. If I didn’t take you out, you wouldn’t get sick.”

“Silas, you didn’t know I was allergic to peaches. So, don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault. Besides, I’m fine now.”

Aileen firmly stated that she had recovered.

“Yes, Silas. What happened to Aileen has nothing to do with you,” Adrian also said to comfort Silas.

After the problem was resolved, the three children played happily again.

Earle watched this scene, feeling relieved. Nana handed him a cup of tea.

“Please have some tea first.”

Earle took the teacup and glanced at the other teacups on the table. There were four commonly used teacups neatly placed. It could be seen at first glance that they were for parents and children of a family of four.

So he asked casually, “Is the children’s father also at home? Why haven’t I seen him come out?”

Nana was stunned for a moment. How should she get around with this one this time?

Suddenly, an idea came to her. She shouted towards the bathroom, “Honey, haven’t you finished taking a shower yet?”


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