The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Eliana’s hand went down quickly and fell on Maurice’s face.

The unexpected slap caused Maurice’s face to turn aside.

He did not realize what was going on until he felt a sharp pain on his face.

Eliana had slapped him again!

He was determined to teach her a lesson this time.

With a livid face, he turned his head to look at Eliana, intending to teach her a lesson.

But the scene he saw shocked him. Eliana was staring at him with red eyes and tears ran freely down her cheeks.

Maurice definitely didn’t expect that. She was crying.

In a split second, Maurice forgot his anger and felt so sorry for her. He no longer wanted to punish her for having slapped him.

He couldn’t help but reach out to wipe the tears from her face.

What they didn’t know was that a group of children not far away were watching them intently.

After they left, the teacher failed to stop the curious children in the classroom from watching Eliana and Maurice. Now, they were standing in front of the window or at the door.

When Aileen and Adrian saw Eliana crying, they couldn’t stand it. They rushed out of the classroom despite the teacher’s dissuasion and ran towards Eliana and Maurice.

“You bad guy, what do you want to do to my mommy?” Adrian scolded Maurice, standing next to Eliana.

Maurice smiled bitterly and put down his hand.

“Mommy, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Aileen asked Eliana anxiously, hugging Eliana’s thighs.

“Don’t worry, honey. I’m fine.”

As she spoke, Eliana wiped the tears on her face and forced a smile. She squatted down and stroked the two kids’ hair.

Although Eliana did her best to reassure her kids that she was fine, neither Aileen nor Adrian believed her. Adrian was staring at Maurice with hatred, while Aileen had mixed feelings.

Aileen’s eyes eventually fell on the cuffs of Maurice’s pants, where the sunflower she had drawn for him had been smeared with all kinds of paint.

Seeing that the sunflower she drew was destroyed, Aileen was heartbroken and wanted to cry.

“Mr. Moran, are you really a bad guy?” the little girl looked at Maurice and asked timidly.

Seeing Aileen’s innocent gaze, Maurice clenched his fists, not daring to say anything cruel to this adorable child.

But how could he explain it?

“No!” Eliana suddenly said. She held the hands of Adrian and Aileen and added seriously, “Remember, Mr. Moran is not a bad guy, okay?”

Aileen nodded in confusion, but Adrian didn’t say anything. He was visibly still angry.

Eliana sighed helplessly. The thing was Maurice was Aileen and Adrian’s biological father, and Eliana didn’t want her children to hate their father even if they didn’t know the truth.

“Honey, Mommy’s and Mr. Moran’s clothes are dirty. We have to go change into clean clothes now. You two should go back to your class now, okay?” Eliana said softly, pretending to be relaxed.

“No!” Adrian said firmly, looking at Maurice intently. “I want to be with you, Mommy!” he added.

“Adrian, don’t worry. Mommy is fine. I really need to go home and change my clothes. Go back to class now. I will come pick you up this afternoon, okay?”

After a long moment of persuasion, the two kids finally agreed to go back to their classroom.

When the two children were out of sight, Eliana’s expression changed. She left directly, without even looking at Maurice.

With a gloomy face, Maurice followed her silently.

Eliana’s clothes were in a mess, and when she walked out of the school premises, the passers-by looked at her and laughed.

“Look, what on earth is that woman wearing? It’s so funny!”

“Maybe it’s some kind of art.”

“Art shouldn’t be this ugly!”

Eliana just ignored what the passers-by were saying. However, Maurice couldn’t ignore it.

He caught up with her, took off his coat which was slightly cleaner than hers on hers, and draped it over her shoulders.

“I don’t want to wear it! I don’t need your hypocritical care. Besides, your coat is also dirty. Take it off me,” Eliana protested, even though the coat made her feel warm.

However, Maurice ignored what she said and stopped her from taking off the coat. Then, he put his arm around her shoulder.

“Since my coat is dirty, let’s go to the mall to buy some new clothes,” he said casually.

“I don’t want new clothes. I want to go home!”

Eliana refused again.

“Well, you might not need new clothes, but I do. You were the one who got my clothes dirty, remember?”

Hearing Maurice blaming her, Eliana was so angry that she didn’t even know what to say.

She was also too exhausted emotionally to argue with him now, so he forcibly took her to the nearest shopping mall.


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