The Adorable Twins and Their CEO Daddy

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Chapter 484

Maurice’s sudden appearance caused an audible gasp from everyone.

What was he doing here?

Wasn’t he supposed to take Harriet to the hospital?

As Eliana gazed at Maurice, she felt conflicted.

“Grandpa, I can’t let you take her away today.”

Maurice walked towards Eliana and stood before her to protect her.

His grandson had just come, but he was so concerned for Eliana. Earle’s earlier hesitation dissipated, and his dissatisfaction with Eliana grew.

“You’ve lost your mind! Are you obsessed with her?”

Earle was so angry that he didn’t even raise his cane. Instead, he lifted a hand and slapped Maurice hard across the face.

A red fingerprint marked the side of Maurice’s face where he was struck.

Maurice chose to stay silent. He would rather bear his grandfather’s wrath than watch Eliana get taken away.

Eliana’s heart ached when she saw Maurice get hit.

Again, he was hit by his grandfather because of her.

“Are you done taking your anger out on me? I have to take Eliana away.”

Maurice stood in front of Eliana like a knight in shining armor.

“No! You cannot take her away!” Earle trembled with fury as he said, “This woman is a plague! I need to take her to the police station, so she can get the punishment that she deserves!”

Earle then ordered his men to seize her.

“Wait a minute!” Maurice immediately put a hand up to stop them. He looked over at Earle and said, “Grandpa, are you sure you want to hand Eliana over to the police?”

“Of course! Are you still insisting on protecting her?” Earle hissed.

Maurice shook his head and replied, “My intention wasn’t to protect her. Think about it, Grandpa. If we handed her over to the police, our rivals would use this scandal to damage the reputation of the Moran family. And the cooperation between the Stone family and our family will also be affected. There’s nothing we could do to stop them if that happened.”

Maurice’s words found their mark.

Earle wasn’t concerned for Eliana, but he was worried about the Moran family.

Although it angered him to admit, Maurice had a point.

He couldn’t bring Eliana to the police, but he couldn’t let her go either.

If he allowed Maurice to take Eliana away, that woman would continue brainwashing him.

As the matter was reaching a stalemate, Gerald suddenly appeared.

“Dad, I overheard the conversation. Since you’re unsure what to do next, why don’t we take Eliana to my place for now? You wouldn’t have to worry about the Moran family’s reputation or Maurice running off with her. What do you think?”

“I can’t let that happen!”

As soon as Gerard finished speaking, Maurice immediately refused his offer.

Gerald had always been unkind to Eliana. If he took Eliana away, she would be in danger!

Earle considered Gerald’s offer for a moment before he said, “That seems like a reasonable idea.”

“What if I refuse to hand her over to him?” Maurice countered.

Earle was running out of patience. He threatened, “If you refuse one more time, I’ll hand her over to the Stone family. I’m sure she will be miserable there!”

“Maurice, please hand her over to me. This is the best solution for everyone. You wouldn’t want Miss Pierce to fall into the hands of the Stone family, would you?”

A smug smile appeared on Gerald’s face.

Maurice’s eyes narrowed at him, and his expression became cold.

When the two men locked eyes, the atmosphere in the room suddenly felt tense.

All of a sudden, Eliana spoke up. She hadn’t said a word before that moment.

“I agree!” She stepped out from behind Maurice and said, “I’ll go with you!”


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