The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 180 - 500,000 Year Old Stone

Chapter 180 - 500,000 Year Old Stone

"What is that..." Staff Li could not help but be shocked no matter how hard he tried to stop himself. His eyes were locked onto the shining stone in front of him.

"As I thought..." Owner Bu gulped a mouthful of saliva as he realized that he was never wrong with his intuition, "I did not even recognize that stone easily even with my mystic eyes, yet this young man did it as if it was just a stroll in the park." josei

Of course, everyone around was also shocked when they saw this. After all, who would think that such a scrap stone would produce something like this? Even Lang Zing's stone was crippled in helplessness!

Lang Zing could not help but tremble. Beads of sweats started to run down his pale white face. It was as if all the blood in his head was zapped out of him. However, he gritted his teeth and did not let anyone manage to catch a glimpse of this as he gave all his strength to return his usual posture. Although he was feeling a bad premonition because of this, he refused to back and believed that his stone was still the winner.

Zin Shi's eyes widened in surprise as she subconsciously put her hands on her mouth to cover. She was looking at the square-shaped golden-yellowish stone with sparkling effects on it. To add more compliment, the smell of this stone was pretty good as if it was a drug. After calming herself down, she looked at Jin Rou and smiled to herself... saying that Jin Rou would never fail, that's right. She never had regretted betting on Jin Rou. In fact, even Jin Rou had lost, she would not regret it. After all, she did this in her own accord.

"Li, come with me and check the stone ourselves." Owner Bu got up from his seat and said, "We need to personally see what kind of stone had emerged in this kind of scrap stones."

"Yes!" Staff Li said as he followed suit.


"This Little Friend here..." Owner Bu called out to Jin Rou, "May I know if you know this stone?"

He already had checked the stone, and could not help but be in more shock as he knew the shocking information about this stone.

"Yes, Owner Bu." Jin Rou answered politely, "This is 500,000-year-old Golden Kimera Stone. This stone is used for creating Immortal Emperor Armaments, but since this stone is very rare when an armament created from the Golden Kimera Stone appeared, the price is very high that it might reach the Outer Heaven."

"I can't help but be in awe for you." Owner Bu clapped his hands in admiration and said, "You really know what is this stone." He knew this stone already, so he could tell that Jin Rou's statements were correct and proved.

"That's nothing." Jin Rou smiled. After a while, he looked at Lang Zing and said, "You already know who's the winner. The gap between us is more than given."

"Ah..." Lang Zing's face got paler as his hair was turning gray, "How is this possible..."

Everyone's mouth was shut. Mockery and jeers? It could no longer be heard. In fact, all of them wore a very dark expression. As if they want to bury themselves in shame.

All of them were slapped in the face. And no one had the power to rebuke this. After all, Jin Rou had shown his skills. Just by the cutting technique, they already knew that this young man was a hidden expert disguising himself as someone young.

"What, want to say anything?" Jin Rou chuckled, "Truth be told, as you are familiar with me, I don't want you to be imprisoned because of me. Just say if you will renege the promise or not. I really don't care."

Seeing how hard he face-slapped everyone present here, Jin Rou could not help but feel happy like he was riding a cloud nine.

"Renege? Renege your grandfather, I!" Lang Zing said in infuriation. Although he knew that he lost the game and had been face-slapped, how could he renege from his words? In their territory, power is power. He took a deep breath and said, "As I already said that, I will no longer find any excuses and just be done with it."

"You're really going to do it, Youngmaster Lang?' Staff Li said as his face filled with worry. As a prideful man like Lang Zing, how could he swallow anger just by this? He found this very weird, or was it his intuition?

"Of course. Who do you think I am? I am Lang Zing! I will never renege on my word. Since I said it, I will not change it." Lang Zing took a deep breath and slowly stepped forward towards Jin Rou.

Jin Rou was stupefied by this sudden action, why would this skinny youngmaster rather do something impossible. For all this time, he met arrogant youngmasters and people who loved to renege on their promise. This was the first time he saw someone on his knees, in front of someone.

"I am very sorry. Please accept my apology. You can do whatever you want with me. Just don't let my parents in the sect know my secret location." Lang Zing immediately got on his knees and stupefied everyone to such an utmost extent!

After which, he kowtowed three times and was about to lick Jin Rou's boot when Jin Rou said, "No need."

"But I... lost." Lang Zing's arrogance was no longer to be found as if it just vanished. He was now like a helpless puppy amidst in the rain pouring on him.

"Your bravery is already more than enough for it. So no need to mention it." Jin Rou's impression with this youngmaster raised a bar higher. After all, With worlds full of spoiled and arrogant youngmasters, how rare it would be to find a cultivator who could hold the promise like him.

Lang Zing's eyes sparkled as if he found the shiniest star that the universe could offer. He looked at Jin Rou with full of admiration and dedication. It seemed like he was never an enemy of Jin Rou before. It seemed all the quarrels were buried alive.

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