The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 229 - Cornered

Chapter 229 - Cornered

Seeing the thunder dragon looking at her with killing intent, Yanlu Rou chuckled, "A while ago, you have been holding back your strength, perhaps afraid that you will destroy the barrier itself which you created to protect the mortals living here. But now, using the Rou Thunder Style Sixth Motion: Thunder Death Dragon, it seems like you are now taking things with full power, yes Jin'er?"

That was indeed true. Jin Rou used the Rou Thunder Style attacks during the previous battle, but it was not any of the motions of the thunder style as he was afraid that it would destroy the world. If that happened, he would be crying blood unstoppable. josei

"It's true that this is the Thunder Death Dragon. But I already calculated the strength and that would not destroy even half of this world with this barrier, at least." Jin Rou said.

"Very well, my grandson." Yanlu Rou smiled and opened her arms, "Show me the power of the greatest genius our Rou Celestial Family have!"

Jin Rou did not say anything as he gestured the dragon.

"Raaaaaah!" The thunder dragon roared and dashed towards Yanlu Rou with an amazing speed. It carried an unstoppable momentum as if it was about to raze everything to the ground!

"Jin'er, since you are serious about injuring me severely, I could not help but be sad." Yanlu Rou showed the face of a broken-hearted grandma who was wronged. However, her expression changed, in a split second, into something of a vicious then said, "Thus, don't blame me if I spank you hard! Rou Ice Style, Third Variation: Unbreakable Castle Of The Everlasting Void!"

"Waaaaaam!" The void shook violently. The sun lost its shine as it hid behind the clouds as if it was feeling intimidated and afraid. The gravity was reversed and all of the people around the Dual Doves Mountain Range were affected. Falling to the sky, literally!

Soon, a majestic and colossal castle that was made of ice appeared. It stood in front of Yanlu Rou as if it was a guard protecting its master.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The thunder dragon clashed with the ice castle and created terrifying explosions all around. It thought that with its power, it could afford to ignore the castle and just break it. However, it discovered that he was stuck outside of the palace and its momentum vanished. This castle was seemed impregnable!

"Rou Ice Style, Third Variation..." Of course, Jin Rou knew the value and how strong this third variation was. He could not help but frown.

Unbreakable Castle Of The Everlasting Void was one of the most powerful defense techniques that the Rou Celestial Family have, currently. Although it was one of the most powerful defense, in fact, it was the last of the rankings if we were to be honest. But this technique was the leading powerful defense if it's in the rankings of the Rou Ice Style Variations.

And Jin Rou, of course, had learned this technique. In fact, he had already learned all the Rou Styles available in the Celestial Library that only the Rou members had the access to.

Now that his grandma had released this ice castle, it would be hard for him to destroy it unless he used most of his strength. And if he used more strength, it would undoubtedly break the barrier and it might affect the people near them. No, it would really affect them and perhaps, many lives would be lost. And this was what Jin Rou did not want to happen.

Jin Rou was in a dilemma. For the first time of his life, he experienced such a pinch. His father, Fan Rou, had also fought with him in the past. Yet, if we were to compare Fan Rou and Yanlu Rou, the latter was way terrifying than the former!

What should he do? Breaking in into the sect with brute strength to save his friends was out of the question now that his grandma had released a formidable defense. Besides, even without the castle, Yanlu Rou was more than enough to be the defense herself. Release a technique stronger than the thunder dragon? Of course, he could. Only if he did not care about the lives of the living around them. If he was a heartless king, perhaps he had done it already to save his friends. But he was not. Although he was arrogant and cold-hearted when it came to his enemies, that attitude only applied to his enemies only.

But if he kept thinking about the well-being of the mortals, then his friends would die in their place. After all, the vital signs of his friends were weakening and weakening to the point that he could only faintly feel them. He could only save one and he needed to be heartless to the other. That's why he was currently in a pinch, unable to decide.

Jin Rou was always a decisive person. But this time, he did not know what to do at all.

If it was his father, the former Celestial King, what would he choose? Jin Rou thought that his father would also be undecided like him. But he was wrong as Fan Rou, as the Celestial King, already knew what he should do.

Yanlu Rou was enjoying this expression of this grandson of hers. As a grandmother who loves his grandson so much, she could not bear to hurt physically Jin Rou. If she really wanted to, there were many times that she could have done it. In fact, the previous attacks she made were precisely calculated according to Jin Rou's capabilities. Thus, she decided to attack Jin Rou mentally.

Besides, she wanted to see how would her grandson overcome this. Would he choose to use his real strength to save his friends and let the mortals be affected and die, or would he choose to do nothing and watch his friends die in order not to affect the innocent mortals who did not know what's happening?

Jin Rou remained silent for a while.

After which, the wind's direction suddenly changed. And Jin Rou's aura had completely changed into something else.

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