The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 314 - Exam

Chapter 314 - Exam

Teacher Song stared back at Xiu'er and met his eyes. He could see the determination and perseverance of this child. Those eyes that looked like it would devour him if he didn't agree.

"Very well." Teacher Song impression for this kid shot up a notch and said, "Follow me. You will take the exam there."

Soon, the two entered the cube.


"Please wait for me. I'm going to attend some business matters." Teacher Song excused himself and went through a door.

Inside the cube was a very minister-like office with tons of documents on top of the table. The jewels and structures of this place were top-grade, for sure.

Along the way, Xiu'er had stumbled upon a book called, 'Dao Basics'. He immediately picked it up and sat where the examinees supposed to sit and scanned through the pages while Teacher Song was still doing something.

Though the Dao Basics book was a book that he was very familiar with and in fact, memorized it already, he still read it through to remember the superficial ones.

Then after scanning the contents, he put it on the table in a manner as if he was carrying a fragile diamond, afraid that it would be broken for the slightest break.

Xiu'er observed his surroundings more. The place was very formal, with tidy things put in place in a clean manner.

"This place doesn't look like an examination place. Not even a bit." Xiu'er commented, "Not to mention, there are treasures here too. What are these for? To tempt people?"

The treasures inside this place was very tempting, indeed. After all, any cultivators would immediately recognize how valuable these were. Not to mention students, even progenitors might be tempted.

On the left side of this place was a large shelf of book, it all about the dao, the basics, profundity and so on.

"Did I take too long?" Teacher Song walked over and sat opposite to Xiu'er with the table as their in-between, "I have to deal with someone so I wasn't able to meet you immediately."

"It's okay, Teacher." Xiu'er smiled and said, "So how can I take the exam?"

"Before that, I would like to ask questions first." Teacher Song crossed his arms and said, "Your name?"

"I am called Xiu'er." Xiu'er answered.

"Where are you from?"

"I..." Xiu'er wanted to say his origin. However. He changed his mind and said, "I am from the True Dragon Clan."

"Oh? A dragon?" Teacher Song was a bit surprised, "It has been ages since the last dragon enrolled in our academy. After all, they have already established a school for dragons, only."

Xiu'er had also heard of that. However, he wasn't planning on enrolling there for now. The Academy of Chaos was on his priority list, if in case he failed here, then the dragon school would be his second choice.

Teacher Song observed Xiu'er more and more. Though the gaze he was emanating was like he was undressing Xiu'er, Xiu'er couldn't feel any uncomfortable sensation.

"A pureblood and an Awakened?" Teacher Song's eyes widened in surprise, "At a tender age, you have already successfully awakened?" josei

"I just awakened days ago." Xiu'er replied honestly. With the glowing eyes of the teacher, he knew it was impossible to lie upfront.

Being a pureblood wasn't as shocking as being awakened at such a very young age. Remember, the younger generation of the dragons only go through awakening stage when they turned 15.

But Xiu'er, this kid in front of him, was already an awakened! It just meant that he could already transform and show the true might of a dragon.

'This kid was a pure talent. The true definition of talent.' This was what the teacher thought. Any school would accept him immediately if they know the background and talent of this child.

With the eyes that could see through everything, Teacher Song knew that this kid was the real deal. In the future, if nothing happened, he would surely stand at the peak of this world. Perhaps, even become one of the celestial generals of the overlords of this universe!

"I see..." Teacher Song nodded, "Then last question."


"What is a dao for you?" Teacher Song asked.

"..." Hearing this question puzzled Xiu'er for a moment. However, he still answered according to his beliefs and knowledge, "Dao is arduous, yet peaceful. I strive for the dao not because it can bring me power, but it can bring me peace. It's lonely, yet lively."

"…" It was now the Teacher Song's turn to be speechless. He was surprised to hear such profound answer from a child! He stared at Xiu'er for a few more seconds before clearing his throat to escape awkwardness.

Then, he said, "You have such a profound explanation for the dao. It's amazing."

Teacher Song just praised Xiu'er. Take note, this teacher's praise was difficult as hell to be earned. Only exceptional and good students of his could earn it.

But now, Xiu'er just got it right from the start.

"I don't deserve such praise." Xiu'er remained humble despite being praised.

"Okay, you passed." Teacher Song smiled and said.

"Huh?" Xiu'er was a bit confused of what was happening.

"You have passed the test." Teacher Song stretched his right hand and said, "Congratulations, and welcome to the Academy of Chaos. Your class will be announced tomorrow, so check it in the morning."

"Wait..." Xiu'er had so many questions he wanted to ask, but all remained in his throat. Thus, he shook his hands with the teacher in resignation. Afterwards, he was escorted out of the cube without giving him a chance to ask for an explanation.

"That's one interesting fellow." When Teacher Song sat back again, a figure appeared. It was an old woman with gray hair. There's a fair trace of beauty in her face, wearing a kimono-style robe, "But I thought you won't accept dragons again?"

There was a teasing tone in the old woman's tone.

"He isn't as arrogant as those dragons who tried to enroll in the past." Teacher Song explained, "All I can see in his eyes is an undying determination to reach the summit of the dao."

"So you accepted him because of his answer to your last question?" The old woman asked with curiosity.

"That's just a part of it." Teacher Song answered.

"Oh?" The old woman's interest was piqued, "What is it, then?"

"You guess. What could it be?" Teacher Song wasn't planning on answering.

After all, the main reason involved the book named, "Dao Basics".

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