The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 316 - Green-haired Woman

Chapter 316 - Green-haired Woman

"..." Jin Rou was surprised to hear this. He couldn't help but praise the of the party, "You have an amazing eyes."

"So I assume that my words are accurate and correct." Dei smiled, "I don't deserve such praise from someone like you, friend."

Though Dei knew that Jin Rou was an expert, it didn't mean that he would change his honorifics. Thus, he continued using 'friend' to call Jin Rou, which the latter didn't mind at all. In fact, Jin Rou preferred this as it wasn't too awkward.

Xiu'er, who was listening by the side, couldn't help but widen his mouth in surprise. Although he knew that Jin Rou was powerful, he didn't imagine that his power amounted to this unprecedented level.

Now, he was very sure that Jin Rou didn't originate from here. He might be from the Rou Celestial Realm, where the overlord resided. Furthermore, one more thing that pushed him into this kind of conclusion was that Jin Rou didn't know the basic knowledge of this world.

"To have such a Eyes of Truth from such an age. Not to mention, the difficulty of learning this system. Even the full manual of this system is high as the world only has three copies." Jin Rou smirked and looked at Dei.

"..." Dei couldn't help but feel a shudder. Jin Rou had seen him through! He already used the maximum capacity of his eyes to block outer prowess. But the latter had still pierce through.

Take note, his eyes were very precious. Even the big forces would be willing to pay a price to get it!

Dei was pretty confident of his skills, especially when it came to offensive capabilities against his eyes. Yet, he didn't even have the chance to fight back as everything was seen through him. How couldn't it make him terrified?

"While you really have an amazing eyes, it doesn't give me any reason to get it. So don't worry." Jin Rou chuckled.

Dei was sweating profusely. He got what Jin Rou was trying to say. 'Doesn't give me any reason' had already told him everything. If ever he did something funny, his eyes were doomed.

Thus, all his plots against Jin Rou had been thrown by the window. The risk was too high and he wasn't willing to take the risk just for a pesky minimum chance of success.

"Alright, I give up." Dei shrugged his shoulders in resignation.

"Good." Seeing that Dei had taken his hint, Jin Rou nodded in satisfaction. The other party wasn't really dumb at all. If he was, he would never had reached this stage in his life, "Then I suggest you to leave before I change my mind, yes?"

"Of course, of course. I won't trouble you any longer, friend. See you around." Dei immediately went off with these departing words. It looked like he was really intimidated by Jin Rou that he wasn't even talking about karmic cycle now.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Dei, Jin Rou looked at Xiu'er and said, "Let's go and prepare for your classes tomorrow."


Next morning. Jin Rou was tagging along with Xiu'er to the academy until to the classroom that was designated for the child.

Xiu'er was in the Special Class. It was the top class of all levels in the Academy of Chaos. The order of classes were Human, Earth, Heaven, and Special. Human as the lowest class and Special as the highest class.

Of course, this was to be expected. After all, Teacher Song had thought highly of the child, so getting into the top class wasn't a difficult task at all.

Since Xiu'er was attending classes, Jin Rou decided to walk around the academy. He had at most three days that he could stay and be with Xiu'er here. If in case Xiu'er wanted to stay here for a while, he would send a message to give the dragon clan a heads up about this, albeit he didn't know what would their reactions if their future hope was a student of a school they loathe so much.

The academy was relatively huge. In fact, huge was such an underestimation. Jin Rou had already walked for almost 50 kilometers yet the end of this school couldn't still be seen. With tall and sky-piercing buildings around the place, the academy looked like a place of heavenly cultivators. josei

With many twists and turns, Jin Rou had reached a place where a green garden was located. Above the greeneries of this place were tons of different kinds of flowers. Rose, tulips, and many other normal flowers could be seen here.

"This place is very comforting." Jin Rou inhaled and exhaled, feeling the vibe of this place. It was very comforting in his feeling. He even planned to take a nap here while waiting for Xiu'er.

However, just when he was about to walk towards a spot, a short dagger suddenly shot towards his direction in a very fast speed.

Of course, he easily dodged it and looked at the origin of the attack. There, he saw a woman with a black and green robe of combination. Her green hair was waving in the rythm of the wind. Her robe fluttered, dancing with the passing air. She looked like a fairy with her unnatural beauty. Not to mention, she also had an unfathomable cultivation to speak of!

To Jin Rou, this woman was just a level lower compared to Yuna Sierra.

"Attacking me without asking first? How rude." Jin Rou shook his head and smiled.

"Entering a place without permission, how rude of you too." The woman coldly said, "That dagger is a warning for you. So back off."

"A dagger which aimed at the heart as a warning? Your definition of the word is quite twisted." Jin Rou teased.

"If you're killed by that measly attack, then blame yourself for being weak." The woman refuted.

"Indeed, if I were killed by that measly attack coming from a measly person like you, it's a shame to be killed. I might not be able to pass on peacefully." Jin Rou laughed, teasing the woman.

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