The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 367 - Battle Against An Overlord

Chapter 367 - Battle Against An Overlord

Jin Rou sent millions of sword arcs when he saw that his attack was easily deflected.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The arcs had a speed faster than light with an unstoppable momentum.

"Activate!" The overlord could feel the intensity of this power and he immediately activated all his defensive barriers. A giant black wall appeared from below and pierced through to this clouds.

"Boom! Boom! Bang! Bang!" The sword arcs attacked the thick black wall and gave it a barrage of attacks that shook the entire world. The void lost its place and the sky turned gray right at this moment.

"Crack!" After several seconds of that attack, a small crack appeared out of the wall which alarmed the overlord greatly.

"Wham!" Then, he channeled enough qi to stabilize the wall. After which, the crack disappeared slowly.

"My turnt. Open!" Now that the attack was finished, the overlord decided to initiate the attack. Then, a large gate appeared above his head and turned upside down which revealed a big golden and blackened plate.

"No laws, the rule of darkness!" The overlord roared at the top of his lungs and the plate shined brightly that it blinded even Jin Rou's sight. Then, invisible hands came running towards Jin Rou with concealed presences. Each hand held a great power of the world and its dark essences.

"Stabilize!" Jin Rou, of course, had seen these hands and immediately stabilized his bearing and created a stockpiled lightning barriers to protect himself.

"Useless." The overlord smiled and said.

Then, the hands which should be stopped by the barriers easily slipped through it. It was like that even the barriers couldn't detect it presence though the person itself could. josei

"Whoosh!" Jin Rou was alarmed. He stepped back and sidewards in order to evade the hands. However, the hands seemed to be a missile that wouldn't stop until they reached their target. Thus, Jin Rou had no choice but to run around and evade.

"Slash! Slash!" Jin Rou tried to slash the hands. However, even the sword couldn't touch it as it remained invisible.

The overlord was looking at this scene with utter seriousness. Although it looked like he had the advantage, Jin Rou hadn't yet to use all of his strength so he couldn't be careless or else his head might roll on the ground without knowing what happened.

However, if you would look at this spectacle carefully, anyone wouldn't believe that Jin Rou, a celestial king, would have a hard time fighting against someone below to him. After all, though the overlord had lived for billions of years now, the fact remained that he was still a bit weaker compared to the celestial family.

"This is tiring." Jin Rou stopped on his tracks and said.

"Hmm?" The overlord was confused what was Jin Rou trying to say.

Then, Jin Rou gathered enough power and raised his sword upwards. The world instantly changed its horizon and the sky turned bleak red.

"Three Slash Series, Sword's End!" Then, a violent and titanic sword arc made of black lightning instantly charged towards the overlord. It destroyed the passage, leaving a deep river-like pit going to the target.

"!" The overlord was surprised and immediately used the invisible hands to hold this attack for a while. However, the hands immediately disappeared upon contact which shouldn't have happened.

"Boom!" The overlord activated all of his defensive treasures on time. However, the attack had still reached him and threw him away violently, bumping onto the ancient tree behind.

"Grug!" The overlord puked black blood and knelt on the ground, chasing his breath.

"It's still not enough to kill you, huh?" Jin Rou thought that the first slash would be enough to kill the overlord just like when he used this against a transcendence. But to think that it would just make him puke blood and no serious injuries to be seen, it just proved how strong this old man was.

"But of course, Your Majesty." The overlord could still show a smile even after being injured, "I wouldn't be the founder of the darkness if I can be killed just like that."

Jin Rou agreed with this comment. It was natural that the overlord was just this strong. After all, it would shame his title as the overlord of darkness.

"What do you plan to do? What is your aim?" Jin Rou asked the two questions that popped up from his head.

The old man had lived for so long now like his grandparents. So his dao must be perfect already and just needed time to manually breakthrough to the zenith realm.

"A new world, Your Majesty." The old man sighed and looked up into the far horizon, "That is what I want."

His eyes flashed with the power of the worlds and showed his determination to pursue this.

"A new world, you mean you want to recreate this world?" Jin Rou asked.

"Indeed. A major and historical change here in God's Realm. And in the far future, the whole universal change." The overlord smiled.

"You are too ambitious." Jin Rou sneered, "I can take that world change you are talking but a universal change? Why, do you plan on taking the position of our family?"

"With dao, everything is possible, Your Majesty. As the adage says, life is like a wheel. You might be in the lower part, however, time will come that you will rise to the highest part." The overlord shared his thoughts.

"As long as our family is living, your darkness will remain just a simple darkness that needed to be eradicated." Jin Rou said with a cold tone.

"That's why I'm taking this world first, to establish my dominance, Your Majesty." The overlord smiled and showed no signs of getting affected by Jin Rou's words.

This calm disposition of the overlord could surely win anyone with awe and admiration, only if he wasn't the darkness itself.

"Keep dreaming." Jin Rou chuckled, "Your dream will remain a dream, as long as I'm alive."

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