The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 393 - So Many Ways To Make You Sing

Chapter 393 - So Many Ways To Make You Sing


Demure didn't answer the question, once again. It seemed like he would be hard-headed about this. However, it was understandable. Because as a loyal member of their clan, he wasn't willing to expose any secrets that might be detrimental to their journey towards domination.

"You really don't want to speak up?" Dan Rou smirked and said, "You see, I have so many ways to make you sing the canary. I wonder if you would like to try?"

Hearing this, Demure's body flinched. He didn't want to be the reason why their plans would be spoiled. However, what was his chance of getting back at Dan Rou? It was zero. The difference in power was too obvious that he needed no calculations or whatsoever.

"We're saved..." Syni Su felt like she escaped death by a narrow margin as she slumped down to the ground, sighing in relief. She thought she was going to die here. But in actuality, she didn't care at all if she would die here. She was more worried to Jin Rou as he faced Demure a while ago. She felt like thousands of thorns were piercing her heart the more that she see Jin Rou being hurt.

"Yes, we are." Jin Rou looked at the lady in front of him with indescribable emotions. He immediately grabbed a coat in his space and covered Syni Su. The temperature here was getting lower, so it was getting colder and colder.

"Thank you." Syni Su spoke in a calm and grateful tone. She was truly cold and she didn't bring anything to cover her body during this time. Thus, Jin Rou's act of grace saved her the trouble of asking.

"No, it should be me who must be thankful." Jin Rou sighed and said, "You really helped me a lot this time. And though we almost died here, the fact that you played a major role was undeniable."

It was true. While Jin Rou had done his part, Syni Su had done more than her part as well. When Jin Rou felt the the ground was shaking when they were still above, he immediately sent his coordinates to his uncle in any case that they couldn't get out themselves.

And that proved to be the best thing he did so far. After all, their enemies were far greater than expected. He could have a chance to defeat Demure, but it would cost him so much that he couldn't almost bear. Thankfully, Dan Rou came at the right time and saved him.

"..." Syni Su was speechless and didn't know what to say. She didn't expect that she would receive such a heart-warming words from Jin Rou. After all, he remained cold and distant during their meeting a while ago. She wanted to say something, but her shyness covered her mind and in the end, she just nodded.

Jin Rou smiled when he saw this. Then, looked at his uncle who was torturing the devil with his undesired methods.

Dan Rou was disrupting the dao waves of Demure by giving opposite and stronger waves. It meant that two waves were counterflowing, creating a disturbance in the body.

"You..." Demure wanted to curse Dan Rou who was doing something to his body hidden by his eyes. He could only feel an excruciating pain that tear all of his organs. He wanted to scream, but it seemed that his high voice was trapped into something.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning of your pain." Dan Rou laughed and sat beside the devil, "The more this takes longer, the more it would be more painful to you. Without the ability to scream or shout, just how long can you last?"

He paused for a second and added, "Of course, if you are willing to talk, then you can rest assured that you wouldn't suffer anymore."

"Do you think I'm dumb enough to believe your words?" Demure was gritting his teeth in pain, he couldn't understand this type of pain, but it was very very painful to the extreme.

"You have no choice but to believe me. I'm holding you life, so what can you do about it?" Dan Rou provoked the devil.

Demure didn't speak anymore. The pain was already taking all over his body that he felt that he would be numb. However, he still wanted to bury the secrets to his grave. As a loyal servant of the emperor, he wouldn't betray the clan so that he could save himself.

"This is taking so long." Dan Rou was getting impatient and his voice turned cold, "Since you don't want to sing, then I'll make you."

He stretched his hand to the forehead of the devil and a light came from it.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Then, Demure, who couldn't scream from pain a while ago, screamed like a mad beast that was going to die. He felt like his head was being tore apart by a massive force and an alien force was trying to get every nerves he got.

"Fucker!!" Demure cursed out and felt that every information was being sucked from his head. He wanted to kill himself immediately but he couldn't. In fact, from the very start, killing himself was no longer possible as Dan Rou prevented him from doing it.

"I told you, right? I have many ways to make you sing the canary. You think that you are so powerful just because you have attained that position in your clan? And, you wanted to remain loyal?" Dan Rou laughed and said, "I'm sorry, but in front of me, you are just an ant that can be squished."

"Boom!" After that, Demure's head exploded and his body was the only part left. The red color returned to jet-black and finally turned to gray. After a few seconds, it became ashes that turned left and right by the wind of this abyss.

Demure has died. But it wasn't the end.

"Jin'er, prepare yourself." Dan Rou carefully analyzed the information he got and his face got very serious, "We need to rush over to the palace before it's too late."

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