The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 397 - Shila Su VS. Rol

Chapter 397 - Shila Su VS. Rol

"I am Rol, the first devil general of the emperor. It is my pleasure to fight you, Sir Shila." Rol's respective attitude shocked the crowd, "However, though I am very honored, only one of us shall remain standing. If ever I die, it's my incompetence to blame."

"Indeed, only one of us will live here." Shila Su bent his knees and charged forward, "And that will be me!" josei

"Boom!" Shila Su threw a violent punch that sucked the surrounding force dry. The punch contained the power of the colossals as it rampaged, passing through the voids.

"Bang! Clang!" Rol circulated his spear and did a fan-like maneuver. Then, it released wall force that was capable of contending against everything. The punch of his enemy directly hit the wall force and forced him back.

Rol wanted to initiate the attack this time. However, Shila Su wasn't done yet as he immediately gave a barrage of punches against the wall. Not just that, the punches getting stronger the more it couldn't hit the target.

"Bang! Bang! Rumble!" The wall force was greatly shaken and could almost break in a matter of short time. Thus, Rol didn't hesitate to revitalize it. But it was useless. The attacks didn't stop there and was about to really break the wall force.

"Activate!" So, Rol got on his spear, which was floating, and rode it and strode towards the enemy with a momentum. He was able to slip pass through the wall and the punches.

Shila Su was surprised to see that Rol was taking a counter attack this time. And seeing that the devil had easily pass through, he immediately backed off to buy his some time to cast his system.

"Enlarge." Shila Su could see the beam of the spear coming in his way. So, he didn't hold back and enlarged his fist to the maximum extent, "Die!"

"Boom!" However, Rol just pierced through his fist, creating a massive explosion of blood in all places.

"Agh!" Shila Su almost screamed in pain. But he managed to hold it back. His eyes were filling with surprise after surprise. This devil was just a general, how could he be this powerful to even injure Shila Su? Take note, colossals have an inborn body of the hardest steel. So it was pretty impossible for Shila Su to be injured until blood flowed everywhere.

Yanlu Rou was also surprised. To think that this devil general was stronger even if they added all their celestial generals present here! Perhaps, only Grenas' and Yuna Sierra's combined power might be able to contend against him.

Now, she was starting to worry. They might not exhaust their military power, but if ever their group lose a single zenith, then it would be more difficult to cope up. Especially those who were foreigners.

Keisa Su wanted to shout but she held it back. She was deeply worried for her husband and wanted to rush over. But she knew it was impossible because of the universal law present.

Shila Su might have felt Keisa's stare and looked back at her with a smile. He was telling her that she didn't need to worry at all because it was just a minor injury. After a minute, it would be healed instantly.

"Sir Shila, while you are in a fight, never lose your eyes from your enemy. Because your enemy might be despicable enough to land a hit on you unknowingly." Rol calmly stated, "However, since I respect you, I don't need to do such a thing."

Shila Su sneered. Don't need to do such a thing? So, in a desperate situation, he would do so? He couldn't help but laugh inside him.

"It's been a while since I fought someone of your caliber." Shila Su's arm had healed fully and he did a stretching, "It looks like you devils have improved greatly. So I guess, I have no choice but to take this very seriously."

"Dugsh!" Then, Shila's entire person was getting larger and larger as his muscles were bulging and bulging as if it was about to explode.

Then, Shila enlarged to a 30 feet tall man. He was excluding an aura of dominance in this arena as he looked down on the devil. With this state, all of his attributes, both attack and defense had increased by at least threefold in a generous estimation.

Rol gripped his spear tightly. He knew that it was coming right away. The enemy had used everything he got and he needed to fight against him. It was very thrilling inside him. As a devil general, he had dreamt of fighting against celestial families and dominate them! Luckily for him, the emperor had used a stage which he could show off his capabilites. Thus, his gratefulness were overflowing.

Then, his spear got larger too, and was long enough to cover half of the arena. It was his prized treasure and he wasn't willing to use this to such an extent. But he had no choice either. It's a do or die battle, and only one of them must be alive to and one must be killed.

"Hah!" Rol howled and activated all his buffs that he could use. He even used a system that could only be used once per three days. Now, the spear was glowing black and was ready to take any enemies on.

"Ksssssh!" Shila Su half knelt down and grabbed a piece of the land of the arena. Then, he charged forced backwards and thew it towards Rol! Though it was just simple stones, it was strengthened by Shila Su's colossal force and became meteors coming the enemy's way!

"Hah!" Rol braced himself and pierced through his black spear towards the incoming meteor-like showers. Massive explosions were all around the place as the place was almost destroyed if not for the universal laws active here. Truly, his enemy had lived up to his reputation. Though he had managed to deflect the stones, it injured him him as his right arm was almost severed.

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