The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 408 - Renege

Chapter 408 - Renege

The match was over. It was Xu Rou's overwhelming victory. In fact, she didn't even sweat a bit though she was a bit exhausted. Of course, it wasn't an easy win at all as she expended so much effort to overpower the enemy.

But what's important now, was that she won and their family had already won.

Xu Rou stepped out of the arena and returned to her family's side. She was met with Fan Rou's warm gaze with a compliment, "Not only you become prettier, you become stronger too."

Feeling the loving gaze of her husband, she almost choke and pushed him, "Stop it. It's not the time for that. Wait until we find Jin'er."

As a mother, she wasn't feeling any better as her son was still missing. Who knows what happened to him? Thus, she was taking her son as the priority.

Fan Rou smiled and nodded. Of course, he knew this. He was just trying to tease her.

After a few minutes of silence, Yanlu Rou looked at the unmoving emperor on his throne and said coldly, "The match has been settled and it is our win already. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"..." The emperor didn't answer.

Being ignored, Yanlu Rou almost became agitated and wanted to lash out. But Lao Rou stopped her, "Yanlu, enough. It is his loss already, what can he possibly do about it?"

"You don't know that, Lao." Yanlu Rou refuted, "They are the devils we are talking about. Do you think they will stand idly just because they lost? I'm telling you, I don't know what he will do, but he will do something about this for sure."

Yanlu Rou had been feeling this since the time they landed here. Her guts never failed her and she knew that something was about to happen.

"So all of you, be careful." Yanlu Rou warned her family, "Don't let your guard down even for a split second."

Lao Rou had nothing to say this. As a matter of fact, he was also aware of this. But he just wanted to make him believe himself that it wouldn't happen. After all, a cornered rat was very dangerous.

A long silence had passed. The universal law was now standing in the middle of the two groups. As expected, it favored the Rou family according to the rules.

However, just when the rewards were about to be announced, the emperor suddenly spoke after a long while with a cold tone, "Ah, this is nuts."

This is nuts? The family couldn't help but crease their brows. What was he talking about?

It has started. Yanlu Rou thought. She was already expecting this. For sure, it would be his retaliation. But what could he possibly do with a universal law present here?

"This is the worst scenario I possibly imagined and I never thought that it will really happen." The emperor stood and opened his arms, "But I am not willing to give out my universe. I am taking back my words."

The Rou family was flabbergasted. What was he trying to pull? This devil even dared to renege in front of the universal law!

Then, the universal law spoke as if it was a person with rage, "Preposterous! Who do you think a universal law is? Someone you can play around?"

"You are the universal law, the highest authority here. That's why I'm telling you that I am reneging. I don't wish for some aliens to take over my land." The emperor smirked and said.

"You are aware that you're going to die because of this, right?" The universal law spoke with a cold tone, "Not just that, perhaps half of your universe would be destroyed, killing hunded trillions of residents. Are you willing to really do it?"

This punishment was very heavy. Just hearing the words could make anyone flinch in terror. Who would dare to brace such consequences? Not only would the reneger would die, even those innocent devils there would be implicated and die without knowing what they did wrong.

Was it really worth it to renege against the universal law?

"Of course, I'm aware and willing." The devil emperor smiled and said, "Now, what are you waiting for? Give the punishment now. I'm waiting."

"Patrosh, you have gone mad to the extreme this time." Yanlu Rou couldn't help but comment about how atrocious their emperor was.

"Yanlu Rou, you know that we are both the same in this aspect. If you are in my position, you will clearly choose this too, won't you?" Patrosh laughed a bit.

"..." Yanlu Rou didn't comment on it. She just stared at the emperor with a killing intent. She might have buried it from the bottom of her heart, but she really thought that if ever worse came to worst, she was willing to trade her life and half of their universe as an exchange. In order not to let these devils rule around here!

After a while, the universal law had finally gave in and said, "Since you are adamant to renege and face this heavier consequence, who am I to intervene? But take note that your universe would no longer get the support of the universal laws as you clearly violated our rule."

"No problem." The emperor answered without hesitation.

"Very well, then accept your punishment, Patrosh Yi Madlas!" The universal law roared and spun overhead.

Then, the clouds turned very dark and circulated with the center of it above of the emperor. Thousand lightnings pierced the sky as if it was trying to tear it apart. It was powerful enough to half a world.

"Activate!" The emperor saw this and revealed a large book that was covering his head. It was black in color and was releasing heavy dark energy. Then, the book flipped rapidly as if it was skimming to the pages with a great speed.

"!" Seeing this, Yanlu Rou revealed a pale expression. She recognized this book very well, and now she knew what this devil was trying to do! josei

But not just that, the second true devil, Filar, had been devoured by the ancient book in a blink of an eye.

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