The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 411 - Old Master

Chapter 411 - Old Master

While Yanlu Rou was fighting against the emperor, Jin Rou and the company was stuck in a domain where all trees had been withered. However, it wasn't like they were there because they couldn't get out. It was more like there's a reason why they were there.

In a luxurious cave of this domain, everything inside was destroyed as if a battle that could threaten the whole multiverse happened. And then, there was a lying old man leaning on the wall. One look and you could determine that he was severely injured and it's only a matter of time before dying.

"Master!" Jin Rou rushed towards where the old man was. He had been called very urgent by this old man as if he was in his last breath. Thus, he didn't hesitate to go here, "What happened? Who did this to you?"

"My cute disciple... you are finally here. Cough cough!" The old man coughed out blood but felt relieved, "As you can see, I don't have much time left now because of those bastards who betrayed me."

No one, except Jin Rou, knew that he had a master, and a very strong master at that. This master had secretly stayed with him since he was still an infant, and took care of him in the dark. The old master thought Jin Rou almost all of his knowledge regarding the dao, thus Jin Rou grew up this strong already. Of course, talent took a major role but the old master's tutelage had the bigger role. Many people had thought that Jin Rou learned everything by himself since he was very talented. But little did they know, there were also some things that Jin Rou couldn't understand when he was younger, and that was where the old master thought him things.

For Jin Rou, this old master was his second father and this domain was one of his playgrounds in the past. Thus, seeing this person dear to him in this state, he felt so heartbroken.

Dan Rou had already had the gist of the situation. And excused himself together with the Su daughter. He wanted Jin'er to have an alone time with his master right now.

"Those who betrayed you..." Jin Rou thought of the possible persons involved, "Do you mean the other universal laws?"

In the whole multiverse, there were seven universal laws, and this old master was one of them. Take note, universal laws were the utmost peak and the strongest existence living in this multiverse. They had the authority to call zeniths upon their gust of choice and no one would dare to disobey him. josei

Who could severely injure a universal law? Of course, it should be the other laws. This was the most plausible conclusion he could make.

"You're right... it's them." The old master sighed and his expression was very sad, "I have known them for trillions of years now yet I didn't expect that they will do this to me. My long time friends have been tempted by power, even though they were already strong enough."

It turned out that even amongst the universal laws, there were still competition of who could be stronger than who and it didn't stop there. They still aimed to be strongest of all the universal laws out there.

"Ingrates..." Jin Rou knew who the old master was talking about. He was truly enraged as veins popped of his temples, "You took care of them and defended them like a big brother, yet all you got in return is this. They're seeking death!"

"Shh... child, calm down." The old master's breathing stabilized a bit. However, it was still rough as he didn't have much time left, "Even if you go now, you will be killed there immediately. Besides, your family is currently facing a devil with a power boosted by a universal law, so they are in a danger."

" ..." Jin Rou was stupefied. It looked like what his uncle had seen a while ago happened already. But he couldn't leave the old master like this. At least, he needed to find him a safe place to recuperate, "Master, I will go. So I need you take to a safe place..."

"My cute disciple, I am beyond saving. I know my body well." The old master shook his head with sadness, "But it's okay. I have lived for trillions of years now, so dying right now isn't a bad thing. Especially you are here."

He paused for a moment and looked at the ceiling of his cave, "You see, you are the only one who I took as a disciple, and though you have the right to seek for my power, you didn't do so. I am so proud of you, and never an ounce of regret that I can feel choosing you."

"..." Jin Rou didn't know what to say. However, he could feel that his eyes were warm and wet.

"But I have a favor to ask, as your master." The old master smiled and said weakly, "Please... take my inheritance. Use it to stop those ambitious bastards of doing something foolish. I'm already dying, and I couldn't do anything about it now. I also know that you don't want my power and want to live a normal life here, but I have no choice either. Apart from you, you are the only who I can trust."

Jin Rou was speechless. Indeed, the old master was right. If we're talking about the inheritance, Jin Rou wouldn't be willing. After all, he felt like once he accepted the power, there would be a large responsibility to shoulder since he's going to be the next universal law.

It was highly sought by many, but for Jin Rou, it was a very lonesome path.

"Master, rest assured. This disciple shall do as you wish." Jin Rou could feel that the old man's pulse was getting weaker. So, he gave his answer. He wanted the old man to leave the whole void in peace.

The old master smiled weakly but genuinely and touched Jin Rou's forehead and cheeks, "You have grown stronger even without my assistance, it's really when I met you that I was so happy..."

The older master closed his eyes with warm tears falling down his face, as his hand slumped down to the ground. His expression was very peaceful.

Jin Rou hugged the old master, with tears he forced not to stream a while ago, finally ran down his face.

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