The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 439 - The Extent Of His Power

Chapter 439 - The Extent Of His Power


Who could it be other than the Ice King himself? How could he win against someone who had already stepped in the realm of laws? The Ice Queen had seen everything and knew that it would be hopeless for the Ice King even from the start.

Seeing the man who adored her for so many years falling in death, she felt a bit of pang in her heart. Perhaps of the bond they created though she appeared distant, that's why. However, she didn't chase over his body to retrieve. She just let it be swallowed by the black sea with no depth. It was better that way, and their ties would end now.

Jin Rou had no expression to reveal or whatsoever. He was just staring at the place where the king had fallen. Of course, it was not for cautious reasons. He just wanted to know where the see would take the dead body.

Then, Jin Rou walked over to the youth, passing the Ice Queen like the wind and asked, "Say, if I want to have some exercise, what's the place you can recommend me here?"

"Exercise?" After a few seconds, the youth opened his eyes and smiled, "With your current power level, there is none here that could offer you the exercise you're asking for."

Hearing this, the Ice Queen almost jumped in fright. None here to challenge him? Did it mean that this average man could topple this whole place if he wanted to?

In fact, even the princess was surprised to hear this. She didn't know the extent of Jin Rou's power, but now she was having an outline! And the more she thought about it, the more it gave her shiver in her spine.

Is it possible that he is a...? The princess didn't dare to continue.

"Then anywhere is fine. Recommend me something. I was told that you only open this place after several years. So as a traveler, I want to make use well of this opportunity." Jin Rou said. At first, he was planning to leave this place immediately. But he changed his mind now.

"Alright then. Let me think about it." The youth laughed weakly. He knew he couldn't decline this young man's request and pondered for a while. After a minute or two, he then said, "How about the Raisla?"

"Raisla?" Jin Rou asked with an expression of he didn't know any detail about it.

"Raisla, you mean that Raisla which is a plateau in the clouds?" The princess asked with excitement.

"Miss, you know your stuff." The youth smiled, "That's right. Raisla Plateau to be exact, is what I'm suggesting. It is filled with challenges for certain and qualified cultivators and it is a training ground for them. Though I know it will be useless to you, it is the best place I could offer nearest to your interest."

"It's okay. I actually want to go to this place." Jin Rou said, "So how can I go there?"

"If you will take the manual route, it will be harder than hell since it's all about calculations of positions. But I have the gate here to get you there without hassle." The youth simply answered and clicked his fingers. Then, a normal gate appeared.

"This is the gate that will lead you there." The youth said.

"Thank you for the trouble." Jin Rou said with sincerity, "Then, I'll be leaving now. I hope to see you again sometime around."

"See you again, too." The youth smiled.

Afterwards, Jin Rou passed through the gate. The princess slowly walked over and when she was about to step in, she heard the youth saying something, "Beware of that man, Miss. That is someone even your Prime Family has to be worried about."

The princess was shaken, "You know my identity?"

"Of course. I'd be shaming other laws if I couldn't find out about your identity." The youth chuckled, "But bear my warning in your mind. That man is cold-hearted being that wouldn't bat an eye if he wants to kill. Furthermore, I can feel a deep hatred from him that directed towards you. I don't know if it's for you or your family though."

"Thank you for the warning, Law Anxiu." The princess cupped her fist in respect and gratitude. She was truly frightened and even thought of not going to follow him now. Still in the end, she braced herself. She was already in this position, might as well see it to the end.

"On the good note, I know that he is someone who will not kill those innocent. So if you don't do something to offend him, he wouldn't harm you." The youth gave her this last piece of information to calm her down.

The princess only nodded but she engraved it to her mind. Next, she stepped in into the gate.

Now, there's only two people left in this island. The youth and the queen. The latter didn't dare to make a sound, afraid that she would be killed if the youth found her annoying. After all, he was a law. What could she actually do against him?

"I know you want to ask something. Don't be so timid and ask away. I am not like that man a while ago, so don't worry." The youth laughed watching how silly the Ice Quee's expression was right now.

"I just want to ask... if that man... how powerful is he?" Since Jin Rou had left, there was no reason to hold back her curiosity now.

"As expected. You are also curious to what extent his power could actually reach, huh?" The youth smiled and answered, "Let me put it in the simplest terms we can both understand. If your master and him fight, your master can only last for at least 10-20 moves."

"!!!" The queen's body shook terribly as if it suffered a huge fright. This fact was so huge and terrifying that she couldn't absorb it quickly, "How is that possible? Master is a zenith with 12 crowns. It's just a matter of time before reaching the 13 crowns. How can that young man possibly defeat my Master with just a few moves?

"Xue Ziyan, I just answered your question truthfully. It is no longer my business if you don't believe me." The youth was obviously displeased because he was doubted.

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