The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 443 - Ice Queen Vs. Princess Shale

Chapter 443 - Ice Queen Vs. Princess Shale

The princess, who have been enjoying the show, was so surprised that her soul almost jumped exclaiming, "Me?"

The man named Jin Rou had just told her to fight against the Ice Queen, someone who was basically stronger than her! Although the princess was younger and more talented, the time wasn't enough yet to mature fully and contend against experts like the queen.

"Yes, you. You will fight against Xue Ziyan." Jin Rou smiled, "You have no use for me as of now and I can immediately dispose of you. But currently, you have the chance to redeem it."

Hearing the word dispose made the princess shudder. Could it be possible that Jin Rou was thinking of killing her? That's insane if that's the case!

Jin Rou looked Xue Ziyan and asked, "You have no problem with this condition, right?" josei

"Yes, Young Master. I'll do as you bid." For Xue Ziyan, this was a heaven sent chance. Jin Rou just wanted her to defeat that lady of unknown origins. She could feel that she was tad stronger than the lady so she was confident she could win. However, she was wondering why Jin Rou would rather use the weaker lady to fight against her?

It was what Master Xuyi was thinking too. Jin Rou was just putting himself in a disadvantage and there's nothing in it for him to do this. So why was he doing this?

"Go and fight. Remember, you can't lose." Jin Rou reminded the princess, "You have quite brought me enough trouble, and that's enough for me to do something about you."

The princess was terrified. She knew that the fun was over and she needed to move and redeem herself. After all, this man wasn't afraid even a bit of offending their imperial family! She nodded seriously and said, "Got it."

Then, the princess walked over in the front and braced herself. Seeing this, Xue Ziyan also did the same with seriousness. Although the other party was weaker than her, she couldn't afford to underestimate her. After all, it was person under that man's banner..

"The rule is simple. You don't need to try to kill each other. You just need to knockdown your enemy or make them admit defeat. And remember, no killing. Anyone who will try to kill will automatically lose." Jin Rou said. He didn't want anyone of the two to die. After all, one was a precious daughter of the imperial family and the other was precious student of a legendary master. Though he could afford to offend them both, he didn't want any unnecessary trouble.

"Now, begin!" Jin Rou gave the signal to start the fight.

"Whoosh!" Then, the princess dashed with a speed faster than light towards the princess. She equipped a dagger mid way and slashed with a terrifying speed.

"An assassin?" Xue Ziyan stepped back several times to avoid the princess and calculated her location to the princess' location. Then, after locking, she released her bow and an arrow stroke flash towards the princess in offense.

The princess have calculated this already and dodged sidewards. And she threw her dagger that aimed Xue Ziyan's thigh. As an archer, she was fast and flexible so the princess wanted to decrease it.

However, it wasn't successful as Xue Ziyan had seen that and used her bow as a shield, "Activate!"

Then, a torrent of arrows appeared out of nowhere. It was made of sparkling white ice, dropping the temperature to the lowest degree.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Then, the arrows descended down to attack the princess.

"Stabilize!" The princess didn't panic and used a defensive skill. The arrows didn't pierce through her but each hit left an impact that shook the entire Raisla.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The arrows didn't stop there and kept on coming one after another. It was like an infinite arrows that would come to you unless you're dead. Explosions and terrifying shakes turned the place upside down. It felt like the end of the world was near as everything was being tore apart by this power.

"Not yet!" Xue Ziyan got the momentum and she knew this was the time to move to end this. Thus, she used an arrow that could directly immobilize the enemy.

"!" The princess was surprised. The defense skill was still there, yet she felt something stabbing her thigh. Furthermore, she was trying to move it but it felt numb as if it was paralyzed!

Afterwards, the princess felt a presence behind her. It was Xue Ziyan, holding her bow and an arro was pointing against her at point blank, "You lost."

Hearing this, the princess gritted her teeth and wanted to fight back. If only she was permitted to use her arts here, she wouldn't have lost here miserably.

"Indeed, I lost." The princess stopped struggling and sighed. No matter what was it, a loss was a loss and she couldn't do anything about it.

"And so this lady says, Young Master." Xue Ziyan was overjoyed. She didn't expect to win this bout as she thought that the lady had a hidden power. But now, she won and that made her happy. After all, she could finally have a bit of the Elementus!

"Indeed, you have won beautifully, Miss Xue Ziyan." Jin Rou smiled and released the rock. He threw it off towards Xue Ziyan.

This made Xue Ziyan perplexed and looked at Jin Rou with bewilderment. The deal was just some or tiny bit part of the rock. Yet, he was giving it to her full now? Even her master was quite shocked as well.

"I have already studied the rock and got the information I needed from it. So basically, it's no use for me now. So you can take it." Jin Rou smiled, "Besides, that's on the account of your respectful master. So be sure to thank her later."

In truth, Jin Rou just wanted to teach Xue Ziyan a lesson so that she would mature. She couldn't just afford anyone who she thought weak as they might be only hiding their powers. So for sure, this lesson would be totally engraved to her and wouldn't repeat the same mistake again.

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