The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 453 - Shocking Truth

Chapter 453 - Shocking Truth

"Confined?" Jin Rou observed the devil. Indeed, the devil had traces of the time he spent on this place. However, it didn't solve the confusion of Jin Rou. Why would be a devil be confined here?

"That's right. I have been here since ancient times now." The devil old man smiled and said, "I am Priyo. And please have a seat."

Jin Rou created a normal wooden chair and said, "I am called Jin."

Since the other party introduced himself, it wasn't right if he wouldn't introduce his, right?

"I can smell some scents of the devils I am familiar with. Have you met them before?" Priyo asked without hesitation. Since it was the scent of his fellows, he was greatly concerned.

"They attacked my universe and tried to swallow us whole. And we fought back and won the battle." Jin Rou didn't hide this fact and told the old man, "I fought the devil emperor called Patrosh and killed him personally."

There was a deep and long silence between them. It looked like Priyo was trying to digest this shocking information.

After a long while, he broke the silence with a weak voice, "I see... So what I fear the most has happened. The world and universe I took care of, has fallen in despair."

His voice was filled with indignation and helplessness. However, for some reason Jin Rou could feel a relief from the old man.

"Those people from the Prime... if we're talking about real devils, then they are the real ones." This time, Priyo was filled with anger, "We, the Devils, used to live in peace. We don't care about the power struggle of those other universes. After all, we just want to live in quietness away from blood and war."

This truth was shocking that Jin Rou's eyes widened. He knew that there's more to it, so he waited for the next words.

Then, Priyo took a deep sigh and continued once again, "But this people from the Prime, they tried to bring us to the battlefield and become their meat shield. As a devil, we have pride and dignity as well so I humbly declined their offer. Who would have thought that they're going to push it the hard way? Those bastards immediately teleported me into this place and I fought several powerful 13-crowns zeniths to avoid being confined. Unfortunately, I can't take them on for a long time because I am already old. So here I am, being confined like their dog. My power was also deteriorating because of this."

Priyo was the most ancient devil in their clan. And he was the most powerful above them all. In fact, he was more powerful than other ancestors of other celestial families. He tried to make the universe into peaceful one where blood wouldn't flow but this idealism was harder than he expected. After all, there were so many to reform in their lives. Nevertheless, it was still possible. However, now that he was gone and their world has fallen, they were good as dead. Unless a capable leader was born, the devils wouldn't be able to rise.

Jin Rou didn't expect this kind of tragic story behind the devils. After all, he just knew that they were bad guys that were rotten to the core. Who would anticipate that they were just driven to the corner like rats? The hardest part was, Priyo was oblivious to the everything that happened and was just waiting for death here.

However, on Jin Rou's side, he didn't need to confirm anything now. Because all of what Priyo said was the truth. He could also deduce of what happened next. It might be filled with brainwashing and whatnot so that the devil emperor and the devil clan will be moving according to their will.

And indeed, when he skimmed the memories of the third prince, there were events that proved this.

He didn't need to hold back anymore. He could kill these pests in order to exact his revenge.

"I am here because of revenge. I am planning to kill them once I confirmed that they are the ones behind the attack in my universe." Jin Rou said with a cold tone, "Do you want to exact revenge too?"

"With your power level, you can do it for me right?" The old man laughed weakly, "I just wished to return to my old place. I want to help those who have fallen get back up now that everything is in chaos there."

"Then let's do it that way." Jin Rou touched the old man and used half of his power to break the chains that were binding him. It took him less than ten minutes to break free the old man from this cursed world.

"A power of the law is indeed frightening." Priyo couldn't help but be amazed, "But thank you for giving me freedom. If ever in the future you will need my help, you can visit me in my universe."

The old man wanted to take his revenge too. He was irreconciled and wanted to take the heads of those who made him and his fellows suffer. However, he was thinking more for the betterment of the universe. They needed a leader in order to retake the former order. The clan had lost so many important and powerful devils during the invasion. So Priyo's return would have the world seek hope, at the very least. josei

"You're free now. But do you know your way back? This universe is so far from yours so if you need more help, I don't mind." Jin Rou offered. This was the first devil he had taken a liking and was comfortable with. If it's possible, he wanted to help the old man as much as he could.

"Jin, there's no need for you to bother. I know the way and I can travel around the time if I want to. You see, I have the power to contend against laws during my peak so you don't have to worry about me." Priyo smiled and felt warm inside his black heart. If humans were just as good as Jin Rou, he wouldn't hesitate to befriend them. Unfortunately, he also had a fair share of bad experiences with humans so it left a bad taste in his mouth.

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