The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 457 - Complete

Chapter 457 - Complete

"I heard about your battle for the throne against your eldest brother." Jin Rou said, "Are you aware that he considers you as a threat?"

Jin Rou was putting the surface where he would stand. He needed to make sure that he was standing on the right spot so that this plan would go well and smooth.

"I am aware." The second prince, Shawn Prime, answered with seriousness, "So this is all about our throne fight?" josei

"Yes. I know this battle is important for you. After all, if it isn't, you will not spend so much effort to fight for it." Jin Rou smiled.

"Then what is it that you have there? Make sure that it is something really vital. Or else, you won't know how you die." The second prince was looking at Jin Rou with a vicious expression. He was ready to tear the enemy's neck anytime from now if he ever heard something he didn't like.

"I just got a tip from a reliable source that the first prince is planning to attack you in the next few days." Jin Rou didn't beat around the bush anymore and said, "He is preparing for an all out attack against you, to be precised."

"With the intent to kill?" The second prince was a bit stumped. Though he may be expecting this, it was still different when it was actually happening. He observed Jin Rou's moves and found out that he wasn't lying.

"En, with the intent to kill." Jin Rou said, "I heard also that he has been training a new technique that might injure you severely and kill you. But I'm sure you're expecting this."

"With how jealous he is to me, this is an inevitable." The second prince agreed. It was true, he had been expecting this but he didn't expect that it would come at this earlier time. Anyway, since the first prince wanted to make an enemy out of him, he didn't mind returning the favor.

"So what are you going to do?" Jin Rou asked.

"What should I do? I'll just wait for him here and settle this feud. This is how it supposed to be, only one of us shall live and succeed the throne." The second prince said and looked at the dark sky, "It might be harsh, that our family is already like that. A harsh and dark one. Killing each other for the sake of power isn't an abnormal thing for us."

Hearing this, Jin Rou couldn't help but sneer in his heart. This type of family could really pull off that kind of bad joke of hurting other universes for the sake of their benefits. If even they could do it against their own blood members, what's more for those who are not? Their insanity must be reaching their bones.

"Take this." Jin Rou tossed a small stone towards the second prince. It was a very small part that he separated from the Elementus, "This stone might help you later. So keep it for yourself."

The second prince looked at Jin Rou with baffled expression and next to the rock. He observed at the rock and studied it. Seeing that there were no hidden traps or anything in it, he looked again at Jin Rou and said, "This is Elementus. A type of stone that you can find in certain places only."

"You're right." Jin Rou said, "I'm planning to keep it as a souvenir when I go back home, but since there's a better use of it, then might as well I will let you use it. Just give me the treasury of gold after you defeat the first prince, hmm?"

"I don't go back on my words. But your information is more than those golds. Are you sure you're fine with it?" The second prince. He was still doubting that Jin Rou came just for money here.

"I'm just a simple and vagabond cultivator who wants to make a living and a simple life. So a gold that could last for a lifetime will do." Jin Rou spoke as if he was a normal person and came from a humble family. His acting was flawless that you wouldn't understand where did he get these skills.

"If that's what your will is, then I'll give you more than a treasury of gold." The second prince was feeling generous right now. For him and his family, these golds didn't matter at all as they were only mere designs in their home. So he would be glad to give this to this man who deserved it. Furthermore, his father emperor shouldn't have any qualms with this, he was greatly favored and spoiled after all.

"Thank you for your generosity." Jin Rou smiled but deep inside, he was laughing. The plan has gone smoothly than he anticipated. It looked like he overestimated the intelligence of these two princes. He probably didn't need to use his other plans since the main plans has been completed.

Now, the next thing to do was to wait. Jin Rou then bowed and excused himself saying, "Then I'll be leaving first. I wish for your glorious victory against your brother."

The second prince nodded disinterestedly. It was like he was saying that it was obvious that he was going to win. Nevertheless, he wouldn't dare to underestimate his brother. After all, if it's true that the eldest prince has been training a new technique, then it might be for him. So he needed to be cautious even if he had a hundred percent chance of winning.

It wasn't the time to think about this, so after Jin Rou left, the second prince decided to meditate once again and feel the power of heaven and earth. Who knows, he might suddenly achieve a breakthrough here?


Three days passed since that meeting. The area of the forest around the second prince became disturbed after a long peace of silence.

Then, a muscular figure appeared out of it. He was standing there cooly like he came for a chat. But his thick killing intent gave it away.

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