The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 488 - Exasperated

Chapter 488 - Exasperated


"It's useless trying to stop me." Jin Rou shook his head, "I need to go there. And just like I said, you don't need to come with me. Just tell me the location and the name, it will be more than enough."

Jin Rou was speaking the truth. He wouldn't push his objectives towards someone else if they didn't want to. After all, he could do this alone. In fact, if even Schwal Coffin didn't want to say the name and location, he could still use some ways to find it.

Schwal Coffin was speechless. Even top beings weren't planning to go there yet this young man wanted to seek it. She didn't know if this man was still clear in his head. Anyway, since it came to this, she might as well go along with it, "Fine. If you want, I can lead you there."

She was very curious how capable of Jin Rou was to seek for that place. She was aware that Jin Rou wasn't seeking death there, she found some clues in his eyes and could tell that Jin Rou would be there for a certain reason.

"Good, I'm Jin by the way." Jin Rou smiled and said, "It's nice to receive help from you, Miss Schwal Coffin."

Jin Rou clearly was grateful. With Schwal leading the way, it would be less trouble and stress on him.

"You don't need to do this so formally." Schwal Coffin waved her hand, "I'm just going to lead the way up to there. But I will say this again, even peak beings died there. And that zone was placed as the most forbidden place here in this universe. In fact, the clan might might arrest you if they find you trying to enter that zone."

"Zone?" Jin Rou said, "I particularly don't care about them. So let them come if they want."

Schwal Coffin looked at Jin Rou piercing gaze and said, "The place is called Death Black Zone, located south from here. If we use teleportation scroll, I can determine the right coordinates. Unfortunately, this desert doesn't let cultivators use teleportation portals nor scrolls, so we have to get out of here first."

Jin Rou was also aware of this. He tried using his teleportation gates here yet it couldn't activate. Take note, he was already a universal law yet he still couldn't bypass the laws of this place. It just meant that this desert was created once by someone on the same level as him, or stronger.

"So you know how to get out of this place then?" Jin Rou asked.

"Obviously. I have been here for so many times now, that I already memorized all parts of this place." Jin Schwal Coffin smiled, "Besides, I am one of the prestigious Coffin Treasure Clan. This is natural and normal."

Coffin Treasure Clan. Jin Rou had read this clan from an old record placed in their library. They were treasures with a sentience, and could cultivate too. Their origin couldn't be tracked as they were from a distant era. But one thing was for sure, they were very powerful treasures even if they didn't have an owner.

"Okay, so you lead the way then. I don't waste anymore time. My time is limited." Jin Rou said in a hurry.

"I hate people demanding things from me. If you can't wait, you can just leave on your own." As a prideful treasure, she couldn't take it lightly.

"I can do so, if you really want." Jin Rou smiled. Clearly trying to provoke her.

Schwal Coffin didn't expect this overbearing response from Jin Rou. It felt like whether she helped him or not, it won't matter at all. Not just that, the way he looked at her was as if he was looking down on her.

"Follow me." Schwal Coffin wanted to teach this man a lesson. But her instincts were kept on ringing as if she was being warned not to do anything funny. Thus, she could only held it back and let Jin Rou follow her. In any way, she could just collect the debt until she fully understood the extent of the other party's power.

Jin Rou laughed. He knew that he successfully provoked this treasure. That's good, too. If in case she dared to attack, he would have the proper justification of his planned action.


Almost a day had passed. Jin Rou and Shcwal finally reached the outside of this desert. What met them was a large body of water that you couldn't see how much it expand.

"This is the outside of the desert, the Reminisce Sea." Schwal Coffin introduced the place, "Here, you can trigger some distant memories from your past though it was random. So it can probably be happy or sad memories."

"Okay, I don't care about it. Just activate the teleportation scroll you have there and let's go." Jin Rou said with a hurried tone.

"You want to use mine?" A certain treasure was exasperated and puffed, "Look, I already helped you get out of here and now I'm about to help you reach your destination. And still, you want me to use my own scroll for your expenditure? Just how thick your skin was?"

"I don't have any scroll in mine, so clearly you have to use yours." Jin Rou smirked. It was the truth.

"And do you really think I will really use mine?" Schwal Coffin wanted to skin this person alive right at this moment. If her instincts were telling her not to, she really did already earlier.

"You have to use yours. You don't have a choice, anyway." Jin Rou said, "Just use it. I'll properly compensate you later when everything is settled. How about it?"

"Hah, what can you possibly have? Forget it. I'll use this once. It will be up to you how to return home." Schwal Coffin sneered. Her heart was bleeding from using the scroll. After all, it was very precious and expensive.

Nevertheless, she gritted her teeth and was about to use it, only to be blocked by a large shadow in front. She looked up and already understood what was going on.

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