The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 494 - Tasks

Chapter 494 - Tasks

Jin Rou knew this would come. He was mentally prepared for this and asked, "As long as it can be done possible, I'm willing to take the task."

Jin Rou wouldn't dare that he would do everything. After all, he still didn't know about it and he was quite cautious.

The sphere laughed a bit and said, "You don't have to be so cautious. I won't give a task that will be virtually impossible to accomplish. Anyway, are you really willing? Let me tell you, although it is possible to accomplish, I don't guarantee you that it will be ab easy one."

Naturally, Jin Rou have thought of this. There was no free lunch in this world and everything was revolving around give and take. He didn't expect that the task would be easy as what he's asking was already too much.

"I'm willing." Jin Rou answered. Since he was already here, he might as well see this to the end. Only, he wondered what type of task would this entity give to him?

"Alright." The sphere said and looked at Schwal who was listening silly by the side, "How about this girl from Coffin? Is she going to stay by your side?"

"Yes. If I accomplish the tasked, it would be considered that she accomplished it, too." Jin Rou said without hesitation.

"Alright, I'll ask for her wish later if ever you already accomplished it." The sphere moved a bit and said in a very deep tone, "Now, I'm going to explain what will be your task."

The sphere paused for a single second before continuing, "Recently, I have created a new epoch. A new world separated from the 5 universes. I have already done with the power touches, I just need someone to test their power there. I will ask you to go there and test the strength if it's okay or lacking."

Jin Rou was surprised. To think that this god had created another world. And a separated one at that.

"A new epoch. A separated world. You mean it cannot be traveled in between?" Jin Rou asked.

"Precisely. This world I created is only for the people there. Of course, you two are an exception as you will test the power there. Since it's an independent world, the cultivation ranks there will be different but you can notice the differences when you are already there." The sphere was diligent to answer questions.

"So I shall just test their strength there and it will be done?" Jin Rou found it hard to believe. Just imagine, this task was easier compared to what he imagined. It was too good to be true.

"Finally, you asked the right question." The god laughed, "Of course not. This is only the semi-task you have, the main task will be you have to get something from there."

Obviously. Jin Rou nodded and asked, "Okay, what is it?"

"When I'm doing the final touch for that epoch, I accidentally dropped my Chaos Pearl. It looks back and filled with chaos aura, so one glance and you will be able to know it is what you're looking for." Jin Rou said.

Jin Rou had a doubt if it was really an accident. Anyway, it didn't matter to him and just have to complete the tasks given to him," Anything else?"

"No, just these two will be enough." The sphere answered, "Well, if you have a higher level of a wish, of course there would be more than this."

Jin Rou didn't say more. He had understood it quite completely.

The god looked at Jin Rou and said, "Out of all the people who have come here in the past, you are the most qualified. Not because you are already a universal law, but your intentions are clear. Ah, I remembered how I hated the guts of the Devil State when I opened my gate there."

It looked like the god was reminiscing about what happened in the distant past and was still hateful about it. Jin Rou couldn't help but wonder what sort of qualifications do a person needed to have so that you will be eligible to wish?

"Now, are you ready to depart?" The god asked as he opened a portal, "This portal will lead you to that place. I don't know where it will be, but you will definitely be there. Grab your treasure's hand, too. The path will be a bit hard, so you have to be careful. Of course, if you die there then there's nothing I can do about it."

"I understand. We are ready." Jin Rou said firmly. Not one chance that he would change his mind.

"I wish for your success." The god inside the sphere answered.

Then, Jin Rou stepped forward and entered the portal with Schwal in tow. The latter was in a daze mode a while ago that she wasn't aware that she was being dragged to a world full of dangers.

After disappearing, the sphere dimmed but the chaos light was still there. Dominant and beautiful. The god took a deep sigh and said, "Jin Rou. How beautiful are you? Let me see, and you shall be rewarded."


"Activate!" Jin Rou rolled and activated his defensive formations. The moment they got the portal, they were already bombarded by space attacks with millions of space vortex doing it. No matter how powerful Jin Rou was, his power was limited here since it wasn't his domain.

"What a shocking surprise." Jin Rou couldn't help but be in redundancy of his word, "That god surely knows how to take his play by a notch everytime."

That entity didn't inform him about these attacks so he was caught off guard. Well, he knew that it was done on purpose and no matter how much he complained, there would be no effect.

"Boom! Boom!" Thunderbolts emerged and attacked Jin Rou. However, these didn't reach him as his defensive formation was greater than the word 'impregnable'. josei

On the other hand, though she was being protected, Schwal almost lost her soul after realizing what was happening. She held on Jin Rou's sleeve tightly as if afraid that he would be gone in a moment.

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