The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 500 - Sabotage

Chapter 500 - Sabotage

In actuality, Jin Rou didn't want to interfere. After all, it was a battle that only the young elf had the right to fight against. However, there was a foul play that transpired, and it looked like no one had managed to see it. If not for him, the young elf and his future might have have been sabotaged already.

Remember, Asner was an elf and although his lifespan was longer than humans, the potential of humans were far wider than his. As someone who aspired to be an ancient emperor, this kingdom wasn't his final destination. It was the whole new world outside of this place. josei

And now, someone pulled a bad joke of making him fail the test? Jin Rou could sense a conspiracy between the lines. In fact, you didn't need to be smart to deduce it this way.

Asner's father was boiling with rage. But he managed to control it. He was waiting if what the young man said was right or not.

The elder was sweating and nervous. One glance and you could feel something fishy about this. But then, he took a deep breath and said, "That's right. I have seen it. However, I'm not sure if what I saw was right, thus I didn't dare to say it before."

The elder was smart enough to think about this reason. With how he used being 'not sure' of what happened, he already lessened the mistake he did.

Of course, Jin Rou wasn't willing to back down. He smiled and said, "Let's say that you weren't sure for real. However, as a powerful elder, you should have told the higher ups about this to investigate."

"For a mere glitch with the the machine, I won't dare to use the higher officials' time for this." The elder could sense the hostile attitude of the other party but he spoke calmly, "Anyway, Asner can just retake the test right now."

"This isn't about a mere glitch, you know that. Someone interfered with the machine and stopped a bit of Asner's force in order not to reach the quota. Only those who have a great control over their skills can pull this off. Meaning, it was a master who did this. I don't know though who was it." Jin Rou pushed the issue further and said, "Furthermore, with the attitude you have shown and the responses you did as if it isn't a big matter, are you perhaps involved in some other way?"

"Young man, you know how to run your mouth when it's needless." The elder was infuriated for being questioned and doubted this way, "You are a human, yet you are poking your nose where it doesn't belong to?"

"Why, are you angered? I'm just asking so just relax." Jin Rou chuckled, "I am just asking a few questions regarding this matter. After all, it isn't a funny joke to begin with. Someone's future is almost ruined because of this, and you want me to watch by the sidelines? Please, you are making me laugh. Please stop being obvious, too."

Jin Rou wasn't the type of being that would go around saving everyone he thought who needed help. He wasn't a saint, he wasn't a savior and never did he claim to be. If there was a right term for it, he was but a mere passerby. Since Asner had saved him when he was injured, he wouldn't mind doing the young elf this favor.

The elder almost exploded from anger. This human had the talent to anger people to death and it was unbelievable. With those taunts, the elder almost wanted to attack and kill Jin Rou.

"Allright, I'll stop teasing you." Jin Rou laughed and said. He knew that the elder was about to spat bad blood from anger, "How about we let this hidden gentleman to show himself?"

Jin Rou looked in a distant direction. Everyone followed his gaze and no one found anything. What Jin Rou was looking there?

The void suddenly rumbled. Jin Rou smirked and knew that the perpetrator was trying to escape. He was about to block the escape path when someone said, "Let him be."

Asner looked at the direction of the familiar voice and murmured, "Father...?"

Jin Rou looked at him too and examined Asner's father.

An inner core cultivator, and a peak one at that. Jin Rou was amazed by the thick and strong foundation of this elf. He was impressed.

Tibur Xero walked up to Jin Rou and said, "Thank you for helping my son out. However, you don't need to push far to reveal the culprit. I have already had someone who's that probably, so rest assured that this will be handled appropriately."

The elder felt his legs almost turning jelly. Tibur Xero was a high official of Higher Office. In fact, he had a great deal of power in that stracture and could actually command respect and work. He didn't expect that he would be here at all. After all, he was a great and busy person who rarely showed himself in public.

"Elder Rus, you will be dismissed for the meantime until this problem is further investigated. So please leave." Asner's father was still showing basic respect towards the elder despite the seniority between them, "And I hope that you aren't involved in this case, or else I don't know what I can do."

It was a warning. Tibur Xero wasn't going to let this slide. It was natural. His son was bullied right in front of him and he didn't even manage to notice the problem until Jin Rou spoke. It was shameful as someone who was standing by the second from the top peak of this kingdom.

Elder Rus didn't dilly dally and immediately rushed to leave. He didn't want to lose more face here and he knew that his future was doomed. He would prepare his resignation letter when he go home and hide.

That's right. He was actually guilty, and Jin Rou and Asner's father knew this but they let him go. Why? Because Asner's father was confident of finding this elder no matter where he hid himself.

The elder was filled with regret as he ran for his life. He was daring enough to play with fire because he thought that he got the backing of the person. Unfortunately, he was dumped in the process.

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