The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 517 - Drak

Chapter 517 - Drak

Jin Rou just let Tiresh Abhold leave. She no longer had any business with Jin Rou, so it was natural that she would leave. However, little did Jin Rou expect that she left because she called someone else.

It's an old man that couldn't almost walk properly. However, Jin Rou could see through this facade. It was a master of ages, and an ace of cards. Although the man was old, he was brimming with vitality as if he regained youth.

"Young man, I am called Drak. It is nice meeting you." The old man sat opposite to Jin Rou and extended his hand, "I have heard of the circumstances from Tiresh."

"It is nice meeting another emperor, indeed." Jin Rou extended his hand and smiled. This old man was a very strong ancient emperor that compared to those who he met a while ago were nothing but child in front of this old man, "And a very strong ancient emperor at that."

"It's no big deal, compared to you." Drak shook his head, "I have heard that you want to cross the Uncrossable Sea?"

"Indeed. I intend to cross it later during midnight." Jin Rou nodded in affirmation. His mind wouldn't change no matter what types of tricks the other party would do.

"If there is nothing to stop you, then I will naturally support you. However, let me tell you what I have fought there when I crossed the sea." Drak turned solemn and started narrating, "I am part of a Heavenly Expedition to cross that sea. Our group consisted of five ancient emperors and one heavenly. Just imagine this line up, it was terrifying to boot. After all, a heavenly came into being and attempted to cross the sea. The first day during the crossing was peaceful, there was no disturbance and we thought that it would continue. However, upon the second day, dark existences started to attack us. With each existence, we need to two emperors to keep one at bay and three emperors to kill it. It was very exhausting, knowing the fact that there were many lurking there." josei

A Heavenly Expedition was the highest form of expedition who was led by a heavenly. It was a great honor to be part of this as heavenlies commanded more respect and honor from the masses. After all, they were only deemed as legends and only a few had seen a real one.

Drak paused for a moment before resuming, "We tried our best to be together. However, one emperor after another were killed. Even with our heavenly's interference, it was useless. Until that time came, that only I and the heavenly were the one left. It was a hopeless situation as the heavenly was already very consumed and exhausted. And after a while, the heavenly was killed by a dark existence far stronger than we encountered. But, it gave me time to cross the sea with my full power so I managed to survive despite being clung on death's door."

"It seems like you have experienced quite a trauma there." Jin Rou said seriously. He wasn't making fun of the old man. Despite the old man's powerful level, he was still hopeless and just managed to survive by pure luck. If not for the heavenly's sacrifice, would he manage to survive? Probably not. There was a nigh chance he could survive and return to this kingdom.

"Yes, it was a traumatic experience even at my level. Just imagine, we have a terrifying line up that will make everyone tremble in fear here on land. Yet, we were just mere ants in front of them. It was scary, and it was despair-inducing." Drak didn't hide his emotions. No one knew about this story as he never told it to anyone. However, he told this story to Jin Rou to give him awareness of the real situation.

"Nevertheless, I am still going. Thank you for telling me the story." Jin Rou said. Of course, it didn't change his mind.

"I know that I cannot change your mind. That's why I'm asking you a favor." Drak sighed and filled with complicated expression.

"If it's possible, sure. Tell me what is it." Jin Rou smiled. He liked this old man so he wouldn't mind doing him a little favor.

"Take Tiresh with you to the Uncrossable Sea." Drak said with difficulty.

"You want me to take that knight woman in a suicidal endeavor?" Jin Rou couldn't believe what he heard. It wasn't making sense at all. That knight was the first to be very opposed of him crossing that sea because of extreme dangers, yet now she was coming with him?

"I know it's complicated. But that child has always wanted to explore that sea to avenge his brother who died there." Drak said with a heavy sigh, "She is so talented yet she is impatient.

"With the current her right now, she will just seek death if she dares to challenge the Uncrossable Sea." Jin Rou said, "So since there is someone who's willing to cross that sea right now, she wants to tag along and use this opportunity to try her luck."

"Well, that may be the case." The old man smiled wryly. He was also very opposed of this idea. But the child was determined and adamant of pushing this thing. He knew the child very well as he watched her grew up. Anyway, if that would make her happy then he couldn only give his support.

"Ha." Jin Rou couldn't help but sigh. This was a possible favor but he couldn't see a reason why he should let that woman tag along. After all, he had a bad impression of her. Nevertheless, he could only agree and said, "Fine, I'm going to take her. However, her survival will be up to her."

Before the old man could answer, Tiresh Abhold appeared by the door and said firmly, "That's what I plan to do. I won't rely on you on anything."

"Oh? With the dangers in the sea, do you think you can survive if you rely on yourself alone?" Jin Rou smirked.

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