The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 525 - Last Ditch Of Effort

Chapter 525 - Last Ditch Of Effort

For the first time in his life, Vestias felt despaie. He felt like there was no other way around here aside from accepting their deaths. He clenched his fists. Ever since he was born, he was basked with praises and power. He was the next in line to succeed in the throne and there were little to none oppositions so everything went smoothly. Everything was going the way he planned, but it changed right now.

There was an unexpected variable called Jin Rou that would dictate the future of their tribe.

"Now, time to end this." Jin Rou slowly walked over to the three with ease in his steps. It seemed like he was strolling in the park and taking his time, "Show me your last struggle before you die."

"Old Ben, Zir, we have no choice but to go all out and put our lives on the line if we want to survive." Vestias took a deep breath and said, "As you can determine, even I am helpless against him. So we need to join hands and try to defeat him. We have no other choice. It's do or die."

The two gulped in nervousness. They were in a desperate situation where they needed to go all out just for a little chance of survival.

"Here he comes!" Vestias saw Jin Rou hastening his steps. So he immediately used his life blood to boost his strength to the next level. Ben and Zir also did the same.

It was a very desperate and risky move. After all, they were using their life blood. Using it was just deducting your lifespan by several times, depending on how much you used it.

"I see that you're quite determined to live." Jin Rou smiled, "Then let's see if you can do so."

"Boom!" Jin Rou called a thunder from the sky and attacked the three, giving out an explosion. Expectedly, the three was still alive and only received minor scratches.

"Open!" The dark lord shouted as he opened his palace. Then, a tiny seed excluding a large amount of darkness appeared.

Jin Rou examined this seed and could see that it had a strong connection with darkness affinity and anyone possessing this would have a total control of the darkness itself.

"Wham!" Sure enough, the dark dao around the place gathered around this tiny seed and circulated violently. It looked like they wanted to enter the seed as soon as possible.

"Explode!" After accumulating enough dark dao, Vestias made the seed explode and the dark dao circulating it exploded in all directions. Zir and Ben were giving support to the dark lord, so he wasn't that affected of this attack.

"Stabilize!" Jin Rou could feel the threat in this attack and immediately blocked it. However, the mad explosion managed to bypass his impregnable defense and made him step back several times.

"This..." Jin Rou was surprised. There was a deep cut in his right arm and was bleeding nonstop, "Impressive."

It was truly impressive for Jin Rou. Someone in this world managed to cut him here deep when no one was capable of doing so in his past travels.

Then, after a short moment of amazement, Jin Rou patched the wound and looked at the three people who were catching their breath.

"That attack was very powerful that it managed to cut me deep here." Jin Rou smiled and said, "Using that seed as the catalyst, you gathered enough dark dao to issue a lethal explosion. However, your reserved strength isn't enough to withstand the backlash even after using your life blood. So, you need the two to support you by their own life bloods."

Jin Rou walked over and paused for a moment before continuing, "Unfortunately, your last ditch of effort is rendered useless. Nice struggle though. Thank you for giving me a decent fight."

Vestias closed his eyes while listening to Jin Rou. Then he opened it and calmly said, "We might have lost, but you have lost as well."

Jin Rou creased his brows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Do you really think that I, Dark Lord Vestias, will run a single plan?" Vestias smiled, "I have intentionally made a deep cut in your right arm to serve you the real power of my seed which I nurtured for many years."

"What are you talking..." Jin Rou couldn't finish his sentence as he clutched his chest from pain. He knelt to the ground as he was trying to suppress the pain inside his chest.

"So this is your plan all along..." Jin Rou could still speak. However, he was pale and in deep pain.

"Yes. We used all of our life blood to let this succeed. So, we are going to die. But at least, you will not fare better either." Vestias said. He could feel his body weakening and knew he had reached his end, "My tribe will not easily fall, and I make sure of that before I die."

Jin Rou didn't say anything and just focused on trying to suppress the darkness poison that have entered his body. It was taking all his strength just to keep it at bay, so he didn't have time to chat more with these guys.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!" After a few minutes, Vestias, Ben, and Zir, fell to the ground one after another. They have used all their life blood so naturally they would die. The bodies turned gray and were scattered by the violent winds here.

Tiresh Abhold instantly rushed towards Jin Rou when she saw the three enemies died. She propped up Jin Rou and touched his pulse to determine his currently state, "Your body is poisoned by the dark dao. It is specially fatal to those who didn't have an affinity with darkness. However, there is a solution for this."

Jin Rou looked at her with expecting eyes and said, "What is it?" josei

Although Jin Rou wouldn't die with this poison in his body, it was a different story when powerful enemies come looking for him. His power was being used to hold the fort and he didn't have the luxury to half it to use in separate ways. But now that there was a solution with this problem, he could breath even a little.

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