The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 591 - Daylight Robbery

Chapter 591 - Daylight Robbery

The Deep Sea's core stone was named Ultiwater Core Stone. It was the foundation of the entire Deep Sea and it couldn't be afforded to be lost. After all, what would happen to the entire sea if it lost its foundation?

The whole races living there would suffer a inclined declination. A super powerhouse like Clan of Mermaids going to suffer declination? Lothian would suffer from his ancestors' hatred if that happened since everything had been passed down to him, as well as the responsibility to take the clan to greater heights.

Fortunately, the Ultiwater Core Stone was located in the deepest part of the Deep Sea and it was ingrained very deep on the region. Meaning, it would be hard to get that.

"The core stone you're talking about isn't something you can get. Even I have no capability of getting it from its place." Lothian tried to calm himself down and try not to get intimidated as such.

"Just because you cannot get it, other people can't." Jin Rou smirked as he looked deep down the recesses of the entire palace hall, "While it's true that it's hard to get, I have a few methods to get that core stone. Will you dare to bet with me?"

The Poseidon revealed a terrified expression. Of course, he believed that Jin Rou had the power to get that item, "What do you want? I'm willing to give you your old friend, and I can assure you that she isn't maltreated here. But the core stone is very important to us. So how can I agree to your conditions?"

He gritted his teeth and continued, "If you want a treasure, I have something that might interest you."

Jin Rou chuckled while observing the poseidon. He was just toying with him and he took it seriously. Anyway, since the other party offered a treasure himself, he might as well see through it, "Okay, what is it?"

"Million Life Immortal Amulet." Lothian sighed and said. It was his precious treasure that had been saving up in case his ascension to Perfect Immortal damaged his body severely.

It was a perfected and better version of Thousand Life Blessing Amulet. Effects-wise, the Million Life Immortal Amulet had so many benefits that the Thousand Life Blessing Amulet had no chance to compete.

The Million Life Immortal Amulet had the ability to save someone even from the most severe wounds. As a matter of fact, it could even revive a dead as long as the person wasn't dead for a few hours. It was so magical that only two Million Life Immortal Amulets had been created by the heaven and earth.

The Thousand Life Blessing Amulet wasn't that bad, though. After all, it could cure many diseases scoping from mild to deadly diseases. josei

"You're wiling to impart such an important personal treasure you have." Jin Rou smiled, clearly impressed of the decisiveness of the other party.

"I hope this will be enough of a compensation for you." Lothian was willing to do anything to reduce the damage Jin Rou could cause to the clan. However, he was still regretting the fact that he couldn't see a big mountain a while ago, leading to the current desperate situation.

"While I appreciate your sincerity, the compensation isn't enough." Jin Rou laughed softly. He was adamant in robbing this clan until he was satisfied, "The amulet is only good for the position of the core stone. What can you offer me to spare this good son of yours?"

Lothian almost spurt blood when he heard these words. The Million Life Immortal Amulet was already so precious yet it wasn't enough to scope his son's life. He tried to calm himself down and offered, "I can offer half of our Goldenscale Treasury."

"Father, no!" Fliv was horrified when he heard this. His father was willing to use half of their entire Goldenscale Treasury to save him. For the young man, it wasn't worth it.

Even the three elders paled when they heard this. The Goldenscale Treasury was the treasury of their most important treasures. Even them, as elders, had no authority to see what treasures were there.

Yet, the poseidon was willing to give half of its total? Jin Rou smiled and answered, "Alright, I appreciate your sincerity then."

This was daylight robbery! And the most inconceivable fact was that the strongest powerhouse of the Infinite Sea Region was the one being robbed.

No one had ever dared to do this to them in the past. After all, they were the strongest clan here. In fact, not even the other three super powerhouses dared to offend them. This was the first time they were robbed that it almost left them dry.

But for Lothian, this outcome was better than being ravaged to the ground by Jin Rou. After all, he truly believed that Jin Rou was capable of doing so.

Louise had been given surprises one after another. Take note, this was the turf of the Clan of Mermaids, yet they were forced to into a corner like this. No one would believe her if she told her friends about this.

After a while, a golden lady appeared out of a spatial tear. She was very familiar to Jin Rou and when she looked at him, she snorted cutely and pouted her lips, "You took so long."

She didn't know why, but she had a great faith towards Jin Rou. She knew that he's going to find her no matter what.

Seeing that Schwal Coffin wasn't injured in the slightest, Jin Rou nodded while smiling, "Sorry, so many things to deal with."

"So, did you complete what that existence asked you?" Schwal asked immediately.

"Of course, who do you think am I?" Jin Rou chuckled, "Thanks for waiting for me, anyway."

"That's good, then." Schwal Coffin spoke softly. It had been a long while since they met and she somewhat missed his scent.

After a short talk, Lothian walked over to them and said, "I can take you to the Goldenscale Treasury. We have 16 total treasures there, and you can pick 8. It will be up to you."

Hearing this, Schwal Coffin dazed.

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