The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 593 - Wind Region

Chapter 593 - Wind Region

The Wind Region was the the place where most powerful cultivators wanted to explore. After all, compared to the Mortal and Infinite Ocean Regions, the Wind Region had still a massive part unexplored. It was the perfect place to hone your skills and strength.

Here in this place, the governing powerhouse was called Wind Gate. And they were dubbed to be the strongest powerhouse out of the three against Clan of Mermaids and Mortal Disaster. Of course, it didn't mean that the clan and the palace would be easily bullied. They didn't become the governors for no reason.

Most places in Wind Region were floating lands and islands. Everything had to be traveled using the wind to reach one place to another.

But going to Wind Region was easier said than done. As this was very far compared to the distance between Mortal Region and Infinite Ocean Region, you have to expend a considerable amount of resources to reach this place.

After Jin Rou used some means, he and his group finally arrived here. There was no particular reason why he went here. He just wanted to explore this realm to its limits.

They reached a place called Immortal Soul Land. Although it had a nice name on it, it was nothing but a barren land with no life. In fact, even birds wouldn't take a rest in here.

Jin Rou used his senses to its maximum to find something. After a few minutes, he smiled and said, "Let's go."

Schwal Coffin was confused, "We will explore this ugly land?"

The she scoffed was cute. Jin Rou chuckled, "Indeed. We can't waste a Wind Stone, no? It's very precious."

The Wind Stone was the teleportationg pass in order to travel between millions of lands of Wind Region. Although flying from one place to another was possible, it would require so much energy to accomplish. And that were Wind Stones took place. Every stone was very precious and it couldn't be bought by money or wealth. This was one of the 8 treasures of the Mermaids, a set of Wind Stones totaling 8 stones per set.

Just imagine, a powerhouse here couldn't accumulate that much and they have to go through hardships to gain one or two. As a matter of fact, even using their massive connections wouldn't do as everyone needed the Wind Stones.

Schwal Coffin understood Jin Rou's point. The Wind Stone was so precious that he couldn't afford to waste it. But, didn't he have many it? She wanted to say it, but she refrained from doing so and rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

Louise wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it.

Jin Rou looked at her and already understood her intentions, "Relax. That's why we're here in this land because of a certain reason. Do you really think I have forgotten it?"

Louise was surprised. She thought, indeed, that Jin Rou forgot it. After all, the life stone was located in the Infinite Ocean Region, yet now they were already in different one.

"Although the Infinite Ocen Region's stone is really good, it still cannot assure my success to heal your guardian." Jin Rou shook his head, "But fortunately, this place has the stone perfect for that."

"This barren land has that type of stone?" Louise couldn't believe it. After all, this place was explored by countless apex masters in the past. How could it supposed to have something like that? She didn't believe it was their turn to find it.

But, she underestimated Jin Rou too much. He chuckled and spoke again, "Who do you think am I? I have no reason to lie to you. I promised to heal your guardian, so don't worry."

Afterwards, he started walking towards the inner part of the Immortal Soul Land. Zacharite followed suit, he never doubted Jin Rou while Schwal followed next. Louise took a deep breath and started chasing over them.

The land was truly vast, yet there was no life. You couldn't see any tree, or animals living. Not to mention that, the qi here was so thin that it'd make someone had difficulty to breathe.

Jin Rou didn't stop walking even after half an hour past. But his expression was serious. The longer they walked towards, the thinner and heavier the atmosphere became.

"Be careful." Jin Rou warned the group, "Stick with me or else I cannot guarantee your safety."

The group hurriedly sticked nearer Jin Rou. It was the first time Jin Rou gave a firm warning, then it must be a powerful entity that could make Jin Rou serious.

"We're here." Jin Rou stopped walking and threw a punch to the air.

"Boom!" The void seemed to crack and revealed a new place. It was filled with ominous darkness as dark gaseous flames were splurging out. josei

Inside this, an old man sitting in a lotus position was there. He looked like a monk meditating but Jin Rou was sure he wasn't. There was a green stone floating above, being circulated by dark energy.

The old man opened his eyes and observed the group. Thousands of imageries appeared outside of the plethora and made the entire group except Jin Rou shuddered.

This old man easily saw through them!

"I wasn't expecting a guest at time of this day. What a great surprise." The old man smiled and spoke like a calm ocean, "Hello, Young Friends."

Louise took a deep breath as her eyes revealed horrified expression. This old man was not on the same level as them! He could easily devour them, even if the Palace Master were here, they'd all surely die.

"Hello, I'm here to get that green stone over your head. I'm quite interested about it." Jin Rou wasn't afraid and spoke the truth, "Of course, I won't be robbing you. I will compensate you for that green stone."

So far, this was the strongest existence Jin Rou met in the entire Immortal. Even he could feel a bit of pressure from the old man.

"Young Friend must be joking." The old man wasn't offended, "I have nurtured this stone for millions of years, and it's about to ripe.. There is no such treasures that can exceed this stone's worth."

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