The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 631 - Vortex

Chapter 631 - Vortex


Intrad was the greatest genius of dark realm. He was painstakingly nurtured by the ancestors of the clan to reach this height where he was now. The resources and efforts were too big and too many to count since he was born. As the best genius, he already had the entire dark realm on his shoulders.

He was expected to be the one who would carry the realm into the next heights. He would also likely to be the one to grant their progenitor's wish, to get Immortal under their thumb.

Because of this responsibility, he downed everything to efforts and perseverance to reach such heights. He was a genius yet he still thrived harder than anyone else, all for the sake of the clan's dream. Thus, he planned this invasion for millions of years and spent insurmountable amount of resources. It wasn't an underestimation to say that they emptied their clan's treasuries for this trip.

He was very sure of victory as he calculated everything well. The Immortal should be him for the taking now, ready to be taken over and be ruled over. Unfortunately, he miscalculated despite of the meticulous and careful calculations he did.

This young man in front of him was the unexpected variable. Schemes weren't totally useful in front of this man, and even entice him with legendary treasures didn't work either. He truthfully wanted to end this battle without more casualties as he knew that even he won this battle, the outcome would be still bitter.

Furthermore, he knew that the man wasn't to be trifled with. Unless one had a death wish. However, he already dived in into this water the moment they invaded Immortal, so he could understand partially why Jin Rou didn't bother giving him face.

Thus, he had no choice but to use his greatest trump card. In actuality, he didn't want to use this vortex as he couldn't fully control it no matter what. Anytime, it could wreak havoc and destroy everything in its sight. Although it had yet to fully mature, it was already lethal enough that could threaten Immortal.

"Boom! Boom!" The mountain-like vortex released a series of energy balls and exploded, which shook the entire place.

Insane. This was only Everlasting could think of a word. To think that Intrad dared to nurture such a dangerous existence! Calamities made by the heavens had low to medium chance of gaining sentience. However, most results of heavenly tribulations were calamities that could threaten the world. In the distant past, no one dared to take care of calamities with sentience even if it was only a little one. After all, it imposed such dangers and the cons outweighed the pros very much.

Yet, Intrad was gutful enough to nurture one! If this wasn't insanity, what was?

"Hmm, it can put up a fight if it is fully matured. However, it is yet to reach its maturity. Perhaps, nurturing for a hundred thousands of years is still needed to reach that stage." Jin Rou shook his head, "Thus, I don't think it can last a single punch from me."

This claim earned horrified expressions from everyone. Jin Rou just belittled the calamity existence! Take note, calamities with life were more arrogant than people. They couldn't take insults lying down and mostly use their emotions more than their brains if they had!

"Human, die!" The vortex, as expected, was enraged and immediately attacked. It threw vines with electric power around it. It was making sure that Jin Rou would die in this hit.

"Too weak." Jin Rou didn't bother saying more and threw a punch with countless dao around it. It had the power to incinerate all living beings it contacted with.

"Boom!" The vines were instantly shattered into pieces and the vortex suffered a direct hit from the punch, making its particles scatter all around the place, "Ahh!"

It screamed in agony as it disappeared like a bubble. Everyone was silenced when they saw this. One thought that she was dreaming and pinched herself.

The calamity-level vortex was instantly destroyed by a single punch, just like what Jin Rou said. It didn't even have a chance to retaliate or prepare itself for the punch. All in all, it looked like a fragile glass that instantly broke because of a casual throw of punch.

"I thought that nurturing the vortex was already insane. It seems that there is more insane than that." Everlasting smiled wryly. This was a calamity they were talking. Not even him was capable of surviving its attacks despite being the strongest being of Immortal. Yet, Jin Rou just punched it like a toy.

"All I thought is the master being a monster hell of a genius. To think that there is a person who can exceed that. A super monster of an eon." Timedeath took a deep breath. They were all doomed now. For sure, no one would leave this place alive unless Jin Rou spare them.

"I..." Intrad didn't know what to say no matter how many times he opened his mouth. His calm and collected expression was no longer to be found as he was sweating. This was a monster that they shouldn't have bothered fighting as even him would be just committing suicide in that case.

"Alright, time for your deaths." Jin Rou's words alarmed the enemies, "I hope you all are much prepared to such outcomes."

"Great Master, leave now! We will fend the enemy off for a short while. Use that to teleport to the clan!" Silva said firmly. Silven and Visva also moved to the front to protect the master. For them, securing the safety of the Great Master was the most important thing than their lives.

Intrad was surprised by the actions of his subordinates. He never required them to sacrifice themselves, yet they were here trying to save him. His eyed flashed with resolve as he nodded his head. If by any means, he survive this catastrophe, he would make towering statues to honor this subordinates of his.

"Do you really think I will let you?" Jin Rou sneered, activating the Sea's End.. A slash with the sea came after, threatening towards the group.

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