The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 646 - Bet

Chapter 646 - Bet

Seeing that the young master was having difficulties, Brother Lee had no choice but to help. He sighed and said, "It seems you two are on each other's throats. However, we don't entertain fights inside our store. So how about you settle your feud with a bet?"

Young Master Andrei's eyes suddenly shone and thoughts of an idea with a good advantage on his end, "You nameless brat, do you dare take make a bet with me?"

Jin Rou was sleepy as he almost closed his eyes, but he still agreed and said, "Sure, let's make a bet."

It was already boring. Might as well add some fun to be entertained.

"It's very simple. You just have to have a VIP card right now and it will be your win." Young Master Andrei smirked, "If you win, I will be kneeling in front of you. If I win, you will do the same. How is it?"

The shamelessness of this young master had no bounds. Everyone had to admit it. He created a bet that would be very advantageous for him and disadvantageous for the other party. Young Master Andrei was purposely using money as the leverage of the bet to win it and earn back some dignity for the previous humiliation.

Who would dare to accept such a sure lose bet? Even if you have the money to spend, it won't be guaranteed that you'll be given a VIP card. After all, it was too precious and only had limited amount of cards.

"Are you sure about that?" However, Jin Rou didn't change expression and asked with a willy tone.

"Why wouldn't I be sure?" The young master answered with a smug on his face. He was very sure of his victory right now. He couldn't wait to see Jin Rou kneeling in front of him.

"Alright, then." Jin Rou sighed. The stupidity of others was boundless, indeed. He looked at Brother Lee and commanded, "Call your manager who manages this main branch."

"No need. I'm already here." A melodic voice suddenly echoed and everyone turned their heads to the newcomer. She had a beautiful and seductive figure. Unfortunately, she was wearing a mask so no one could guess her identity, "I am the manager of this main branch, you can call me Manager Emy. I have heard the contents of your bet and I will make sure that I'll be fair to both parties."

Brother Lee was surprised. Usually, the manager wasn't showing herself and always remaining low. As a matter of fact, it was probably the first time the manager had shown herself in the public. What could probably the reason to make this seclusive manager to go out in the open?

Jin Rou smiled and got a piece of paper and a pen. Then, he wrote something there for a little while. No one knew what he was doing, but Young Master Andrei thought it was just for show so that he doesn't lose badly.

After writing up the contents, Jin Rou handed over the piece of paper to the manager and said, "I think this is enough for me to have a VIP card, no?"

Manager Emy received the paper and read what was written. At first, she was confused what were those scribbles. However, the more she read it, the more realization striking down to her. Her face was filled with surprise as she looked at Jin Rou, "I will go and check the authenticity."

After which, the manager left in a hurried pace leaving the spectators confused. What was going on? In fact, even Young Master Andrei was having a hard time right now. He felt something wasn't right here but he couldn't think of any.


"This is true." A soft voice echoed the little room. Manager Emy went to this sacred place to have the contents checked. After all, she had no capabilities to check an item of this level for legitimacy.

"This.." Manager Emy was speechless. How was that possible? This should have been lost long ago. How someone had known it?

"That child you're talking about, I want you to bring him to me after this." The soft voice spoke once again, "I want to meet him."

"But Your Grace, your health is not better right now. We cannot afford to have you even a single negative emotional fluctuation." Manager Emy said with a worry on her face. She was a great beauty when her mask was off. However, that wasn't the point. If the other party had sudden negative emotions, it could endanger her life just like what happened a few months ago. josei

"Silly child, what are you talking about?" The voice laughed and said, "I am very sure that it won't happen so you have to trust me. I just want to meet him for me to confirm something."

Manager Emy wanted to say more but refrained from doing so. She just nodded and left the room.

The eyes of the soft voice suddenly shone like bright stars around the world. Then, she closed it to feel the essence of the universe.

It's been a while. Or so she thought.


Manager Emy appeared into the first floor after twenty minutes or so. Her face was still stern and indifferent as she looked at everyone, "I am back and I have already checked the authenticity of the contents written on the paper."

She paused for a moment and spoke once again, "The contents of the paper has a great value comparable to Platinum Diamond VIP Card, so hereby the winner of the bet is this gentleman in black robe."

Young Master Andrei almost lost his soul when he heard the results. How was that possible? How was it possible that a mere piece of paper with some writings had already have the value of the highest VIP card, Platinum Diamond?! It was all inconceivable! Take note, his father only had a Gold VIP Card and you could only acquire it after you a make a total purchase of 5,000,000 Dao Stones!

"Time to honor the bet." Jin Rou spoke which took the young master back to reality.

Young Master Andrei had lost all color in his face upon hearing it.

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