The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 651 - Ruthless

Chapter 651 - Ruthless


The empire ancestors weren't usually present in any meetings. After all, they were very old now and it's harder for them to carry themselves. They had lived for hundred trillion of years now, albeit younger than Universal Law Feng Lin.

"I have gathered everyone, Your Majesty." Emperor Lin said to Jin Rou. They were currently in a side room of the Imperial Hall.

"Alright, time to show myself up." Jin Rou smirked and walked off the hall.

He carried himself like an ethereal being as he slowly approached the throne. His expression was indifferent as he sat down and looked around the people.

Everyone was confused. Who was this man? And why was he sitting on the emperor's throne? What confused them more was Emperor Lin himself was escorting the man!

What in the world was happening?

Jin Rou could see that everyone was quite confused of what was happening. It was natural. Everything wasn't how they used to be. Nevertheless, there was a feeling of satisfaction for Jin Rou when looking at their faces.

"Hello everyone. My name is Jin Rou, the successor of Feng Lin." Jin Rou smiled and looked at each of the people present, "I have gathered you all to inform that I will be taking the empire under my control."

Everyone choked. They were speechless. Jin Rou was quite straightforward to what he wanted to say! He didn't do a roundabout way and clearly got to the point main point.

The successor of Feng Lin? Did it mean that he is the lost Universal Law that they have been painstakingly searching for? Everyone's thoughts was this. If he was truly the law, then the would be saved from those predators!

It was a good news. However, for those who were trying to seize power of the empire, it wasn't.

"You never have appeared ever since Ancestor Feng Lin has died. You never even attended his funeral or give us his dead body. How can we trust you so?" Duke Saven suddenly stepped up, raising suspicions to everyone, "And suddenly, you want to take the empire under your control that we don't even know you personally?"

Everyone couldn't help but think about this. Indeed, it was suspicious.

Jin Rou looked at the old man who spoke. He remembered that his name was Duke Saven, "It is indeed true that I have never appeared here since I have no capability to do so. This is a seperate independent world away from my world. And about my master's body, I have preserved it to how he wished."

He paused for a moment and sinister flint flashed in his eyes, "And please, if I want to take over the empire, you have no say here. I don't even ask for your opinion. Don't test my patience or you might die without a burial in front of everyone."

"You..." Duke Saven didn't expect that this young man was poisonous with his words, "I am considered your elder and you are talking to me like this?! How can you run the empire with that kind of attitude?"

He was fuming with anger for beinh berated like that.

"That's right! We don't accept you as the leader of the empire!" Another duke voiced out his opinion. He was an old friend of Duke Saven.

"It is very dangerous indeed to be under the thumb of such a venomous person." A marquis spoke out too, giving his disapproval.

Jin Rou chuckled and said, "I think I have not made myself very clear."

Jin Rou casted a sword from Emperor Lin's waist and directed it to Duke Saven. The duke was caught off guard so he didn't manage to avoid it.

"What... You..." Duke Saven widened his eyes in horror as he watched his blood spilling over. After a few seconds, he slumped down lifeless and his blood continued to flow. He never expected that Jin Rou would be so daring to even kill him in front of everyone.

Everyone was horrified by this scene. Those who tried to oppose Jin Rou a while ago silently backed away so that they wouldn't be discovered.

Emperor Lin on the other side was horrified too. He didn't expect that Jin Rou would maneuver a kill right in front of everyone! He thought he was bluffing a while ago when he said it. This young man took his words too seriously!

"You see, I actually don't want a bloodbath in my meeting. Yet, some of you think I'm easy to bully because of my age. I'm not qualified to rule the empire? Then no one is qualified here." Jin Rou sneered, "The empire has been a prime target of the other empires now and they want to devour it. No wonder they are cocky, the officials managing this empire are all a bunch of trash."

Jin Rou was truly angry. These people were all incompetent that he didn't know what to say. How could his late master entrust his legacy to them if it was like this? Not to mention, they were even dumb enough to struggle for power even the situation was already dire for the empire. If this was a joke, this was the worst joke Jin Rou had ever encountered.

As Feng Lin's disciple, Jin Rou wouldn't watch the Phoenix Empire crumble down. He might not be staying here but he wanted to save it first and leave when it's already safe and sound, ready to fend for themself.

Just like he said, he might not have a connection to the empire, but it was the blood and sweat of his late master. He would do everything in his power to save them from this dire crisis, even if all the laws appeared.

Mrs. Lei was watching this silently in the imperial room and she was very stupefied of the revelations after revelations. Jin Rou was actually the successor of Feng Lin, the strongest law or the world. How lucky was her to be helped by such an existence?

Not once in her life did she expect that she would encounter such a fortuitous like this one.. Perhaps, this might be the luck she accumulated after all the misfortunes that had befallen in her.

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