The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 760 - Immortal Foel

Chapter 760 - Immortal Foel

There were countless of people who wanted to go out and reveal themselves in the world. However, too many were also afraid of the retaliation of Han Li or his followers. Remember, his followers were apex existences that had no qualms in protecting or destroying the world.

Grimlock Asura might be a strong being and almost an apex being, but there were still people who could kill him as long as they were determined to pay the price for it.

Jin Rou stretched his arms in a lazy manner and said, "For now, I'll be focusing to clear the Glory Sky. It's high time that the deity there to die."

Terin smiled wryly after hearing this. Deities came from the Heavens. They were much stronger than the people in the Nine Heavens, thus they were tasked to maintain the balance by putting Danger Zones around it. josei

Terin had fought a deity in the past too. However, he paid too much of a price to kill it. He was already considered a top cultivator for so many eras yet he still felt difficult when facing a deity. That's normal, though. They were, after all, on a different level.

"The deity in Glory Sky... Is he really that person?" Terin asked with doubt. He had lived for so long now to know many important and famous deities in Heavens. And Han Li told him about that the deity inside Glory Sky. Even until now, he couldn't believe it.

"Yes. The deity has never changed." Jin Rou shook his head as he sighed, "That person is adamant in controlling the world by his means."

Han Li had known so many deities and encountered many of them. As a matter of fact, there were also many who died by his hands. Usually, the deities were afraid of him. After all, he had challenged the Heavens for several times now but he's still returning alive and fight them once again. No one had ever been like this against them.

"He wants to control the world?" Terin was confused. How would it be possible? The scope of a deity's power was only within the Danger Zone. As to use his abilities outside of it? That's impossible. After all, they were limited and restricted to the zone.

"With that deity's power level, breaking the restriction isn't impossible." Jin Rou said, "That man has been preparing since time immemorial to get the Nine Heavens in his clutch."

Terin felt a bit cold when he heard this. He had experienced countless world-ending problems and tribulations. However, it appeared that if that deity had a chance to get Nine Heavens in his hands, the problems he had faced were no more than farts.

Remember, it's that deity who would make a move. A very strong and brilliant deity was about to move. He was just waiting for the right time.

"If the deity successfully unbinded himself from the zone, is the Nine Heavens done for?" Terin asked. He wasn't terrified. In fact, he was seeing this as the greatest hurdle to overcome. He killed a deity in the past, what more for now?

"Done for? That's an exaggeration." Jin Rou chuckled, "That deity is very strong indeed, but he has no guts to destroy the Nine Heavens. Unless he wants to face the grave consequences when Foel appears again."

"Foel is alive?" Terin was stumped. If Han Li was considered to be the strongest of all, many would agree that Foel would be the second strongest.

Immortal Foel. A Dao Monarch with 13 dao palaces! Just imagine, a power consisting of 13 palaces of a monarch was truly terrifying and nerve wracking.

In this world, 12-palace should have been the maximum. However, Immortal Foel didn't go by the norm. He found a way to get another palace, making him the strongest monarch that had ever existed in the entire Nine Heavens!

Furthermore, he created the strongest lineage in the world which was Falling Immortal Sect! Many geniuses and royals tried their best to enter this sect to cultivate. However, they had closed their doors for a hundred years now. No one knew the reason but they really just did out of nowhere.

The last news the world heard about Immortal Foel was he had disappeared all of a sudden. Many speculated that he went for a silent expedition and ascended while a few claimed that he died of old age. No one knew the truth, except Han Li and a very few ancestors.

"That man will not go down unless I kill him personally." Jin Rou shook his head.

Terin confirmed that Foel was truly alive. He had gained insights and teachings from that man so it could be said that Foel was half a teacher of his. Hearing this news, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Jin Rou observed the reaction of the always cold blooded farmer in front of him. He never showed his emotion. Even to Han Li, he rarely showed his real emotions. Nevertheless, Han Li had not pushed this matter as it was a personal mannerism of the person.

"With him alive, the Nine Heavens has still a chance against that deity." If Immortal Foel was a hero, then Han Li must be the villain.

"Just like I said, I'm going to clear Glory Sky. So that puny deity can only think about his ambitions during his dying moment." Jin Rou said again. He had to tie the knots well before departing the Nine Heavens. After this, there would be no more Han Li or Primordial Emperor to protect the world. By that time, they could only rely on themselves.

Terin didn't say more. Although he was curious as to what would happen inside the Glory Sky, he knew he couldn't leave the Serenity Farm. It was his home and he couldn't afford to let anyone take care of it.

Jin Rou had now gotten what he wanted in the Farm Hut, so it was time to leave, "I'll be leaving now. A certain genius is waiting for me outside."

"You're talking about that Celestial Race Clan descendant?" Terin said, "He's truly a genius, but a dumb one at the same time."

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