The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 844 Cabin Of Flowers

Chapter 844 Cabin Of Flowers

The Cabin 4 was a place filled with flowers. There were four major cities and five minor cities and all of them were filled with all kinds of flowers. No one knew how it started, but people call this cabin, The Cabin of Beauty.

Currently, the duo was in one of the major cities, Blossoming City. It was rumored to be the place of origin of all flowers in the cabin, thus it was called Blossoming. Not just that, out of all the cities, this had the beauty that couldn't be compared.

"This is Blossoming." Jin Rou said. It was his next target destination for his aim. And the information in the book didn't lie.

The city was really beautiful. No, the word beautiful couldn't amount to much. Every spot was filled with pretty flowers and its fragrance was overwhelming in a good way.

There were every type of flowers here that could be found on other places. Reportedly, there were a million kinds of this.

"Flowers..." Sylvianna creased her brows. She didn't like the smell of the flower, personally. Thus she was a bit agitated.

"Being a Blackmauve, you must have not been able to experience the goodness of a flower's fragrance." Jin Rou smirked. He wasn't that fond of flowers, but he liked some of its smell, "Fret not, we will stay in a place where there is the most less flowers around."


The Garden of the Deathly Flowers was a location which wasn't advised for people to enter. Although there were no restrictions, people were not encouraged to go here.josei

Since time immemorial, the garden had existed and survived many catastrophes, becoming one of the oldest place ever recorded in history.

The place wasn't filled with flowers, literally, but stones which looked like flowers. They also have their own corresponding leaves pattern.

Sylvianna felt much better now that she was away from the fragrance of the flowers, "So why are we here?"

"To achieve the goal, of course. Remember, I'm going to get a Title which could make us participate in the Grand Scheme." Jin Rou explained, "This place is the best option out of the rest."

"Is there a life here?" Sylvianna asked. She tried to maximize her senses but she couldn't detect any signs of life, "Or are you trying to trigger a Hidden Schema again?"

"Hmm, we won't trigger anything. If there is, we will steal the Title out of a living thing." Jin Rou responded. He said as if it was a trivial matter.

"Stealing a Title?" Sylvianna was confused, "Whatever. Just get done with it."

Jin Rou chuckled and didn't answer. They walked several miles before stopping into a certain spot of the garden. It was very large and vast, thus it took a bit while before they reach the place.

He then stumped his foot and said, "All right, come out. I know you're hiding."

However, there was no response.

"You want to play the hard game? My patience is limited. It's either I destroy your home or you come out of here." Jin Rou

After he said that, there was a slight twitch from the ground. Soon, a little worm appeared. It was carrying a cannon of its size, as if it was ready for the war.

"Who are you?" It spoke. The words it said contained eminence. If they were ordinary residents, they would have been turned into meat paste now.

"You want to fight me?" Jin Rou asked.

"Depends on the reason why you are here." The worm answered. Despite its size, it shouldn't be underestimated as it had lived for a long time now, being part of the garden. Moreover, it was its turf so it had the advantage here.

"I want the Title you have gained from a distant era. I know you know what I'm talking about." Jin Rou said. He didn't hesitate to ask what he wanted.

"You're dreaming." The worm snorted. It's obvious that its expression had that one with a disgust, "And you're also thickheaded, to actually want to steal from someone of my level?"

"Don't think too highly of yourself. You can only defeat perhaps the Kings and a few normal Emperors, that's not much." Jin Rou's words were filled with malice.

In the Dark Train, being able to defeat Kings and Emperors were already enough to venerate you by many people. After all, those from the rankings of Kings were most of officers of the Authority.

"You want to try me?" The worm didn't like being insulted. Being at the top of the Kings, it didn't like insults.

"As long as you can bear your fate." Jin Rou smirked, "Come at me."

The worm looked at Jin Rou with raging eyes. The expected attack didn't come as it asked, "What do you want?"

Unexpectedly, it even asked what Jin Rou wanted. It was pertaining to perhaps the Title he wanted.

"The Slayer of Demons." Jin Rou said.

"Outrageous! This is not possible." The worm exclaimed. That Title was too important for the worm. After all, it was its basis and foundation, "Ask other than that."

"That's what I need to participate in the Grand Scheme." Jin Rou said, "Your 'Slayer of Demons' is the best for the Grand Scheme."

The 'Slayer of Demons' was an almost grand-level Title which was painstakingly obtained by the worm during a distant era of war. That time, it slew demons amounting to billions, making it earn the said Title. And now, Jin Rou was asking for it like it was nothing? How could the worm like it? It would rather die than give it just like that.

"Just kill me." The worm said. Its eyes were filled with decision. It was final and it wouldn't take back its words.

"Don't be too hasty to decline. How about I give you something you so much need?" Jin Rou said. He took out an item which Han Li prepared for this scenario. It's a pen with bird feathers taped on the top.

It looked weird and useless. But the worm's eyes turned wide as it stared at the pen, "Where in hell you got this pen?"

It was something very important to the worm.

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