The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Fist and truth

Albert found a good item on the catalog order. It was a delicate and small silver Phoenix badge, but the price was a bit expensive and needed a gallon.

However, Albert is still going to let Owl order and give Nya as a Christmas present.

After closing the catalogue order and putting it back into the school bag, he closed the thick book on the table and prepared to put it back in its original position. As Albert passed the shelf with the book, he looked at an acquaintance in surprise.

"I have encountered a lot of trouble recently!" Truman showed a little surprise on his face when he saw Albert, and said in a low voice, "But, well done."

"Thank you." Albert asked curiously after putting the book back on the shelf, "What are you looking for?"

"Evil curse, useful curse!" Truman whispered: "I'm going to fight Ravenclaw Prefect Norch."

Albert was stunned when he heard this. What kind of sorrow was this?

"You and Ravenclaw's prefect, duel?" Albert asked in a low voice.

Truman nodded.

"What's the matter? Are you going to hesitate and discuss, or... use a duel to resolve the conflict?" Albert had actually guessed that it was possible. If it were friendship and discussion, Truman would not come here to find useful curses. . "However, I am afraid that the school will not be too happy, they will not want to see students use duels to solve problems, and..."

Albert believes that Truman has little chance of winning. Since the opponent is Ravenclaw's prefect, it shows that the results are not bad, and there will be a gap in the mastery and use of magic between the two sides.

"Norch insisted that Bridget Winlock was from Ravenclaw." Truman's tone was a little annoyed.

"Bridget Winlock?" Albert asked suspiciously, he had never heard the name.

"Bridget Winlock was a famous arithmetic fortune-teller in the 13th century. He was the first to discover the magical properties of the number seven." Truman explained, "I'm learning arithmetic and divination and chatting with others about this. Event. Later, when he passed by, he said Wenlock was from Ravenclaw. I argued about it, and then it became like this."

"So Bridget Winlock is from Hufflepuff."

"Of course, there is an introduction by Bridget Winlock on the chocolate frog picture." Truman took out a chocolate frog picture and handed it to Albert.

Albert asked after reading it, "Why didn't you give this to him at the time."

"I asked a friend later." Truman explained, "Moreover, I think even if I show it to him, the other party won't admit it. That guy must have known that he was wrong a long time ago, so he just wouldn't admit it."

Albert already understood the reason for their duel.

The typical argument went to spray each other, and then it evolved into beating people.

In his previous life, Albert had seen too many such things, and there were a lot of people on the Internet with this kind of virtue. However, because there is a layer of network, and you can't climb over and beat people along the network cable, there is no tricks, you can only spray each other on the Internet forum.

This time it was different. Both sides were already angry.

Perhaps, at the beginning, the prefect of Ravenclaw himself remembered incorrectly. When the two sides blushed with each other, even if they realized that there was nothing wrong, they would not admit their mistakes, so it evolved into this duel. .

Obviously, the prefect of Ravenclaw was furious, at least Truman thought so.

Not everyone has the courage to admit their mistakes like Gryffindor, no, even Gryffindor, few have this courage, just like Dumbledore’s classic quotation: People are easy Forgive others for their mistakes, but it is difficult to forgive others for their correctness.

Truman is to maintain the glory of Hufflepuff, at least, in their opinion, your own academy finally except for a famous person, you actually shamelessly insist that it is Ravenclaw.

"Need me to give you a little advice?" Albert whispered.

"Okay!" Truman looked forward to Albert's proposal.

"It's not a duel, it will cause you trouble." Albert reminded, "Don't admit that it was a duel."

Truman was a little regretful: "..."

"You certainly don't want to be confined!" Albert said.

"I don't want to." Truman nodded repeatedly.

"Will you disarm the curse?"

"No," Truman said gloomily.

"Come with me!" Albert motioned to Truman to go out with him. The library is not a good place to talk. He has noticed that Mrs. Pins is looking over here. If he doesn't want to be driven out by the chicken feather blanket, then Just leave by yourself.

The two walked out of the library one after another and came to the corridor outside.

Albert looked at the Slytherin students passing by, squinted his eyes and said to Truman: "The spell of the Disarming Curse is to remove your weapon, which is what he meant, it is to remove the opponent's weapon."

"You mean, get rid of Noch's weapon." Truman's tone was a little excited. If the wizard loses his wand, it's like a tiger loses his minions.

"Yes. However, you must first use it first." Albert said suddenly: "You will definitely count one, two and three in a duel. When you count to one, you will attack him first, otherwise you may not be him. Opponent."

"But..." Truman seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Albert.

"This is not a duel, is it?" Albert said lightly, "When you disarm Noch's weapon, use a whole body restraint curse while he is in a daze, you can use it!"

"Yes." Truman nodded.

"Then, go up and beat him, and beat him to know that he was wrong." Albert made a punch.

"With fists?" Truman was a little unable to understand Albert's thinking mode.

"There is a saying that the truth is in your fist." Albert looked at Truman dumbfounded and said, "Moreover, he was indeed wrong, he did not admit it, and he wanted to teach you through a duel. Don't forget, he is older than him. You are two years older and know more about magic than you..."

Albert paused suddenly, and his eyes fell on a certain red-haired girl in Ravenclaw.

"Do you know Isabel?"josei

"I've seen it several times in the same club." Albert confirmed that there was no one around, and continued, "There is a saying, you can never wake up people who pretend to sleep, the best way to wake them up is"

"Beat him fiercely!" Truman suddenly felt very reasonable, what about the sneak attack, what he wanted was to teach the other party a severe lesson.

Albert nodded and said: "Remember, don't use evil curses. Using evil curses is worse than using a fist. Then, after you get caught, you will tell Professor Sprout why you are fighting. Remember It's a fight, not a duel. Your dean will definitely not punish you. After all, you are fighting for the honor of the academy."

"It's okay." Truman was stunned. He had believed it for seven or eight points. Yes, he hit you for honor. When he was excited, he suddenly realized that there was one thing that he would not disarm.

"Come with me, I know what you need... Self-defense spells." Albert entered with Truman, "You need to find someone to practice with you, don’t look at me, I don’t have that kind of free time, you can find one Hufflepuff’s friend."

"Well, thank you, remember to come to the duel on the weekend." Truman grinned: "On the lawn near Black Lake."

"I will." Albert looked at Truman's back, his gaze fell on his task panel.

Enthusiastic help

Your friend Gabriel Truman seems to have some trouble. As the first wizard friend you know, you should help him solve the problem as much as Reward: 100 points of experience, Gabriel Truman Likes +10

Distant victory

Your friend does not have any advantage in the upcoming duel. As a friend, you should find ways to help him turn defeat into victory.

Reward: 1000 experience, a random skill from the mission target, Gabriel Truman's favor +10.

Albert was a little interested in getting a random skill from the mission target. When she returned to her seat, Shanna, who had just finished her homework, asked curiously, "What did you do just now?"

"It's nothing, I just met a friend and talked a few words." Albert noticed that Mrs. Pince looked over, shut up quickly, checked the homework he had just finished, and put him away.

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