The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046: bad future

At this moment, at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, as soon as Sirius walked out of the studio, he was immediately surrounded by everyone.

"The broadcast just now was really cool."

Fred and George did not hesitate to praise their words, "If Fudge and Toad heard the broadcast tonight, they would definitely vomit blood with anger."

"I don't know if they will be so angry that they vomit blood, but I know Fudge will definitely try his best to get you into Azkaban prison." Kingsley reminded: "Sirius, don't run around recently, because The relationship between Defense Letters and Wizarding Lookout, Fudge has tried to offer you a bounty more than once."

"It's not better, it's more of an indication that Fudge is just a fool who's doing a lot of tricks."

Harry hates Cornelius Fudge very much now, especially knowing the consequences of all the stupid things Fudge did, and his impression of the former good-natured Minister for Magic has fallen sharply. No matter how you look at it now, only politicians are left. Fake face.

"It doesn't make sense to say that until Fudge is ousted." Kingsley sighed inwardly.

So far, he is still reluctant to believe Albert's prophecy, because the situation in the future is too bad.josei

"Sirius, who do you think will be the new Minister?" Hermione was more concerned about this question, or rather, she was actually asking "Who will be the next Minister of Magic in Albert's prophecy".

Hermione felt that this matter was very important. Once Fudge stepped down, and an unreliable Minister of Magic appeared again, and continued to sing against Dumbledore, it would really be over.

As for the failure of Albert's prediction, Hermione hadn't thought about it, because Albert's prediction was accurate even if he didn't use the crystal ball, let alone the predicted result.


Sirius walked into the lobby to get some butterbeer to drink, feeling dry from the broadcast.

"Why not Amelia Burns?" Tonks followed a few people back to the hall, picked up the butterbeer keg and filled Lupin and Sirius' glasses with butterbeer, "I think Amelia Beau There should be a higher chance of Enns being the new minister, she is the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"I hope it's Amelia Burns too." Kingsley whispered, for some reason, his tone sounded a little lonely and helpless.

"Actually, no matter who the next one is, there is no way out." George interrupted suddenly.

"Unless Fudge steps down immediately, the next Minister of Magic is destined to be unlucky." Fred nodded in agreement.

"What did Anderson predict?"

Mad-Eye Moody, who has been silent since just now, suddenly asked, he is not as convinced as Sirius as he is about Albert's prophecy. speculation about the future.

Even a master of prophecy cannot guarantee that every prediction is 100% accurate.

"He said that the next minister will inevitably become the victim of the downfall of the Ministry of Magic." George shrugged and explained after sensing the gazes of others: "The rest, we don't know, Albert did not elaborate."

"Dumbledore didn't know about this?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"Since we all know it, Dumbledore must know it too." Mad-Eye believes that Dumbledore must also know this part of the prophecy. He actually cares more about what the other party plans to do.

"If the Death Eater's escape plan is real, are we going to take action to stop..." Tonks cast a searching look at Kingsley. "The Ministry of Magic, or the Order of the Phoenix..."

"Harry, Ron, and you should go back to rest." Mrs. Weasley looked at the crowd with her waist on, ready to chase them away. She didn't want the other kids to hear it, and she didn't like them mixing in.

"Mom, we're adults," Fred and George couldn't help complaining.

"I am your mother."

Mrs. Weasley drove Harry and the others out of the hall, closed the wooden door, and did not forget to chant a distraction spell on the door.

After doing all this, she signaled everyone to continue.

Outside, Fred and George took out their telescopic ears and tried to eavesdrop on the conversation inside, but they soon found that a spell was placed on the door, and they could only return to their rooms in annoyance.

"Useless Tonks, Fudge has become very extreme now. Even if he told him about the escape from prison, he probably wouldn't believe it, and he would even think that Dumbledore's people fired you..."

"I was." Tonks mumbled.

"We don't have any evidence that the Death Eaters are trying to help Azkaban's prisoners escape." Mad-Eye shook his head.

Even in ordinary times, the probability of success is low.

"...I know, but we still need to stay in the Ministry of Magic, given the current situation, unless Scrimgeour is willing to take the risk of mobilizing the Aurors to strengthen Azkaban's defenses, but that's unlikely, as many wizards think Azkaban Caban is pretty safe." Kingsley shook his head and said, "If Amelia Burns could take over, maybe she might follow Dumbledore's advice, but that's almost a fantasy."

"Didn't you notice? Why didn't Amelia Burns become Minister of Magic, but Scrimgeour took over as Minister of Magic." Tonks asked the question again.

However, the exchange was silence.

Amelia Burns is probably dead!

Everyone realizes this.

"Maybe, we should reach a partnership with Amelia Burns. Her brother was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and her family died of Death Eaters. Maybe..." Lupin cast a glance at Sirius and asked. What's up with him.

"I reminded her, but Amelia Burns was dubious about it. It's hard to convince her in some ways..." Sirius sighed, he actually agreed that Burns became the new minister, At least the Ministry of Magic won't be a problem, if not allied with it.

"Maybe, after we escape from Azkaban, we can talk to her. If she is unfortunately killed by Voldemort, it will be a heavy loss." Kingsley did not agree with letting Scrimgeour take over, although His boss was an aggressive Auror, but if he became a minister, things might not be too good.

Not all wizards are fit to be ministers.

"That's not the problem," Sirius shook his head.

"What's the meaning?"

"Albert thinks Amelia Burns is on Voldemort's kill list, and unless she hides, the Ministry of Magic can't keep her safe." Sirius explained: "I bet the Ministry of Magic is sure Infiltrated by Death Eaters, even if Amelia Burns is protected by other Aurors, are you sure you won't be betrayed? Also, I talked to her about it, so I know Amelia Burns' character probably won't hide."

"So, Amelia Burns is almost certain to die?" Tonks felt absurd.

"After the escape, we'll talk to Amelia Burns about her safety." Kingsley was also not confident to convince the other party.

In fact, if he was in Amelia Burns' position, he wouldn't allow himself to hide.

"It's useless. Even if Amelia Burns becomes a minister, it won't change anything. The false peace that Fudge whitewashed will be completely broken, and the credibility of the British Ministry of Magic will suffer a fatal blow. When Voldemort completely and seriously threatens everyone's lives and safety. , how much trust do you think people still have in the Ministry of Magic?" Sirius said this almost in a chanting tone,

"These are Albert's original words."

Tonks and Kingsley looked at each other and fell into a brief silence. Although they didn't want to admit it, it was the truth.

"Don't forget, Fudge is constantly throwing dirty water on Dumbledore and Harry now, and the Ministry of Magic has rotted from its roots, which is why the next minister will inevitably become a victim." Sirius is also very optimistic. The future of the Ministry of Magic.

"Dumbledore shouldn't have allowed this to happen," said Mrs Weasley uneasily.

Yeah, Dumbledore wouldn't allow that to happen.

In that case, Albert Anderson's predictions went wrong.

But...if Albert Anderson's predictions come true, does that mean...

"I don't think even Dumbledore can change this." Sirius is pessimistic about the future, which may be related to his frequent contact with Albert.

"If Dumbledore had initially agreed with Albert's plan to force Fudge to step down and put Amelia Burns in the position of minister, maybe the situation would not have gotten completely out of control, but I'm afraid it's too late now." From what Sirius knew about Albert, that guy wasn't really an adventurous person.

Especially to pull Fudge down, I am afraid it is the last chance to make that proposal.

"If Azkaban does break out in the near future, we need to talk to Dumbledore." Mad-Eye took a sip from the jug in his hand, turned and walked out of the hall, "As for Amelia Burns, keep her as long as possible, once she is killed by Voldemort, it will be a huge loss to us and the entire wizarding world."

Sirius doubted whether Amelia Burns would live to be a minister, remembering Albert's saying: "A good word is hard to persuade a **** ghost."

Therefore, Albert is more willing to let him die for those who can't be persuaded, and even watch him die with his own eyes.

After this short discussion, everyone said goodbye and left, and Fred and George stopped Bill at the entrance of the stairs.

"What's the matter?" Bill asked warily.

"We're going to open a shop." George said suddenly.

"Looking for the right store in Diagon Alley," Fred added.

"We value a store, and I hope you can help us ask the price first." The Weasley twins said in unison.

"Where did you get the money?" Bill asked curiously.

"Albert gave us a start-up capital," Fred said. "If it's not expensive, buy that store, 93 Diagon Alley, and if possible, buy all the nearby stores. Or rent it."

"Because of the chaos caused by the Death Eaters and the Mysterious Man, I think the price should be the lowest ever." George said, "This is Albert's original words, in short, please help."

"It takes a lot of Galleons." Bill lamented the wealth of the other party.

"I heard that he made a lot of money by betting on himself to win the championship last time." George glanced and said, "Sirius also made a lot of money. If Dad is willing to press a little bit last time, I think our family can make a lot of money too. "

Bill fell silent for a while, he'd really heard about it.

"Okay, no problem." Bill agreed.

"By the way, remember to keep it a secret from others," George said.

"Are you planning to open a shop?"

The three Harry appeared out of nowhere.

"Yeah," George said. "Our product is selling well."

"It's really thanks to Toad." Fred said with emotion.

"According to Albert's prediction, next year will be the best-selling year." George lowered his voice, "So, we have to hurry up and prepare."

"None of us would want to stay in school if it wasn't for continuing to promote the product."

"If you dare to drop out of school, your mother will definitely rip you off," Ron warned.

"The four of you open a shop?" Hermione asked curiously.

"However, this store is only temporary, and it will be re-divided in the future." George nodded. "Albert has a complete plan. The most important thing is to open the store now."

"Ron, if you can't find a good job in the future, maybe you can work in the store." George joked with a smile, "We'll give you a good price then."

"Go away, you can't find a job." Ron glared at Fred and George.

"Those two **** are going too far." Ron looked a little annoyed.

"I remember having career counseling this year." Hermione changed the subject. "Harry, have you ever thought about a career in the future?"

"Maybe... become an Auror who fights the Dark Wizard," Harry said hesitantly.

"Where's Ron?" Hermione asked, looking at Ron.

"I haven't made up my mind yet," said Ron hesitantly. "It would be nice to be an Auror, if possible."

"How about you, Hermione?" Ron asked.

"I hope to enter the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures and help those poor house elves." Hermione said her future plans.

"You haven't given up vomiting yet?" Ron's expression was a little weird.

"It's not vomiting, it's the House Elf Advocate," Hermione corrected impatiently.

"I thought Anderson was able to convince her to let go of the unrealistic stuff," Ron said to Harry after Hermione had left.

"Dobby was hired by Albert." Harry said suddenly.

"Anderson himself is a weirdo." Ron shrugged.

"Dumbledore didn't do that," Harry reminded.

"Honestly, I doubt Hermione would pay to hire a house-elf," muttered Ron. "There's not a lot of people in the wizarding world like Anderson's."




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