The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1136

Chapter 1136: craving

"Calm down, calm down, I'll see them again soon." Dumbledore forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart and comforted himself.

At this moment, he remembered Albert's warning and realized that he was too anxious.

Even if there is no trace of magic left on the door in front of you, it is still not a wise move to reach out and touch it, not to mention that the door in front of you is just a wooden door, after a long time, it can still be preserved relatively well It's unusual to come down, rather than outright decay.

Dumbledore whispered a spell and tapped the wooden door in front of him with his wand, but nothing happened.

"Am I overthinking it?" Dumbledore murmured.

However, he still didn't plan to reach out to touch it, but waved his wand and let the wooden door in front of him open by himself.

A ball of light flew out from the tip of the wand and floated directly into the pitch-black house ahead, illuminating it completely.

This house has been completely abandoned, the ceiling is covered with thick cobwebs, the walls and roof of the house have collapsed to varying degrees, and a rotten rafter has fallen down, giving people the feeling that it only needs to be touched lightly. , the illusion that the whole house will completely collapse.

Dumbledore walked in cautiously and carefully observed the situation inside, however, he did not find any traces of relational magic remaining.

Horcrux not here?

The old man turned his gaze back to the strange wooden door at the entrance. When he reached out his hand wearing dragon leather gloves to touch the wooden door, there was still no response.

After carefully studying the wooden door for a while, he did not see any traces of black magic on it, so he took off his gloves again and reached out to touch the wooden door. go in.

After regaining his senses, Dumbledore found himself standing in a dark room.

It seems that because someone broke in, some kind of creepy blue magic flame suddenly burned in front, and the blue potion began to spread around, as if to completely burn the intruder to ashes.

If it is just an ordinary wizard, if they encounter such a situation by chance, I am afraid that they will soon panic and be directly burned to ashes by the magic flame.

Even if he can calm down, he can't solve the approaching death.

However, the person standing here was Dumbledore. He calmly raised his wand and began to quickly recite a series of strange incantations. He pointed his wand forward, and the original blue magic flame suddenly churned, and then completely extinguished. Back into a deadly darkness.

A ball of light suddenly flew out from the tip of the wand, instantly dispelling the surrounding darkness.

Dumbledore looked around with the help of a glowing spell, his eyes falling on the strange statue in front of him, but his eyes quickly moved away from the statue and continued to observe the surrounding environment.

The area here is small, surrounded by rough walls, the entrance is the wooden door behind him, and what surprised Dumbledore the most is that he actually saw the traces of black magic from the wooden door, and also That is to say, if someone tries to open the door and leave, it is likely to fall into Voldemort's trap.

That's right, with Voldemort's character, it is absolutely impossible for anyone who breaks into this place to leave easily.

Dumbledore didn't continue to pay attention to the door, but returned to the strange statue in front of him. He seemed to hear whispers from the statue, as if someone was talking to him.

However, Dumbledore didn't seem to be affected by the whisper, and stared at a ring on the statue with a concentrated and sad expression. His blue eyes were no longer full of wisdom, but full of sorrow.

He walked slowly to the statue, staring unblinkingly at the black gem on the ring, trying to make out if it was the resurrection stone of his dreams.

That's right, the black gem has the Deathly Hallows landmark on it.


Dumbledore's lips trembled slightly, his eyes were wet with tears at some point, and he stretched out his arm tremblingly. He had waited for this moment, it had been too long. He wanted to see Ariana, wanted to see his dead parents, wanted to…

Dumbledore took the ring from the statue with his gloved hand, but when he tried to put it on his finger, the movement of his hand stopped abruptly.

"Should return to Hogwarts immediately," Dumbledore restrained the pent-up longing in his heart and tugged the ring tightly in his hand.

"Fox!" The old man summoned his phoenix.

A golden red flame appeared out of thin air, and Fox answered Dumbledore's call.

"Quick, take me back to Hogwarts."

Dumbledore's vision was always on the ring that he was holding firmly in his hand, and with the help of Fox, he left.

After returning to Hogwarts, Dumbledore could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, the familiar environment loosened his tense nerves. He put his wand down, his eyes still fixed on the ring in his hand.

At this moment, Dumbledore couldn't wait to see his family.

He's been waiting for this moment for too long.

The old man took out the Gryffindor sword from the cupboard and slashed it **** the ring on the table. A terrifying shadow surged out of the ring and disappeared in a long scream.

That was Voldemort's soul kept in the ring.

Dumbledore finally succeeded in destroying a Horcrux again.

However, this was not what Dumbledore cared about the most. He had put down the Gryffindor sword in his hand, and kept talking about how to use the resurrection stone, intending to use the resurrection stone to summon his long-dead parents and sister Ariana.

When Dumbledore reached for the ring that had been destroyed, an accident happened.

A piercing pain spread from the tips of his fingers all over his body, almost knocking him unconscious.

The ring also fell off the tip of the finger and fell on the table, and all the portraits who had planned to watch the melon eating silently were all awakened.josei

The severe pain made Dumbledore recover from his grief. He looked down at the scorched, black three fingers, and his lips trembled slightly, "I'm so careless, I haven't made any progress in all these years."

He actually naively thought that as long as the Horcrux was completely destroyed, it would be safe. However, Voldemort is sure to curse up and down the Horcrux. "

Dumbledore picked up the wand and tried to lift the curse on his hand, but the effect was not obvious. The curse that Voldemort left on the Horcrux was slowly eroding his vitality, and he didn't take more of his life at once, probably because Voldemort didn't want to let him. The intruder should die immediately!

"Severus, I need your help, please come to the principal's office immediately." Dumbledore leaned on the table to the fireplace. He grabbed a handful of flour and sprinkled it into the fireplace. Pop came out of the fireplace.

"What happened, Dumbledore."

Snape came out of the green flames and looked at the frail Dumbledore in shock. He had never seen the old man before him so frail.

"I seem to have been hit by a vicious curse, is there any way you can..." Dumbledore raised his charred palm.

"I can assure you, that looks like a particularly powerful spell." After Snape checked Dumbledore's palm, he aimed his wand at that hand and whispered the spell.

Dumbledore looked at the dead palm and asked softly, "Did it work?"

"No, I just stopped the curse temporarily, and imprisoned the curse in your palm temporarily. It will continue to spread sooner or later, and this curse will continue to strengthen over time." Snape Looking down at the broken ring and the Gryffindor sword, he asked angrily, "Do you think destroying the ring will break the spell on it?"

"Almost... I must be dizzy..." Dumbledore asked, changing the subject. "Severus, how much time do you think I have left?"

Snape hesitated, then replied, "About two or three years."

"There's enough time."

"Is there enough time?"

Infuriated by Dumbledore's lighthearted tone, Snape asked angrily, "Why put on that ring? You know it's got a spell on it, so why touch it?"

Dumbledore smiled bitterly: "The temptation is too great!"

"What temptation?"

Dumbledore did not answer.

"I'm going to boil some potions for you to help you curb your injury." Snape saw that Dumbledore didn't intend to answer, so he didn't intend to continue to ask, he frowned and said, "You can contact that amazing guy, UU reading. Maybe he has a way to help heal your injury."

"You've done a great job, Severus," Dumbledore said calmly. "Please help me keep this a secret."

"I'm afraid it's not easy, and everyone will notice it soon."

Snape turned and disappeared into the fireplace.

"So, Albert was referring to this matter?"

After Snape disappeared into the fireplace, Dumbledore looked at the ring on the table and murmured, "What a fool I am."

Dumbledore picked up the ring and walked towards his bedroom.

After closing the bedroom door, he closed his eyes and turned the ring three times in his hand according to the formula of using the resurrection stone.

Three figures appeared beside Dumbledore. They were neither ghosts nor flesh-and-blood living people, but more like memories that had become entities. They circled around Dumbledore with reunion smiles on their faces.

"Sorry, Ariana, I didn't take good care of you." Dumbledore raised his head and apologized to his sister with tears in his eyes, "Aberforth is right, it's all my fault, everything is mine. Wrong, I killed you!"

"I never blame you." Ariana reached out and touched the old man's head, as if comforting a sad child.

"I shouldn't have done that in the first place." Dumbledore said sadly, "I know you're not in good health..."

"Sorry, Albus, it's all our fault for leaving the burden to you." Mr. Dumbledore looked at his older son with guilt in his heart.

If he had not been imprisoned in Azkaban back then, perhaps it would not have evolved into this.

The shackles of life trapped his most talented son, who was supposed to soar like a bird.


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