The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Albert's little trick

The three moved quickly through the secret road, and it took a while to reach the eighth floor.

After listening to Albert's account, Fred gasped slightly and felt incredible, "So, Professor Broad didn't help Filch catch you."

"Albert is an excellent student in the eyes of professors." George joked, and then opened his mouth in surprise, because a door actually appeared on the wall opposite the tapestry where the giant stick hit the silly Barnabas.

"Sure enough..." Albert whispered softly.

"Sure enough?" Fred asked curiously.

"It's nothing, go in!" Albert opened the door and walked into the responsive room first.

"Unexpectedly, it's true." Fred and George looked at each other, and walked in behind Albert. Their mouths were all big, and what caught their eyes was a beautifully decorated one that had never been seen before. The room contains...

The excited expressions on their faces froze, and they looked at the various exquisite and luxurious potties in front of them in amazement.

Albert looked at the stunned expression on the faces of the Weasley brothers, blinked mischievously, and said, "How is it, are you surprised?"

"Couldn't you find it by accident when you got here when your bladder was so full?" Fred couldn't help asking.

"How is it possible, am I so stupid?" Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Is this really the broom cabinet we found earlier?" George looked at the luxurious potty here curiously, and suddenly he had an idea, and asked: "So, are you urinating?"

The three of them couldn't help laughing, and each chose a favorite style.

"However, we really have to hide here, it feels a bit strange." Fred scratched his head. After all, no one likes to hide in a pile of potty.

"Nothing, just go out and change another room." Albert said casually.

"This place is not within the scope of the live spot map, maybe the prongs, moon faces, worm tails, and big feet have not discovered the secret here." George looked at the live spot map in his hand and said.

"Pointed fork, moon face, wormtail, bigfoot?" Albert asked pretendingly.

"The maker of the live spot map." Fred explained.

"Oh, they." Albert headed up, "Maybe I haven't found it. After all, there is the secret of the responsive house, few people know."

"No problem, Filch is still on the fifth floor." George said after checking the spot map.

After the three of them left the responsive house, Fred asked, "What is going to change."

"A place to rest," Albert proposed.

"I'll come this time."

"I also want."

The twins put their hands on each other's shoulders. After trying again, the door opened. This time, they appeared in a comfortable room with a burning fire.

"Awesome." Fred patted the armchair. "By the way, you haven't said how exactly you found here."

"I want to know too." George agreed.

"This is the result of my analysis from you. Did you pass through here many times at that time? You still wanted to find a place to hide?" Albert moved out his pre-prepared rhetoric. In fact, to some extent Above all, what he said is really right.

"That's right."

"So, I took the time to try, pass here many times, and then want a place to hide." Albert explained.

"The result?" George asked.

"Of course it failed. I tried many times before finally opening this door, and after a general sense of classification, did I figure out the correct way to open it." Albert began to exaggerate the difficulty of finding here. In fact, he succeeded on the first attempt.

"Later, I tested and turned it into another room. After trying many times, I found out the correct way to use it." Albert blinked and said, "So, I later called this the room for all requests. Because of this. The room will become all kinds of rooms you need according to your needs. Is it very appropriate if you ask for it?"

"So, through these clues, you found this place?"

"Yes, I found this place through the clues you provided, am I very good?" Albert headed his head: "If you want to praise me, please praise me!"

"You..." The twins swallowed back what they had just prepared to say, but they still admired each other very much. They didn't expect Albert to find this kind of place just by relying on this clue.

"When we make the garlic cross, we can do it here." George said suddenly. In this way, we don't need to worry about making the dormitory full of garlic.

"Have you given up yet?" Albert thought they had forgotten about it, but he didn't expect to mention it again at this time.

"Why give up, we already have enough garlic." Fred nodded, "This is the first alchemy item we made."

Albert could not help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't know if he was going to tell them that it was actually not an alchemy tool.

But... he was really embarrassed to speak, shattering the boys' dreams.

After all, the two men will become the king of jokes in the future.

The three rested in the responsive room for a long time, waiting for Filch and Professor Brod to give up searching for them. Compared to Filch, who was searching for them, the twins who were sitting by the fireplace were fighting Albert.

There were two games of wizard chess at their table, and Albert dealt with them easily with one against two.

"Fred, work harder, you still have a chance to turn defeat into victory." George exclaimed.

"How can you add it? By the way, you actually lost earlier than me." Fred looked at the brother who was sitting next to him and said coldly, and couldn't help rolling his eyes. He knew he was about to lose.

"Ahem." George gave a dry cough and quickly changed the subject. "Filch seems to have gone back to rest. Let's go to the library."

"That's a good idea, let's go." Fred stood up immediately, ready to lose the game.

"Uh, okay." Albert did not pierce the other's mind, but moved the queen to check Fred's king to death.

"You also lost." George slapped Fred on the shoulder gleefully. "You are much better than our ineffective brother."

"Brother?" Albert asked puzzled. "The hapless guy whose tongue was burnt through candy."

"Ahem, it was just an accident." George gave a dry cough, and walked out of the responsive room.

The three of them walked towards the school library.

The Hogwarts library was closed at eight o'clock in the evening, and the three were surprised that the library door was not locked.

Albert opened the door and walked in first. The inside of the hall was dark and terrifying.

Albert raised his wand, looked around with the light of the wand, and then walked towards the restricted area behind the library.

After crossing the rope separating the restricted book zone, the surrounding atmosphere became even more gloomy.

Albert raised his wand and read the title of the book with the pale light.

"Help me find the "Book of Spells." And don't open those books casually, and don't take them off the shelf. No one knows if these books have been cursed." Albert warned: "Remember Stay, don’t open the book, it may cause us a lot of trouble."

"I got it." The twins looked at each other, but nodded.

It is undoubtedly a waste of time to find the books you need in the sea of ​​books. Albert has spent a long time without finding what he needs.

The books in the banned book area all look very shabby. Albert is a little doubtful whether there are a lot of original copies stored here.

"Albert!" Fred's voice was very low, "I heard a whisper in some books over there."

"Whispering?" Albert frowned, hearing the twins say so, unknowingly thinking that Voldemort's Horcrux was hidden in the restricted book zone.

The three of them all leaned forward and pointed their wands at the flaked and faded bronzing letters. They all felt the hair on the back of their neck stand up, and they could all hear the whispers from the books.

"This is a banned book area. It's not surprising that there is such a book. Don't open it." Albert warned, "It must be a book on dark magic by the recorder."josei

"Do you think there is a powerful black magic recorded in it?" The twins looked at the book with a sense of awe.

"Maybe, I don't know." Albert exhorted. "But I can be sure that if you open it now at this time, you will definitely be unlucky."

"You're right." Fred gave up the idea of ​​dying, worried about the bad black magic in the book, after all, some bad things will happen after reading some books.

"Toadstool Tales" and "The Wizard's Sonnet" are the best examples. The former will make people nauseous and vomiting, while the latter will make people only use the five-element limericks to speak for a lifetime.

"Help me find the "Book of Spells", the spells in it are more suitable for us to learn now." Albert reminded again.

Fred and George both nodded their heads and agreed to help. They also wanted to learn some evil spells. The powerful evil spells in "Book of Spells" were obviously suitable for them to practice.

"Search separately, it will be more efficient. As long as you don't touch the books casually, you will definitely be fine." Albert reminded him and continued to search for the books he needed.

There are a lot of books stored in the forbidden book area. When Albert passed through an area, he could vaguely hear someone talking in a low voice.

Albert immediately held his breath and listened. The source of the vaguely heard sound was a bookshelf next to him, but not the books in these bookshelves in front of him, but elsewhere.

There seems to be something here, but it is hidden by magic.

"It's weird..." Albert muttered. He didn't try to uncover the secret, but continued to search for the books he needed. That was his purpose here.

It took about an hour or even longer, and the three of them basically walked around the forbidden book area before finally finding the books they needed.

"I knew that the books here were not so easy to take away." Fred pointed to the chains on the books and said, "What to do? Arahho Caves won't work. These chains must be enchanted."

"Should you plan to forcefully break the chains?" Neither George nor Fred wanted Albert to do that. He worried that doing so might have bad consequences.

"Of course I wouldn't do that kind of stupid thing. There is an anti-Arahho hole curse on it as I expected." Albert took a knife from his pocket.

This knife is something he bought at Christmas. Albert didn't want this knife, but some universal accessories on the knife. Among them, one is a tool for unlocking. He has practiced at home, and it is not too difficult to open this old lock.

"What are you going to do." Neither of them understood why Albert suddenly took out a knife.

"Use Muggle tricks."

"Muggle trick?" Both were curious as to what Albert planned to do.

"Keep your eyes open for me to watch carefully." Albert began to fiddle with the lock on the book.

After a while, the lock on the book was unlocked with only a slight click.

"How did you do it?" The twins looked at Albert in surprise.

"I said, this is Muggle's unlocking trick." Albert shook the knife in his hand and said: "Most wizards ignore some of Muggle's tricks, although they are not as good as the unlocking spell, and they are slower. It’s a little bit, but they often ignore it, leaving me with loopholes."

Although Hogwarts casts spells on these locks, and even if the chain is forcibly broken, it may cause an alarm, but he believes that using a key to open the lock will definitely not have any side effects, because this is the correct way to open it.

Although Albert doesn't have a key, there is obviously no problem with Muggle's unlocking technique.

"Next time I have a chance, we must teach us this technique." The twins' eyes were gleaming, and he thought Albert's method was very useful.

Most wizards always despise Muggles because they are not magical, which gives Albert a loophole to drill, even Hogwarts obviously ignores this.

"This kind of unlocking trick is easy to learn, I will teach you if I have the opportunity." Albert said casually. He didn't know whether the twins could learn.

By the time they left the library, it was already four o'clock in the morning, and the three of them held tonight’s spoils in their hands, the original "Book of Spells," "Book of Potions," and "Powerful Potion."

After repeatedly confirming that there was no one, the three quietly left the crime scene and returned to the Gryffindor common room, avoiding a ghost wizard holding a cane on the way.

When he returned to the dormitory, Lee Jordan was awake and looked at the three people who had just returned from the night tour.

"You should wake me up." Lee Jordan complained.

"Who made you sleep like a Fred raised up today's trophy to show off to Lee Jordan, "We got it from the library. "

"Let me see what books are there." Lee Jordan asked curiously.

"Look for yourself, don't break it, let's sleep for a while." Fred covered a yawn and began to take off his clothes, ready to go back to sleep, he hadn't slept like Albert before. After the excitement of the night tour, I want to sleep now.

"good night."

"good night"

"It's really three bastards." Looking at the three people who were lying back on the bed, Lee Jordan cursed in a low voice, turning his attention to the three brick books they brought back.


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