The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1209

Chapter 1209: qualified leader

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In fact, it's not hard for them to see that Albert doesn't trust everyone, or that they don't believe in their ability to keep secrets, which can be seen from the way the house elf was transported to the headquarters of the Defense Association.

Of course, this also has an advantage. Even if someone really leaks the secrets of the association, they don't need to worry that the mysterious man and the Death Eaters will find the association headquarters.

The distrust made them uncomfortable, but fresh graduates knew that Hogwarts had no secrets.

The defense association undoubtedly needs to be hidden now, which is actually for the safety of the members of the association, but many students who have just grown up and left school have not developed similar habits.

"Okay, we've improved into today's topic."

Albert stood up from the sofa and patted his hands a few times, attracting the attention of everyone who was still whispering.

"Isn't that the real topic just now?"

After listening to Albert's words, many people couldn't help but want to complain. After all, the news that Albert just revealed was really shocking. However, that is not the topic of today, what exactly does Albert want to do?

"Today I'm going to teach everyone how to protect themselves." Albert raised his wand and waved gently, and the sofa everyone was sitting on was moved to the wall.

"What about confidentiality?"

Cedric's expression was stunned. He actually felt that he should popularize the importance of keeping the secrets of the Defense Association to everyone.

"This kind of thing actually needs to be consciously abided by individuals. After all, the mouth is on your face, and I can't force you to shut up." Albert said calmly: "If someone is unlucky because of talking too much, even throwing away small Life, then I can only say that it deserves it. After all, there will be mysterious people and Death Eaters to fight against, and confidentiality is for the safety of everyone’s lives.”

"Of course, you don't need to worry. After you joined the Defense Association, you signed a list. I've put a spell on that list. Once someone leaks an important secret, that thing will sound the alarm immediately."

With that said, Albert raised his finger and pointed to the thing that looked like a bronze bell in the corner and said, "I will also know who leaked the news at the first time."

Albert never expected these people to consciously keep secrets, and had already left behind.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Okay, let's continue the topic just now." Albert walked in front of everyone, "There is no shame in running away, especially when our enemy is invincible, tactical retreat is very important, it is to preserve the vitality, for the sake of Prepare for the next victory."

Everyone was a little speechless, and there was probably no one left. It was so fresh and refined to talk about escape.

"Who can tell me how to deal with the enemy when you yourself encounter it?"

Everyone looked at Cedric, and he was the only one who had similar experience, and no one else had ever encountered it.

"Use the phantom body spell to hide yourself first, let yourself take the lead, and then make a move to attract the enemy's attention." Cedric was stared at by a group of people, and knowing that he should stand up, he took the initiative to share his own Experience: "If there are not many enemies, you can try to find opportunities to sneak attack on each other."

If it weren't for his unfortunate encounter with a group of dark wizards, he would not have been caught by the dark wizards at all.

"No problem, but when the number of enemies cannot be determined, and you have no advantage, I don't recommend you to take risks. After all, there is only one life, and you should be stable in your work. You still have a high growth limit." Te raised his wand and tapped it on his body. After using the phantom body spell to hide himself, he walked around the crowd, saying as he walked, "When you encounter an enemy, as long as your phantom body spell is at a normal level, you can temporarily hide from the enemy. It’s definitely okay to take time for yourself.”

"After all, it's normal for ordinary people to suddenly encounter such a situation and not respond temporarily, unless they often encounter similar situations."

"If you feel that your phantom body spell level has not reached the normal level, you can use camouflage spells and shielding spells to strengthen your camouflage ability."

"If the enemy knows where you are hiding, even if you

If you hide yourself, you will also have a high probability of revealing your position. Once the enemy uses the Revealing Spell, the Illusory Body Spell will fail, and you will have nothing to hide. "

"Before that, you need to think of a way to distract the enemy. For example, make some noise to buy time for yourself."

"like this!"

As soon as the voice fell, an explosion sounded on the right side, successfully attracting everyone's attention, and Albert appeared on the other side out of thin air.

"When you are attracted by the sound, the opportunity will come, whether it is to take the opportunity to escape, or take the initiative to attack."

"If there are only one or two enemies and you think you can solve it completely, you must be quick and precise when you strike, and don't leave the opponent with a chance to counterattack, then the victory will definitely belong to you." Albert turned his head in astonishment. , continued: "Sneak attack may sound a bit despicable, but don't forget, you will all face a group of vicious dark wizards in the future, those hateful guys have never had any glory, and relying on sneak attacks to defeat the enemy is not shameful, Remember that keeping your own life safe is the most important thing."

"When you use the magic spell to knock down the enemy, it's best to use the Flying Spell to grab the opponent's wand or destroy it directly. As long as the opponent can lose the magic wand, most wizards will lose their magic after losing the magic wand. Ability, then they will lose the ability to threaten you. After all, there are very few wizards who can cast spells without sticks, unless they practice stickless magic since childhood, but this situation is rarely encountered in Europe.

"Can you cast spells without a staff?" Field asked curiously.

"Yes, but I can't use too profound magic." Albert raised his hand and waved lightly, and the scarf around Field's neck suddenly began to wrap and tighten.

"Sometimes, you don't actually have to master too advanced spells, ordinary spells can cause serious damage to the enemy, as long as you know how to use them." Albert released the control of the scarf and continued: "The current dark wizard , in fact, more pursuit of those more dangerous black magic, because they are more difficult to guard against."

"Of course, the so-called "invincible" actually means that you can't use ordinary spells. I mean the iron armor spell here, to resist the black magic spell used by the dark wizard on you, but it is not without solution. Please remember that most of the All of the spells can be resisted with physical objects, even the most deadly Avada Suoming. This is also the way I usually respond after encountering Avada Suoming. All you have to do is to see if there are any Something can help you resist the spell, and that thing needs to be strong enough to fully withstand the power of the spell." Albert waved lightly, and after a brief crack, a heavy-looking iron shield was suspended in the air. in front of him. He tapped the iron shield lightly with his finger and introduced, "It's like this. Of course, this is what you need to master next time. Now let me see if any of you haven't mastered the Illusory Body Charm."

After speaking, he waved his wand and disappeared the iron shield in front of him.

There are fewer wizards who have actually systematically learned the Illusionary Charm than Albert expected.

However, this seems to be a normal thing, after all, it is difficult for ordinary people to learn the Illusory Body Mantra, and it is difficult to find someone willing to teach them this skill.

Before The Self-Defense Guide was published, many wizards didn't even know about the Disillusionment Charm.

"Before learning the illusion spell, there is something I must remind you." Albert looked around the crowd and reminded: "A clever wizard can easily see through the disguise of the illusion, so when you meet a mysterious person, the most important thing is Don't try to take risks, just Apparate."

"You can see through the Disillusionment Curse, too?" Shanna asked.

In fact, this is nonsense, but they all know that they need to pull Albert's face to boost everyone's confidence.

"Of course." Albert paused and continued, "There are only a handful of wizards with this level, and they generally have extraordinary strength."

"The Illusory Body Curse can be divided into several situations. Generally, it is worse if it is not mastered well, like this one." Albert raised his wand and tapped Lee Jordan lightly.

Everyone saw that a part of Lee Jordan disappeared, but a lot of them still didn't disappear, and it was a bit scary. If Filch met in the middle of the night, he would be scared out of his heart.


"Undoubtedly, unqualified."

Albert waved his wand again, and Lee Jordan was invisible, but it was still obvious that he still had a lot of incongruity on his body.

"It's a different situation," Albert said. "Most of the Hogwarts students are at this level after mastering the Disillusionment Charm."

"You should have also noticed that the principle of the phantom body spell is actually more like a chameleon, making the color and texture of the disguised person or object consistent with the environment behind and around it. Therefore, even if you use it perfectly, in the near future The distance can still be seen as a flaw, especially in this case, if you keep staring at someone, you will soon be noticed by others." Albert continued to explain to them, "because people are looking at each other. Sensitive, especially hostile sight."

"Most of the wizards' illusions are at a normal level, and they can probably achieve this level." Albert pointed to Lee Jordan, who had completely disappeared.

"It's generally not easy to find, but there is still a risk of exposure at close range. Usually, I recommend that you use a combination of the illusion spell and the camouflage spell, which can better improve the concealment effect."

"Of course, it's hard to find the higher-level invisibility spell even at close range, but that's difficult for you, because it's a more advanced application. If you want to dig further into the illusion spell, I suggest you master it first. This spell, and..."

Albert spoke for nearly half an hour before everyone began to try spells and helped correct mistakes in their practice.

This is a life that requires a lot of patience.

Fortunately, there are actually quite a few wizards who master the Illusory Body Charm, so they can help share some of the pressure.

The members of the Defense Association are all adult wizards. They have just graduated from school, and their learning ability has not fallen too much. The members who have never been in contact with the Illusory Body Charm can basically master it after some practice. How to use the Disillusionment Charm.

"I will teach you these things in about a month. I hope you will take some time to practice carefully. When you really master this part of the skills, the probability of surviving in danger will be greater, and you don't have to worry too much about encountering Dark wizard. Remember, nothing is more important than your own life."

"And this..." Albert gave Fred a look.

"This is an exclusive offer for joining the Defense Association. You can get not-for-sale and Defense Against the Dark Arts items from us at a lower price. Of course, the amount you can buy is limited."

"I thought you'd give it for free," Kenneth grumbled.

"You must be clear that everything that is free in the world is the most expensive." Albert said meaningfully, "If you have any questions, you can write them down first, ask others, or ask me. As for when to practice, All I can say is that the facilities here are not yet completed, and you may need to find time to help build it, and the specific time is probably April or May.”

"Why don't you take it out and sell it?"

After reading the catalogue distributed by Fred, George and Lee Jordan, everyone at UU Reading was taken aback, because there was a big gap between the items in the catalog and the ones sold on the market. There are few strange things, and even the Fuling agent is sold, and the effect can only last for half an hour, and each person can only buy one as a reserve for emergency situations.

"You have to know that once everyone knows, the effect will be greatly weakened, because Death Eaters and dark wizards may also know these things through some means." Albert reminded,

"Actually, these things are relatively expensive. Once they are acquired by the Death Eaters, it will be very troublesome. After all, most of the Death Eaters are relatively rich." George explained to the crowd, "Of course, there are orders from the Ministry of Magic, but The quantity is not much, after all, the price is not cheap, we usually keep it for our own use, which is also a killer for you.”

"If you want, you can buy it from us. By the way, the detection pocket watch is a gift from us, but everyone can only get one."josei

"Of course, its effect is not as specific as ours, but it can still provide an early warning effect to everyone."

At this time, there are many house-elves

Bee brought a large box, and after opening it, there were detection pocket watches in it. Fred motioned for everyone to come and get them.

After everyone got the detection pocket watch, they found that it was actually slightly hot, and when they opened it, they found that there was a red dot on it.

"There is an enemy."

Everyone was taken aback.


Albert pointed to Grindillo in the tank.

"The detection pocket watch can detect the surrounding dark wizards and dark magic creatures." Albert reminded, "When it sounds an alarm, you'd better be more vigilant."


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