The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: This wave stabilized

Towards eleven o'clock, Hogwarts teachers and students went to Quidditch Stadium to watch the game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Albert and Lee Jordan followed the crowd to the Quidditch Stadium. Although they were carrying binoculars, they still chose to go to the highest terrace where they could better see the game.

However, there are many people who have this idea. Albert met several acquaintances in the stands, smiled and greeted everyone, and joined the discussion about the possibility of Gryffindor winning the Quidditch Cup.

In fact, most Gryffindor students still have a sense of college honor, and they also want to see their college break the Slytherin College’s monopoly on the College Cup and Quidditch Trophy.

This time, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

As long as they win this game, the Gryffindor team will be able to win the Quidditch trophy with a complete victory. Moreover, the points of Gryffindor College can surpass the points of Slytherin College in one go, winning the first place.

The actual situation is always somewhat different from everyone's guess. The Ravenclaw team is still very strong, and it can temporarily lead the Gryffindor team with a weak point advantage after the game starts.

Of course, this situation is only temporary.

Charlie's pursuit of the Quidditch trophy was almost a devil. His devil training for the players was not in vain. The Gryffindor team also began to show their muscles, and soon evened the scores of both sides and surpassed.

However, the performance of the Ravenclaw team was even more amazing than everyone thought. It only allowed Gryffindor to lead by ten minutes before regaining its previous advantage.

The scores of the two teams are catching up with each other, and no one wants to give in. This game eventually evolved into a tug of war between the two sides.

Watching the fierce confrontation on the court, the cheers of the audience in the stands continued, and even Albert could feel the unique charm of the Quidditch game.

Although Albert's own perception of Quidditch is only average, it does not prevent him from being infected by the tension on the scene.

"The game is very exciting. The current score of both sides is 100:110, and Ravenclaw is currently leading temporarily." As the commentator is a Ravenclaw student, when the Ravenclaw team is temporarily leading, the words are revealed. A sense of pride and glory.

"At present, whoever can catch the Golden Snitch first will be able to win the final victory." The commentator yelled, "The seekers of the two sides are entangled with each other. It seems that they don't want their opponents to let go. Look for the Snitch."

High-intensity, high-intensity competition means that the players' physical strength is consumed very quickly. It is now the intermission time. Charlie obviously wants to take the opportunity to adjust the formation and tactics.

"Ahem, my throat hurts a bit." Lee Jordan asked hoarsely, turning his head over, "have you brought water here."

"I don't have water, but there are candy, do you want it?" Albert looked at his roommate rather speechlessly, and the other party was still screaming hoarse.

"No, it's more uncomfortable to eat candy." Lee Jordan shook his head and refused.

"I think so." Albert peeled off the candy wrapper and threw the chocolate candy into his mouth, muttering, "Don't yell and you won't have a sore throat."

"What do you mean by yelling? I'm cheering for the team." Lee Jordan looked at Albert in shock. "How can you be unmoved by such a beautiful game?"

"I'm just not excited by you." Albert sighed lightly. He also knew that some people like to shout out when watching a football game, so that they would feel more atmosphere, but Albert obviously did not have that habit. At most, when the Gryffindor team scored, clap with everyone.

Lee Jordan: "..."

It sounds like it makes sense, it makes sense!

When watching the game, the most important thing is to shout cheer for the side you support.

"This game is really exciting."

Albert noticed that Lee Jordan seemed to want to say something, so he changed the subject, "If Fred and George knew that they had missed a great game, they would probably be locked up and run over to watch the game. Right."

"The two of them are probably going crazy." Li Qiaodan also felt that his roommate was a bit pitiful. This game was really exciting, and it was indeed a race for the final championship.

Whether it is the fight for the ghost ball, or the control of the wandering ball, or even the chase of the Golden Snitch, it is very exciting. Both sides are very good at using some unexpected tactics.

"It won't start here for a while. If you are thirsty, go back to the castle to drink water and come back." Albert is looking around the stadium through his glasses. The most irritable is the Slytherin audience.

Most Slytherin students hope that Gryffindor will lose the game. Only when Gryffindor loses this game can Slytherin be able to beat Gryffindor in total points and win this Quidditch game. Champion.

Slytherin Academy has already occupied the Quidditch trophy for too long, and has regarded the Academy Cup and Quidditch trophy as a pedigree, and is not willing to share it with other colleges.

"You said, those Slytherin students who don't know what they are nagging, are they cursing us, hoping we lose this game?" Albert looked at the Slytherin players and suddenly felt a little funny.

"Slytherin? Curse? Where is it? Let me see." Lee Jordan moved the binoculars over and saw the Slytherin students whispering to each other, and couldn't help laughing. "This year's Quidditch champion belongs to Gryffindor, right?"

"Well, the victory belongs to Gryffindor."

"That's good, this wave is stable?"

"What's stable?" Angelina who was sitting above them asked curiously.

"Gryffindor will win!" Lee Jordan was confident in Albert. "This guy's mouth is open, what to say, what to say, he wants to say Gryffindor will win, eight achievements will really win ."

Albert: "..." Classmate, believe Ke... ahem, believe in magic.

Everyone in the stands all stared at Albert, wondering why Lee Jordan thought so. Could Albert's words really...

"I don't need to look at me like this." Albert couldn't help rolling his eyes and mocking himself: "If it's really useful to say nonsense, then what should I do so hard? Just say, I When graduating from school, you can have twelve L. certificates and seven .. certificates, and all of them have been excellent."

Everyone looked at each other, but Albert continued, "Then, um, make two or three girlfriends, publish two or three books, and win two or three championship trophies. After graduation, you can make a lot of money without working. Live a happy life."

Albert's remarks made others couldn't help laughing. Someone asked, "What are you doing, do you wish?"

"Well, I'm just making a wish. Didn't Lee Jordan say that I am very accurate?" Albert said solemnly, "Then of course I am giving myself a wave of milk now. If I accidentally get it right, I Don’t make it."

Everyone was speechless, and suddenly felt that Albert's thinking was so peculiar, and he couldn't say that his thoughts were wrong, no, he should be quite right.

"By the way, you actually want to get twelve L. certificates and seven... certificates?" Shanna felt that Albert was very ambitious. "Moreover, are you planning to get all outstanding?"

In fact, Shanna feels that it is not too difficult to obtain 12 L. Certificates and 7 Certificates with Albert’s talents and abilities, but is it a bit too much to get all excellent?

"Are you planning to publish three books?" Alia looked at Albert up and down, "Or before graduation? By the way, what books are you planning to publish?"

"Don't you think it would be too much to get three championship trophies?" Lee Jordan couldn't help but complain.

"I think it's more likely. When he joins the Gryffindor team next year, he might really help Gryffindor win the Quidditch trophy."josei

"Ahem, those words, I just said casually, you actually take it seriously?" Albert was speechless suddenly, he actually couldn't help but complain, lest Lee Jordan always said his words accurately.

If you are so accurate, just give yourself a wave of milk and say you will win the first-class lottery.

At that time, I became rich overnight, and I still worked hard in finances.

"What's the matter? Katrina." Albert smiled and greeted the red-haired girl in front of him who was looking at him with contempt.

"I found out that you are really greedy. If my girlfriend wants to have three, I won't say anything?" Katrina looked at Albert up and down. "You still want to make a lot of money without working?"

Albert didn't pay much attention to Katrina's words, and said in a joking tone: "It's not good for you to come here, are you planning to surrender?"

"Someone wants to see you." Katrina said suddenly.


"Mr. Smith, he is a friend of Professor Brod and a friend of my father's life. He probably heard about you and would like to meet you?" Katrina said her intentions.

"Smith?" Albert frowned slightly.

"He's at the east exit of the court, come with me." Katrina turned and left. As Albert said, she was really not very good here.

"Oh!" Albert responded. Every time I hear the name Smith, I can't help but think of something unpleasant.

Leaving the stands, Albert walked towards the exit. He noticed the two standing there. One was Albert’s old acquaintance Isobel McDoug, and the other should be Mr. Smith.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson." Mr. Smith stepped forward with a smile on his face and greeted Albert on his own initiative, "I'm Rowena, Rowena Smith. You may not have heard my name, but I often I heard about you from Mogg and Bud, and always wanted to meet you, the youngest master of magic text in history."

"Master Mowen?"

The expression on Albert's face was a bit stiff, but he managed to squeeze a polite smile and reminded, "I never think I am a master of magic texts, I just know a little bit about ancient magic texts."

"Humility is not a bad thing, but excessive modesty will make you feel hypocritical." Smith reminded with a smile.

These words simply touched the heart of the two girls, yes, this is a hypocritical guy.

"Very hypocritical, would it?" Albert was not angry, and asked instead, "Have you ever seen a twelve-year-old child called Master Mowen?"

"Haha, Mr. Anderson is such an interesting person, yes, as you said, no one would call a twelve-year-old man a master of magic." Rowenner looked at Albert with interest, "I think We will have a lot of topics in common, let’s talk while walking."

What does this guy want to do? Albert is a little puzzled, but there is no doubt that Rowena Smith is an expert.

It is normal for an expert's friend to be an expert.

"Does the so-called experts and masters all like to praise each other when they meet?" Isabel's mouth twitched.

The two of them didn't know Isobel's thoughts. They were walking and chatting, and found that there were quite a few topics where they could talk together.

What surprised Smith was that Albert would be assigned to Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat?

"Gryffindor is not just reckless." Albert didn't care at all and reminded, "Dumbledore is also assigned to Gryffindor?"

"That's right." Smith didn't get too entangled in this aspect. The topics he chatted with Albert gradually involved other areas.

Albert was surprised at the scope of Smith's coverage, but he didn't know that Smith was even more surprised that Albert had his own unique insights in various fields.

You know, Albert hasn't read his first year at Hogwarts. Except for genius, Smith really doesn't know what to use to describe the man in front of him.

The situation of this Quidditch match was actually mentioned by Albert. The tug of war between the two sides has continued, and it seems that it is very likely to be delayed until the evening.

"Why does Uncle Rowena want to see that guy?" Katrina was puzzled. She thought Smith came for the information her father left, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"I don't know, don't worry about them, we will go back to the stands to continue watching the game." Isobel glanced at the backs of the two of them, and took his sister away.

To be honest, the communication between Albert and Smith is not very friendly to most people.

In the eyes of Sister McDoug, the two guys started to murmur when they met, causing headaches for the two who did not understand.

The game lasted until eight o'clock in the evening, and finally the exhausted Charlie caught the Snitch by luck.

No one thought that Albert's prediction would come true. At that time, what did he say:

Maybe, after your confinement is over, the game is not over yet.

The victory belongs to Gryffindor.

In fact, these two sentences really come true.

The confinement of Fred and George only lasted until seven o'clock in the evening. The two did not even eat dinner, so they hurried over to watch the game, just to watch the end.

"This is a great game." Smith said to Albert with a smile, "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"I'm going first." Smith turned around and left before turning around. "We will meet again soon. I look forward to hearing from you."

"Will do."

Albert looked at Smith’s leaving back and cast his gaze to the center of the court. The members of the Gryffindor team hugged each other. Charlie took the trophy and raised it high and announced to everyone. Fendor won the Quidditch trophy.

Albert saw Professor McGonagall with a relieved look, a disappointed Ravenclaw student, and a gloomy Slytherin student.

He stepped forward and walked towards the court.

Outside the court, Smith was walking on the lawn, and there was no warning beside him, Dumbledore.

"How is it?" Dumbledore smiled.

"A great Quidditch game." Smith didn't mean his praise, "I agree with that."

"That's great," Dumbledore said cheerfully. "Would you like to go to the auditorium for dinner together?"

"No, I don't think I need to rush for a while, I should go back." After leaving Dumbledore, Smith walked in the direction of Hogsmeade.

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