The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Almost eaten

"Something is coming here."

Hearing a dog barking in the woods, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan immediately increased their vigilance by twelve points, turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, and exchanged glances.

However, since the few people are still outside the Forbidden Forest and it is daytime, they don't think there will be any major events. Even if they are in trouble, the four of them should be able to deal with it together. Is Albert still here?

"Hagrid's hound?"

"It should not be Yaya." Lee Jordan directly shook his head and denied it. Although he hadn't been to Hagrid's cabin for a long time, he was still able to distinguish the call of the hounds Yaya.

The sound of footsteps and the bark of dogs are getting closer, and the sound reverberates in the woods, creating a creepy sound

"Go, go back." Albert reminded again.

"Where are you going? Wait for us." George looked at Albert, who was walking quickly to the outside of the Forbidden Forest, and called out quickly.

"Get out of here, do you want to be caught by Hagrid?" Albert murmured, and continued to walk out of the woods. He didn't want to meet Hagrid here. Albert believed Hagrid didn't want to at all. Let other students see him walking the dog.

Yes, walking the dog. This is Albert’s guess. The voice just now was undoubtedly the barking of the three-headed dog Lu Wei. There are only two possibilities for appearing here. It has broken away from Hagrid’s rope, or Hagrid is carrying It wanders in the forbidden forest, the latter is obviously more likely.

"Do you know what it is?" Fred noticed Albert's reaction and thought he should know something.

"Leave here first." Albert did not answer, and continued to seize the time to move forward. He hadn't seen the three-headed dog for several months, and now Lu Wei must have grown bigger!

It is not a good thing to meet the three-headed dog and Hagrid here, it will only embarrass both parties.

"Hey, wait for us, don't go so fast!" Fred and George looked at each other and couldn't help slowing down. They were actually curious about what kind of dog Hagrid had. As for why it was raised by Hagrid, because when he was at the Pig’s Head Bar last time, Hagrid mentioned that he had bought a dog named Lu Wei from the black market, which is probably the one he encountered now.

"Fred and George are behind." Lee Jordan turned to look behind him and quickly reminded Albert in front of him.

"Those two idiots." Albert stopped, looked at the twins who had lost their figure, and whispered in a low voice: "Forget it, it would be a long memory to let them suffer. I really think that the forbidden forest is very It's safe."

"What was that just now?" Lee Jordan finally asked his doubts.

"Lu Wei, Hagrid's new pet." Albert gave Lee Jordan a absent-minded look.

"Why should we leave in a hurry?" Lee Jordan became even more puzzled.

"Why do you think Hagrid kept his new pet in the Forbidden Forest? I hope Fred and George won't be so scared." Albert curled his mouth and raised his wand to cast a spell on himself. The curse completely wrapped him in an instant.

"The fart is peeing, why?" Lee Jordan next to him asked his doubts when he saw Albert disappear out of thin air, which shocked him.

"You are..." Lee Jordan didn't understand what Albert wanted.

"Go, don't you also want to see Hagrid's new pet, although the phantom spell is not expected to have an effect on Lu Wei." Albert muttered softly. The dog's nose is very sensitive, let alone three noses, you can definitely spot them.

Albert used the phantom spell, in fact, to deal with Hagrid.

"All right."

Lee Jordan only felt that something cold had flowed into his body from the place where the wand was struck. At the moment the phantom spell took effect, Lee Jordan also disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the footprints on the ground to prove that they were still there. Still here.

Although Lee Jordan doesn't know what happened to Hagrid's new pet, there is no doubt that Fred and George are going to be unlucky. Who told them not to leave with him just now!

"Is this really good?" Lee Jordan asked in a low voice.

"Fred and George died by themselves. No wonder others. When you see everything, you will shut up. Even if you are discovered, don't say I am here." Albert did not forget to remind him and started the same way. return.

Soon, they found Fred and George, and they hid under a tree, and they were casted on their bodies by the phantom curse, but the phantom curse of the two is really not good, even Lee Jordan can see Irregular twisted parts on their bodies.


This is actually not proficient in using phantom spells. Wizards’ magic usually takes a lot of time to practice. This is one of the reasons why Albert always says to practice more. Practice more is not just to be familiar with a certain magic. It is also necessary to strengthen one's control over magic and improve magic power, which will be particularly obvious in the junior wizards.

The dog bark is getting closer and closer, and other sounds are vaguely mixed in. The thing is running toward this side, and it appears in the field of vision of the four people in the blink of an eye.

However, when looking at the three-headed monster that appeared in front of him, whether it was Fred or George, they already regretted it. They regretted how they didn’t follow Albert’s words and left the twins’ eyes It is a monster with three heads, which looks a bit like a dog.

Fred and George stood there blankly, not daring to move, for fear that they would be spotted by the monster in front of them who was sniffing around. The sharp teeth of the monster can easily bite their arms, tear the two to pieces, and crush them together with the scum of bones.

Fred and George have realized that the smell of their bodies reveals their position. The monster may not have spotted them, but they must have smelled them. Lu Wei was approaching under the tree where Fred and George were hiding, and the terrible sense of oppression made them breathless nervously.

is terrible, they want to go home.

Not only was Fred and George out of breath, but Lee Jordan, who was hiding by the side, also almost exclaimed. Now he finally understands why Albert told them to run. Moreover, Hagrid was not there. What should I do now? Do it!

Lee Jordan almost instinctively looked in Albert's direction, but found that there was nothing in his line of sight. Albert didn't know where he went, so he left by himself?

No, he is not such a person.

Lee Jordan does not believe that Albert will leave Fred and George alone, especially late at night last semester, breaking into the forbidden forest alone to retrieve the Weasley twins.

But where is he?

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