The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 254

Chapter 254: McDoug 1

In the early morning, the snow stopped outside the house. As soon as Isobel woke up, feeling a bit cold in the room, he drew his head into the bed. In the kitchen downstairs, there was a faint messy noise. The girl sighed lightly, got up quickly, got dressed, and went downstairs to help make breakfast.

"Mom, don't you need to go to work at the St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injury and Injury?" the red-haired girl in home clothes walked into the kitchen and asked Mrs. McDouger, who was busy preparing breakfast.

"My dear, today is your birthday." Mrs. McDougal motioned to her daughter to wait for a while, "So, I asked for a half-day holiday to make you a good breakfast."

"The beef is going to be burnt!" Katrina quickly reminded her when she smelled a faint burnt smell when she came downstairs.

"Let me come!" Isobel sighed lightly, pulled out his wand, and took over the cooking job of Mrs. McDoug.

Perhaps, there is a saying that is right, everyone has their own good points. And their mothers, apart from being highly talented in therapy, always mess up other things. Even the cooking magic that took a long time to practice, still can't cook delicious food skillfully.

Who would have thought that the director of the famous Curse and Injury Department at the St. Mungo's Magical Injury and Injury Hospital would be in a mess except for treatment!

"Oh, okay!" Mrs. McDouger was a little bit disappointed, but quickly regrouped. "By the way, I just counted the number of gifts. You received fifteen birthday gifts this year."

"Okay mother, I think we can wait until breakfast is over before opening those birthday presents." Isabel directed the beef in the pan with a magic wand and skillfully plated them, while Katrina used cooking magic to fry Eggs and fried sausages, tomatoes and other vegetables are made into vegetable salads by the way. Her cooking magic is not as proficient as Isobel, and she needs to stare attentively while cooking.

"Good morning, Dad." Isabel greeted softly, looking at the photo of the young man next to him. The man in the photo is smiling at them.

"Katrina's family magic has grown a lot!" Mrs. McDoug did not hesitate to praise her. She has almost no talent in cooking.

"I have been practicing." Katrina said. In fact, she was helping with housework at home, and their mother had been busy at the St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries for a long time.

At breakfast, the McDoug family ate and chatted about some interesting things that happened in school. In fact, the two sisters have always assured Mrs. McDoug.

After having breakfast together, it was time to dismantle Isabel’s birthday gifts. Most of them were ordinary small gifts from Ravenclaw students. If you want to say whose gift is the most special, it’s the one from Uncle Mog. The latest version of Mowen books.

"I think few people at Hogwarts can understand this book!" Katrina took the magic book, turned a few pages, and couldn't help but complain.

Although I have learned some, the ancient magic text is not Katrina's strong point.

"There will always be someone who can understand." Isobel put away the magic book with a calm expression.

"Robert Hilliard, are you pursuing you?" Katrina asked, looking at the sender of the package, tilting her head to look at Isobel.

"Why do you say that?" Isobel asked rhetorically.

"Intuition." Katrina raised her eyebrows as she looked at those beautiful white gloves. "His eyes are pretty good."

"What kind of kid is that?" Mrs. McDoug asked curiously.

"I didn't pay attention, what's the matter?" Isabel handed the opened package to Katrina, "If you like it, I will give it to you."

"Forget it." Katrina didn't plan to ask. After all, that was Robert's mind. If it was used by himself, the poor guy would probably cry and faint in the toilet.

"Thank you, the hat looks very nice!" Isabel puts the black wizard hat on his head. There is also a gorgeous wicked woman tail feather on the hat, which looks elegant and is very suitable for wearing at the banquet.

"You're welcome," Katrina said with a smile, "Anyway, I didn't pay for it."

Mrs. McDoug looked at the two daughters, always feeling that they were hiding something from herself.

"Hey, Albert will also give you a birthday present." Katrina was surprised when she saw the signature on the package.

"Last time, I exchanged something with him with a spell." Isobel opened the package and was stunned when he saw the contents inside.

"What is this, is it a wood carving?" Katrina asked puzzledly, "but it looks very small."

"Amulet?" Mrs. McDoug looked at the unicorn woodcarving, a little surprised to see such a delicately crafted amulet.

"Amulet? By the way, there is a card inside." Katrina reached out and picked up the card, and handed it to Isabel.

Isobel glanced at the card and handed it to Katrina again.

"Can I read it out?"

"Well, read it!"

"Hope it can help you through the coming doom-Albert Anderson."

"Doom, what doom?" Katrina was even more puzzled. Did something happen between them?

Isabel briefly talked about the rune stone divination last time.

"Although I don't want to speak ill of Professor Trelawney in private, many people say that she is a liar. You know, divination requires talent, and Professor Trelawney obviously has no talent." Katrina obviously doesn't. Trust Professor Trelawney's divination.

"There seems to be something engraved on it." Mrs. McDoug took the amulet, looked at it carefully, and commented, "I dare you to say that this kind of amulet must be very expensive, you know, all the things on the market are It's deceptive."josei

"This thing works?" Katrina doubted should work. In other words, this is actually carved with mandrake. "

As a therapist, Mrs. McDoug is also very good at arranging potions, and she quickly recognized the wood used to carve amulets.

"Is that the mandela grass?" Katrina suddenly remembered something. It seemed that a mandela grass had been stolen from the Hogwarts greenhouse. Wouldn't it...

"This thing needs to be sculpted with mature mandela, and the mandela at the school is still immature." Isabel reminded aloud as if he could see through his sister's thoughts.

"Also, this amulet is probably made by Anderson himself. He is very good at magic inscriptions and alchemy." Isabel pointed to the ancient magic inscriptions carved on it, and explained, "As for the price, it must be less expensive than your hat. ."

"Albert Anderson? I seem to have seen this person's name on "Practical Potions Master" a while ago." Mrs. McDoug suddenly remembered where she had heard this name. "It is said that Anderson is a potion genius. , The improved potion is highly praised by Mr. Dagworth."

"That guy is indeed a genius." Isabel admitted bluntly. "However, you may have to ask Katrina for the specific situation. They are the same class of students."

"Which Mr. Anderson is in the same class as Katrina?" Mrs. McDoug widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Well, he was in the same class as me. He is a recognized genius wizard in the school. Many people think that he will be the next principal of Dumbledore." Katrina hesitated for a moment, but still said, "In fact, he has been in a lot of academic The paper has been published in the magazine."


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