The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 295

Chapter 295: Dark Arts Defense Training

Professor Smith may be planning something!

However, Albert could not guess, but he felt that this matter had something to do with him.

It is not that he has a serious persecution delusion, but that the original runes fortune-telling has not yet been fulfilled. Although he is reluctant to admit it, Albert thinks that his runes fortune-telling may be right. After all, there are blessings on the skill panel.

If Albert had no skill panel, he would definitely not believe in **** divination. At least, he wouldn't believe his own divination results, but he now has a skill panel, and whether the divination is accurate is open to question.

By the way, it seems that Isabel also had a similar divination result. I don't know if it has been fulfilled?

Albert didn't ask. He always felt that even if he asked, the other party would only look at him with weird eyes. Isobel did not believe Sybil Trelawney's divination. After all, the divination professor at Hogwarts does not seem very reliable.

Moreover, the more talented the guy, the more he believed in his own judgment.

"what are you doing?"josei

"Divination!" Albert flipped through the runestone divination book in his hand and compared his divination results with the contents of the book.

"Is it accurate?" Lee Jordan obviously doesn't believe in divination. "I heard that the professor of divination at Hogwarts is a big liar."

"I have heard similar rumors." Albert closed the book and sighed lightly. The results of the divination were different from his own guess.

Very vague, but vaguely foreshadows something.

Sure enough, it is more reliable to use a crystal ball to predict.

"Next year, we plan to choose divination. I heard that this course is relatively easy. Even if the test fails in the end, it doesn't matter." Fred suddenly interrupted, "Then, it's the magical animal class. Charlie said this course is very interesting."

"Divination requires talent!" Albert shook his head and said, "No talent, no hard work. As for the conservation of magical animals, Professor Kettlebo is very old, and it is estimated that he will retire in a few years. Can persist until we finish learning about protecting magical animals."

"I feel that even if Professor Kettlebo doesn't want to retire, he will be forced to retire because of what you just said." George couldn't help but complain.

Albert rolled his eyes, put away the runes for divination, and began to focus his attention on his homework.

Professor Smith's thing really made Albert a little irritable. He felt that he had better do something before the other party left Hogwarts.

Being unprepared to face what might happen is definitely not Albert's character. Being prepared, even if it's not useful, you won't be too panicked.

"I'm going to exercise my ability to defend against the dark arts." Albert whispered in a voice that only a few people around could hear, "practice in that room, do you want to come together?"

The three looked at each other, wondering why Albert would suddenly pull them up to practice magic together.

"I'm going to go into the Forbidden Forest to find Gryffindor's treasure. Before that, I need to be fully prepared." Albert explained to the three of them after entering the responsive house.

Of course, this was just an excuse Albert made casually.

His dark magic defense ability is actually very average, it should be said that he has no experience in using magic spells to fight, so he plans to bring three roommates to practice side by side.

"I thought you..."

"Forbidden forest is very dangerous. I am opposed to going directly to death." Albert said with a curled mouth. "If you want to go in, you have to be fully prepared. Even if our so-called preparations are useless, we must do it. Without the aura of luck, you will definitely die."

Albert consciously didn't have the aura of Potter's lucky protagonist, so he still had to be more prepared.

"When will it start?" Fred and George both looked eager to try. Lee Jordan looked equally excited. The most interesting aspect of Defense Against the Dark Arts is practice. However, what they learned in class is not necessarily There are a lot of lessons learned from Albert, and all three of them know that Albert is very good, and they plan to learn some useful spelling skills from him.

"Don't worry, you need to start with the most basic spells," Albert said softly, "Moreover, you must learn the spider retreat spell."

Using practice to strengthen his combat experience is the most reliable plan Albert currently thinks of, and by the way he can make up for his lack of experience in this area.

"But we have mastered the spell." Fred and George said in unison.

"Mastering doesn't mean you can use them. Wizards' battles are more than just throwing magic at each other." Albert mentioned shook his head. "In the Forbidden Forest, it is not terrible to encounter an eight-eyed giant spider head-on. You were attacked by them."

"Go ahead, you take turns using obstacle spells on me."

"to you?"

"I will try to block it with the iron armor curse. Okay, let's start now." Albert said, "George, you come first, Fred second, Lee Jordan third."

"Okay, here it comes." George grinned. They had mastered the obstacle spell last year.

"There are many obstacles."

Seeing the oncoming curse, Albert's heart suddenly burst, this feeling is not good, as if someone is shooting you with a gun.

"Armor for body protection."

Albert waved his wand while chanting the spell softly, trying to fend off the spell. The oncoming obstacle curse hit the iron armor curse, and disappeared as if it spread around.

"The power of the spell is too weak, and when you cast it, be quiet. Don't tell anyone what spell you are using." Albert said casually, "Fred..."

Albert asked the three of them to recite the spells to themselves and practice using iron armor spells to deal with spells. What Fred, George, and Lee Jordan had to do was to make their obstacle spells hit Albert as much as possible.

Of course, Albert couldn't be fully defended. After being continuously attacked by three people, he still couldn't avoid being distracted and being concentrated by the spell several times.

However, the magic power of the three is not strong, and the effect of the obstacle spell is limited, at most making him fall to the ground.

"Now, how do you feel?" Albert asked breathlessly.

"The obstacle spell is too common." Fred said first, "we want to learn a stronger spell."

"It's that you don't know how to use it, and the magical power of the obstacle spell you use is not strong enough to effectively intercept the opponent. At least, it must be enough to knock people into the air." Albert said, raising his wand, casually With a swipe, Lee Jordan was hit by a strong force and flew out, and fell into a pile of cushions.


Fred and George both opened their mouths, looking at Lee Jordan who was flying away.

"Are you okay." Albert reached out to Lee Jordan and pulled him up.

"No, do we really use the same spell?" Lee Jordan is a little depressed. No wonder Albert wants them to practice the obstacle spell, the relationship gap is here!

"Take a next time, you will continue to use obstacle spells on me in turn." Albert sat on the mat, ate a hard candy, and handed it to the roommate next to him. , Continue.

"Most wizards are very fragile, so we don't need to practice stronger spells on purpose. We attack faster, faster, and continuously. Just let the spells focus on the opponent and make the enemy unable to breathe. A suspension spell can also exert unimaginable effects."

"What you said seems to make sense." Fred murmured, "However, if the other party uses a strong protection magic to protect himself, I remember you seem to have that powerful protection spell."

He really wants to learn that.

"Don't be silly, if you really do that when fighting a wizard, you will only make yourself a target. Dealing with a more powerful dark wizard will definitely be unlucky."

"We want to learn more powerful magic." Lee Jordan mumbled.

"You still can't learn it now." Albert unceremoniously gave them a fatal blow. "It's better to learn the obstacle curse, the disarming curse, the coma curse, the whole body binding curse, the iron armor curse and the crushing curse step by step. A few more practical spells, and then learn the spider retreat spell. If you can quickly master these spells, I can teach other magic, the last time I bought "Practical Defense Magic and Its Restraint to Dark Magic" Many spells, we will study them together when that time comes."

"That's great." George's eyes beamed. They all watched "Practical Defense Magic and Its Restraint to Dark Magic" and tried some of the spells in it, but they practiced alone without teaching them. It was really difficult at the time, and Albert hid the book later, so they never had a chance to read it.


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