The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 364

Chapter 364: Honest Professor Trelawney

After breakfast, everyone went to the first divination class.

The classroom for the divination class is on the top of the North Tower, which is far away from the castle. It takes at least ten minutes to walk up the spiral upward staircase, which is a test for students who go to the divination class.

It is worth mentioning that there are actually quite a few students who choose divination courses. This course is the first choice for students who choose to make up the number, and is more popular than its Muggle studies.

No way, the homework of divination class is usually relatively simple. You can easily fool around as long as you make up some bad things. It doesn't take much time and energy, let alone study hard, because most students simply Can't learn divination, but can only learn divination common sense.

No way, divination requires talent.

Very few can truly predict the future.

"Is there a shortcut? It's really choking."

Lee Jordan asked breathlessly. It took them at least fifteen minutes to get to the small platform under the divination classroom. Several people around have arrived earlier than them.

"Unfortunately, there is no direct shortcut to get here." Fred took a big breath and breathed smoothly before speaking. "However, there is a secret way, but you don't expect to be faster."

"Where is the shortcut?" Angelina asked immediately.

"Behind the portrait of the nun on the third floor." Fred did not hide it. "It can lead to the fifth floor, but the stairs here still have to be climbed."

"I hate the stairs here," Albert murmured. The stairs they came up were very narrow and still spiraling upwards. When they climbed up, it made him feel dizzy inexplicably.

"This is my first course, how about you?" Albert noticed that Katrina looked over and greeted each other actively, speaking of words that other people could not understand.

"I just came here from the math divination side." Katrina said anxiously, "It's really choking."

"What are you talking about?" Fred asked, raising his eyebrows. He thought the conversation between the two guys was a bit inexplicable.

"Where is the divination classroom?" George asked, frowning, looking around.

"The red hair is really a bunch of fools." Graham Monty's sarcasm came from the side.

The relationship between Gryffindor and Slytherin has always been very bad, especially for Quidditch players, the relationship is even worse, and they never forget to mock each other whenever they have the opportunity.

"When is even a gorilla qualified to say that others are stupid?" The twins looked at Graham Monty together and said solemnly.

Monta didn't refute, because someone had cast a spell and her tongue was glued to her palate, and she could not speak for a while, let alone refute the twins.

He fingered his tongue and gestured towards his partner again. His cheeks were flushed from suffocation, and he almost threw a fist at the twins, but his partner stopped him.

Before Fred continued taunting each other, the trapdoor above suddenly opened, and a silver ladder was lowered. When the others saw this, they stopped watching the excitement and climbed up.

"Good job!" George blinked at Albert, feeling very happy.

Albert pretended not to hear, and looked at the divination classroom. It's not like a classroom, but more like a mixture of a loft and an old-fashioned tea house.

The classroom is very warm. There are a bunch of small round tables around each table. There are several armchairs and soft cushions around each table. There is a flame in the fireplace next to it, and a large copper kettle is burning on the fire. The curtains are closed, and the surrounding lamps are covered with crimson shades, creating a strange atmosphere.

The round walls are surrounded by shelves, and the shelves are filled with dust feathers, candle heads, old playing cards, countless crystal **** for divination and a lot of tea sets.

"Welcome to the divination class," Professor Trelawney said to all the students, "I am Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before."

"Divination class is the most difficult course in all magic arts." Professor Trelawney said in a soft and fuzzy voice: "So, I must remind you at the beginning: If you don't have the'sight', then I There are very few things that can teach you. In this regard, books can only take you so far..."

After listening to these words, everyone looked at each other, and most of them failed to understand the meaning of Professor Trelawney.

"She means this book is not very useful?" Katrina frowned and asked Albert.

"She meant that fortune-telling classes require talent, and that's what if there is no talent." Albert explained in a low voice, "There are actually very few wizards who can really predict the future."

"Mr. Anderson is right," Professor Trelawney walked to Albert's side somehow, and said to him with a smile: "I'm glad you can come to my class."

Many people looked at Albert, making him wonder what to say.

"Sit, everyone sit down first!"

Professor Trelawney sat in an armchair in front of the fireplace and continued: "This year we will learn all kinds of basic divination methods. In the first semester we will learn how to read tea. Next semester we should learn palmistry. By the way, I did not expect to teach you how to predict the future. Just as Mr. Anderson said, there are actually very few wizards who can really predict the future, but I can teach you the most basic common sense and basic usage of divination."

The students began to whisper.

"In the summer semester," Professor Trelawney pretended not to hear, and continued, "We will learn to watch the crystal ball, which is also our most important thing. If you have a'scope', the crystal ball will take you Into a whole new field."

"I remember Albert seems to be able to see things from the crystal ball?" Lee Jordan didn't know if it was intentional, and muttered softly.

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Anderson already has a'scope of vision'." Professor Trelawney looked at Albert up and down, and suddenly said, "Then why don't we let him show it to us?"

Albert gave Lee Jordan a fierce look, and at the urging of Professor Trelawney, he sat down on the seat next to Professor Trelawney under the gaze of countless students.

Professor Trelawney placed a crystal ball in front of Albert.

At this moment, all the students gathered around, seeming to want to see how Albert predicts the future.

Albert stared at the crystal ball and stretched his hand across it. The silver mist began to spin, and there were faint shadows moving inside.

He stared at the mist in the crystal ball earnestly, thinking about what he wanted to know in his mind.

With the experience of the last time, Albert doesn't doubt that he will fail.

"What do you see?"

Professor Trelawney's voice seemed to float from far away.

"A pool of silver liquid."

"A pool of silver liquid?" Professor Trelawney repeated suspiciously.

"I was predicting the possible danger just now." Albert said softly, "I saw a pool of silver liquid."

"What do you think it is?" Professor Trelawney asked.

"Unicorn blood." Albert said affirmatively. "As far as I know, unicorn blood is silver."

"Is there a corpse of a unicorn next to the blood?"

"No," Albert said affirmatively, "I only saw a pool of silver blood."

"What do you think this means?" Professor Trelawney continued to lead.

"It's dangerous in the forbidden forest," Albert said cooperatively.

At this moment, everyone exploded and began to whisper.

"Everyone knows that the Forbidden Forest is dangerous." Several Slytherin students couldn't help but sneer.

"I think you can organize the Slytherin students to take a stroll in the forbidden forest." Fred sneered, "Maybe, you will have incredible adventures."

"be quiet!"

Professor Trelawney had to raise her voice and suppress all the turmoil, "Mr. Anderson, go on."

"As far as I know, unicorns are magical creatures with strong magical powers. Few things in the forbidden forest can harm them. This is a bad omen." Albert said calmly.

Professor Trelawney looked at the crystal ball on the table, then looked at Albert.

To be honest, she is not sure if Albert can use the crystal ball to make predictions.josei

While teaching at Hogwarts, Professor Trelawney did not meet a student with a real talent for prophecy, but she did see a momentary change on Albert’s face just now, maybe he really saw it from the crystal ball Something arrived.

In fact, Professor Trelawney really guessed right.

Albert had really predicted the possible danger of Hogwarts just now, and also predicted that in the fuzzy fog, Albert saw a group of scarfs from the crystal ball.

He realized what it was for the first time: the ridiculous scarf wrapped around Quirrell's head.

It was impossible for Albert to tell this about so he could only fabricate a true prediction, and by the way keep his several roommates who like to die away from the forbidden forest.

"Professor Trelawney," Albert said suddenly, "I have a question."

"What's the problem?" Professor Trelawney said.

"Why I don't read my prediction too clearly." Albert said, "As far as I know, a true prophet can let himself and others see the scene in the crystal ball."

"Yes, yes, many people think it is like this." Professor Trelawney looked at Albert with a complicated expression and replied softly, "However, few people know that this kind of talent can only be extremely talented. Few talents have."

"But having talent does not mean that you can do it right away. You need training, you need to try, and you also need this part of the knowledge." She continued, "I suggest you read "Pull the Fog and See the Future" first. The book will bring you into the world of fortune-tellers, but you don’t need to care too much, because it does nothing more than that."

"Okay, go back to your seat, we are about to start class." Professor Trelawney said again, "Gryffindor adds 20 points, you really have a talent for this."

Perhaps because of Albert's stimulus, everyone is very attentive in class. They all hope to have the ability to predict the future like Albert.

No one thinks that he can't do it.

"Did you really see it?" Lee Jordan finally couldn't help but ask when Professor Trelawney taught everyone how to use tea fortune telling.

"What do you mean?" Albert asked rhetorically, blankly.

Katrina next to her was very crazy. She was not sure whether Albert could really use the crystal ball to make predictions, but with just a few words, she deceived Professor Trelawney by twenty points, which really made her Can not accept.

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