The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 368

Chapter 368: Wrong style

After a few days in school, Albert regretted taking all the courses. He felt that his head must have been caught by the door.

It's really irritating, thinking about it just after a class, before I have time to catch my breath, I have to rush to another class in a hurry, and the time is so tight that it just breaks down.

It is not the content of the course that is causing trouble for Albert. The knowledge in the textbook is not difficult for him. Just think about what Muggle research is.

The textbook for Muggle research is called: "The Family Life and Social Habits of British Muggles". As long as you read the title, you will know what it contains.

Keridi Bubbaji is a pro-Muggle witch. In the first class of Muggle research, she told everyone that a wizard is no different from a Muggle.

Albert somewhat doubts whether the Muggle research professor has really learned about Muggles and whether he has spent more than a year in the Muggle world without using magic.

It is undeniable that Professor Keridi Bubagi is an expert in Muggle research.


Based on previous life experience, Albert does not like the term "expert".

Why would I take all courses?

In fact, Albert wants to get the time converter. He hopes to obtain the time converter through tasks, or obtain the manufacturing method of the time converter.

Albert doesn't really care about the mystery of time. He knows very well that the thing is dangerous, but with this thing, some things will have a lot of leeway.

Of course, the use of the time converter needs to be very cautious. Albert takes extra care every time he uses it. However, he has to travel a long distance to class every day, which is the most annoying and unbearable thing for him.

I have to climb up and down several floors in the castle all day, which consumes more energy than other sports. Even if I can take a shortcut, the situation is still not much better.

Albert even suspects that if Tom goes to school with him every day, he will lose weight soon.

Well, this is a good note, but it's hard to get it done.

It is impossible for him to take a cat to class every day.

Because of bringing Tom to the common room, the entire Gryffindor College students now know that the famous Albert Anderson raised a very fat British shorthair cat, and he would take it whenever he had time. A feather teases the cat in the lounge.

"Albert." Quidditch Captain Wood walked over, stood in front of Albert, and patted his shoulder deeply and said, "Remember to participate in training on weekends."

"Wood, let me go. I have twelve classes of homework to do now, so I don’t have time to play Quidditch." Albert picked Tom up and looked up at the Quidditch standing in front of him. Captain Di Qi said helplessly.

"Just to finish the daily homework is enough."

"We couldn't find a suitable seeker." Wood didn't intend to let go, picked up the cat stick and shook it and asked, "And, are you sure you don't have extra time?"

Wood didn't believe Albert's nonsense at all.

No extra time?

Really don't have so much time, do you have time to play with cats here every day?

"You can select players. Anyway, there is still a long time before the game starts. I promise you will find a more suitable seeker." Albert barely slapped his chest and assured the opponent, "I predicted to you. Yes, this year Gryffindor will have a young seeker to join. Trust me, you will soon find a better player than me."

"Damn prophecy, don't you know how everyone evaluates Professor Trelawney?" Wood felt that Albert was completely perfuncting himself. He really didn't understand why such a powerful seeker was unwilling. Join the team and win glory for the academy?

"If... I mean by next month, you really have not selected a suitable seeker, I will definitely not refuse." Albert glanced at the freshman flight lesson announcement posted on the bulletin board in the common room.

"Don't forget what you said." Wood raised his hand and stabbed Albert in the shoulder. "Don't even think about making other excuses then."

"I feel Wood is going to lose."

After Wood left, George, who was writing the essay on body reduction agents, whispered to Lee Jordan next to him: "Albert has never lost a bet."

"I feel the same way. There must be something we don't know happened." Fred murmured. They all knew that Albert basically didn't do anything unsure. He even dared to gamble with Wood. Grasp the bet to win.

As for, who will replace Albert as the Seeker for the Gryffindor team?

The three of them all looked in a certain direction, their eyes fell on Harry, who was playing wizard chess with Ron, and began to whisper softly again.

"Harry Potter was the last time Albert said the candidate."

"You said Harry Potter would really be good at flying?"

"I don't know." George said hesitantly. "However, his father is really good at it. He won several trophies for the academy and I think Albert's words are accurate."

"You should be able to get results within this month."

"I have a hunch, it may not take that long." Fred looked at the bulletin board and mumbled, "I said Albert, don't you need to do homework?"

Albert touched Tom's fat belly and said with a smile, "I'm done."

"When did you finish it?" Lee Jordan asked in surprise.

Not long after the school started, the professors couldn't wait to give them a bunch of homework. Now there are a few more courses than before, and the work is particularly heavy.


"You actually told Wood that you don't have time." Fred had a look of caution when I went to sue.

"I'm telling the truth." Albert nodded seriously, "I have twelve courses now, and I have more homework every day than you."

He sat in a vacant seat next to a few people, and Tom was placed on the table next to him, and suddenly occupied a large vacancy. Feeling the gaze of someone looking at him, Albert turned his head and asked with a smile: "Is something wrong, Miss Granger?"josei

Hermione quickly withdrew her gaze and refocused her attention on her book.

"Your charm is still as amazing as ever." Fred couldn't help but joked: "If you can catch a few more golden snitches for our college, you will definitely be charming."

Albert couldn't help but give Fred a blank look, and said casually: "She should have been watching Tom just now. My cat always pleases girls."

"That's true." Angelina came over, touched Tom's head, and said to Albert: "I heard Wood say, congratulations on joining the team. We are expected to win the Quidditch trophy this year. By the way, Alia and Katie are also official players this year."

"How did you do it?" Fred asked in surprise.

"How did you do it?" Angelina didn't understand Fred's words.

"This fat cat never let us touch it." George said with a hint of resentment, "I was almost caught last time."

"Because you are not a woman." Lee Jordan muttered softly.

"That's because you have bad intentions." Albert glanced at Lee Jordan and said: "The cat feels more acute than us. If you have bad intentions, it will avoid you."

Of course, although this is the case, Albert is actually not quite sure what the situation is.

"Yes, there is one more thing, I almost forgot." Angelina, who was about to walk away, suddenly stopped and turned to look at Albert.

"what's up?"

"When will this year's wizard card competition be held, and you said last time that the wizard cards will be fully renewed this semester. When will we get the new cards?

"This..." Albert was very troubled, because he was really not prepared, there was no way, there were too many things to keep him busy.

"Don't forget about this, everyone is looking forward to it." Angelina turned back to the girls' dormitory after speaking.

"Don't say you really forgot about it." Li Qiaodan still cares about the Witcher Card Club.

"I can't use magic most of the summer." Albert murmured.


Suddenly heard an explosion sound from the side, several people turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, and they saw a cloud of black smoke coming out of the teacup in front of a boy whose cheek was blackened.

"Cool, is that a new hairstyle?" Lee Jordan looked at the new student, got up and walked over, and also reached out and waved the teacup that was still in the cat's black smoke, smiled and asked the person next to him, "What did you do just now? ."

"It seems to be trying to turn the water in the glass into red wine." The boy who was sitting next to him with blackened cheeks said uncertainly.

"Huh?" Fred and George also surrounded them curiously, and said with a grin, "Speaking of which, how did he make the cup explode, maybe we might use this spell."

"Blow up the toilet?"

"That's a good idea."

"If you let me know that you blow up the toilet...cough cough!" Percy waved his wand to disperse the smoke After glaring at Fred and George, he said to the boy, "You are all right, if If you are injured, you'd better go to the medical room."

"If you need a hair restorer to make your eyebrows grow back, you can easily do it with a bottle of tensike hair restorer." Fred did not forget to advertise, "Of course, you can also go to Mrs. Pomfrey. Maybe she can help your eyebrows get back to normal."

"Where did you get the hair restorer?" Li Qiaodan mumbled.

"Albert has it in his medicine chest, we can sell it for him, not to mention, we can make it ourselves without us." Fred said without hesitation.

"You are sure that the hair restorer you boil can be used." Lee Jordan ran away after speaking.

Harry, who was playing chess next to him, was stunned. Ron couldn't help but raise his hand to hide his face. He knew that Fred and George were naughty, but he didn't expect them to be in this style at school.

They would be troubled by Filch before, and it really was their fault.

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