The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 477

Chapter 477: audacious in the extreme

Ever since Quirrell used the dragon egg to inquire about how to subdue the three-headed dog Lu Wei from Hagrid, he has been in a bad mood. He feels like an idiot, and has been played fiercely by others.

Even though Quirrell has heard about most of the magic organs, his mood still doesn't get better. From what he inquired, it is not difficult to pass most of the levels as long as you find the tricks, but Dumbledore also used magic to protect the Philosopher’s Stone. This is the biggest problem at present, and he is stealing magic. At the time of the stone, you must think of a way to take Dumbledore away, to ensure that there is enough time to break into the dungeon to steal the Philosopher's Stone, and enough time to go far and fly before Dumbledore returns.

It would not be enough to just write to Dumbledore with the help of the Ministry of Magic, because Dumbledore did not need too long to arrive at the Ministry of Magic to return to Hogwarts.

And, once Dumbledore realized that someone was trying to pull him away from Hogwarts, he would definitely realize something was wrong.

Then, he needs to find a suitable way.

Currently, Quirrell has no good solutions.

While he was thinking and absent-mindedly eating breakfast, another owl, Fychiro, threw a letter on the table in front of him.

Qi Luo was stunned, because he didn't have any friends at all, let alone mailing things, and the sender hadn't signed it yet, no matter how you looked at it, the letter was strange.

Quirrell didn't open the letter immediately, and even thought of burning this weird letter directly. After hesitating many times, he finally opened the letter when he returned to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

It’s just that there is a blank parchment inside the envelope.

Kiro was stunned, staring at the blank parchment in a daze.

"Hurry up!"

Quirrell seemed to have thought of something, took out his wand, and lightly touched the parchment paper, as expected, writing appeared on it.

Hello, Mr. Quirrell,

I sell any news.

You seem to be very interested in the things in the hallway of the restricted area on the fourth floor of Hogwarts. If you are willing to spend money, I would...

Looking at this text, Quirrell subconsciously wanted to tear the entire parchment paper to pieces, but his sight caught a glimpse of the text behind. The general consciousness was that as long as you are willing to pay, I can tell you the magic arranged by the professors. Checkpoints and give you solutions.

In the end, in addition to the transaction method, he also attached the method of subduing the three-headed dog, and asked Quirrell to verify whether the method on the letter was true.

and said that if Quirrell is willing to pay two hundred gallons, he can sell him the next two magic levels and clearance methods.

Quiluo suddenly reached out and grabbed his chest, breathing even became rapid, his eyes seemed to be dark, and he almost fainted directly.


Who is this person!

The information he has collected so hard, this person is just like this... just like this...

Quirrell's chest heaved up and down violently, breathing in fresh air to avoid fainting directly.

Calm down, calm down, calm down quickly.

I don’t know how long it took. Quirrell finally took a sigh of relief. He didn’t faint to death. He was shocked and angry. This person actually knew...about him.

can't stay!

At this moment, Quirrell was murderous.

While Quirrell was considering **** this mysterious creature, he suddenly found that the parchment in his hand suddenly burned, and even the envelope was burning.

He was taken aback, and the parchment slipped to the ground.

When Quirrell fully reacted, the envelope and parchment had already been reduced to ashes.

"Is Snape doing the trick?"

Quirrell’s first thought was Snape, but how did Snape know how to subdue the three-headed dog?

Is it Hagrid?

No, that stupid big guy doesn't even have a wand, how could he let the parchment burn spontaneously, and Quirrell didn't think Hagrid could do that.

Could it be... Dumbledore?

He knew I was staring at the Sorcerer's Stone and wanted to use it to catch me?

No, if it is really Dumbledore, is it necessary to do this?

At this moment, Quirrell only felt that his head was in a mess.

Then, he realized it.

Why should we consider these issues?

Just catch the sender.

Since the self-proclaimed news sells everything and asks him to bury Kanon under a clearly marked tree near the Forbidden Forest, why didn't he use the trick to catch him?

Quiluozhen found such a tree in the woods near the school. He buried a bag of stones under the tree and watched the tree carefully, trying to catch the **** guy.

However, after several days passed, Quirrell never found the black hand behind the scenes, as if nothing had happened.

Quirrell, who was led by the nose, was extremely angry. He replaced the bag of stones with real canons, put a fake canon in the bag of canon, and put it on the fake canon and the bag. Tracking magic.

However, Quirrell was surprised to find that Garon buried under the tree had not been taken away, but another letter appeared, which described in detail how to go through the devil's net, and there was a bunch of keys that found the key. Method.

As for the lock picking, I'm sorry, Albert didn't write, and he can't write either.

How can you insult Voldemort in a Muggle way?

He still has a bit of professional ethics.

This time, Quirrell used the Freeze Charm in time, and didn't let the letter and the parchment burn to ashes.

However, when Quillo checked, he found that the letter hadn't been cursed and would not ignite at all.

At this moment, he felt someone hit his face with a punch, making him dizzy.

After the first letter spontaneously ignited, the sender was sure that he would do that, so he simply stopped casting the spell.

was played by the other party.

Qi Luo was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't let me know who you are, or I will torture you to death!" Quirrell swore in his heart.

He re-enchanted the letter and handed it to the owl under his control, hoping to find the person who sent the letter.

As a result, Quirrell found that the letter actually flew to an Owl Postman's shop in Diagon Alley Then, there was no more.

The **** who played with himself is still a mystery.

Albert had already guessed that Quirrell might have traced him back through the letter, so naturally he would not mail this letter himself. Instead, a house elf who specializes in serving him sent it to him. After the house elf sent the letter, he stayed in the manor protected by magic. The owl could not find the house elf at all. Elves.

And this house elf was the biggest gain Albert got at the last Easter party.

Since Garon was buried under the tree, Albert naturally did not dig, but placed a spy mouse with a double-sided mirror on its eyes to watch.

Albert looked through the double-sided mirror in his hand, but he clearly saw the scene of Quirrell burying something twice.

Of course, Albert didn't plan to dig those Garons before Quirrell burped completely.josei

Yes, that means earning, without him, no loss, anyway, the task is completed.

Moreover, doing that not only completes a new task, but also triggers a new task: boldness.

not only rewards 10,000 experience, but also gains 1 skill, and it is easy to complete. As for Quirrell's -30, Albert didn't care at all.

After all, Quirrell will receive his lunch soon, and it doesn't matter whether he reduces his favorability or not.

"Harry Potter is such a good man!"

Looking at the panel task, Albert could not help but sigh softly.

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