The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 480

Chapter 480: Please memorize this pot

Minister of Magic Fudge led the team to conduct a surprise inspection, but he still couldn't find the trace of the dragon.josei

The guard of a small hunting ground could easily play with everyone as monkeys.

Neither Quirrell nor Malfoy could believe this result. They were convinced that Hagrid had found a way to smuggle the dragon to a safe place and hide it.

However, the dragon-raising incident was inexplicable from beginning to end.

Others didn't even figure out what happened, and this thing ended like this?

You know, when the Ministry of Magic conducts surprise inspections, it's basically a catch, and it turns out that Hagrid has been wronged by the innocent.

He did not raise a dragon from start to finish.

Who is deliberately slandering Hagrid?

Everyone soon knew that the man was Draco Malfoy, and the hapless man soon carried the name of deliberately slandering the hunting ground guard in the school.

As for, who sent an anonymous letter to the Minister of Magic?

Naturally it was Snape.

Malfoy told Snape about this from beginning to end.

He doesn't hold the pot, who will hold the pot?

For this reason, Dumbledore and Snape discussed the matter again in the principal's office.

"He shouldn't lie, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see it." Snape was also very depressed, and he didn't expect that the black pot would be buckled on his head inexplicably.

"That's weird," Dumbledore murmured, "The Minister of Magic came to make a surprise inspection without warning. If Hagrid really raises a dragon, it will be impossible to hide it."

"I don't think this is just a prank." Snape shook his head. "I believe Draco Malfoy would not dare to do that. Lucius told me that he had received a similar letter. The Minister of Magic would appear in Huo. A large part of Gwarts has to do with Lucius."

"It seems that someone deliberately arranged it."

"You think someone has cast a spell on Draco and let him..." Snape immediately locked his target.

He tried his best to stop Quirrell, so does the other party take revenge on himself?

"It seems Quirrell can't help it anymore," Dumbledore said softly. "That's right, he has endured it for a long time."

"What do you think is Quirrell's purpose, that dog?"

Snape guessed wrong, it should be said that he only guessed the second level, and the real answer is on the fourth level.

This so-called careful planning is actually just a simple attempt by Albert.

If Quirrell followed his plan, Albert would make it.

If not, Albert is not at a loss.

However, Albert did not think that the plan would be more successful than originally expected. He gave Quirrell a plan that seemed very reliable.

Unexpectedly, Quirrell really implemented it, and Albert was stunned that Quirrell himself had drained his final surplus value, as well as the value of the Dragon Egg Incident.

As the big boss and beneficiary of all this, Albert's mood is quite complicated.

Quirrell is such a good person!

Not only send Kanon, send missions, but also send experience.

It's a pity to die.

In the future, where will I find such a good person?

After a series of actions by Quirrell, Albert not only succeeded in obtaining a new mission of "Rescue Norbert", but also a mission of "Please memorize this pot".

This task requires three people to be inexplicably behind others.

However, the most embarrassing thing about this task is that when Albert found it on the task list, the task was actually completed.

The rewards are also good, 3000 experience, 1 skill point, and a title of "behind the scenes".


In fact, the causes of all these must be mentioned a few days ago.

After Quirrell received a proposal to remove the magic mirror from the letter, through the message at the bottom of the letter, he buried two hundred gallons in the designated place in exchange for a way to withdraw Dumbledore.

So Albert sent another letter to Quirrell and gave him this trick.

On the day of receiving the letter, Quirrell passed the corner and heard Harry, Ron, and Hermione talking.

Compared with the plan to sell everything, even Quirrell had to admit that the letter's method had a great success rate.

Raising a dragon is illegal, plus a three-headed dog, enough for Hagrid to go to the Ministry of Magic for trial.

When Dumbledore went to be a juror, he happened to find a chance to do it.

As for why it suddenly failed, it doesn't matter how you look at it and sell any news.

On the day that the Daily Prophet and the Ministry of Magic personnel appeared at Hogwarts, Quirrell and Malfoy were in a good mood.

No matter how they looked at it, they didn't think Hagrid had a way to hide the dragon under an unexpected surprise inspection.

I can't hide it at all!

However, they don't seem to know that there is something called a time converter in the magic world.

When Albert discovered that the Ministry of Magic had appeared at Hogwarts early in the morning, he immediately used the time converter to go back a few hours ago to help Hagrid hide the fire dragon Norbert.

The surprise inspection by the Ministry of Magic was naturally gone, even if Minister of Magic Fudge led the team himself.

This incident has been directly reversed 180 degrees.

Even Hagrid's dialogue methods and techniques for the Ministry of Magic staff were taught by Albert on the spot.

You said I raised a dragon illegally?

I don't know, I don't, you have to tell the evidence.

Without evidence, that is slander.

Of course, even if the Ministry of Magic turned Hagrid's hut upside down, it could not produce evidence.

So, a few days after Hagrid rightly said that keeping a dragon was illegal, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to find Hagrid again, they found that the dragon was still there, and it had grown bigger.

"Hagrid, why is it still here?" Harry looked at Norbert who was eating a dead mouse in surprise, and looked at Hagrid in disbelief.

Didn’t you say that keeping a dragon is illegal?

Under the questioning of the three of Harry, Hagrid had to tell him about the last time Albert helped him pass the surprise inspection.

"He's really amazing." The three felt that Albert was an incredible guy.

"By the way, Hagrid, I just saw Malfoy. He seems to be unwilling." Harry reminded, "You have to be careful and don't let others know."

"I have put Yaya outside the house. If anyone comes near here, I will know." Hagrid said absently.

He even sealed the curtains in the room, but there was no good way.

"What did Albert say?" Hermione asked carefully.

"He asked me to confess to the principal, and then send the dragon away." Hagrid bit his lip and said unwillingly, "I know I can't keep it forever, but I can't just abandon it like this."

"Albert is right, Principal Dumbledore should find someone to adopt this dragon." Hermione comforted.

"Maybe I have a good idea!" Ron said suddenly.

"What's a good way?"

Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid turned to look at Ron.

"Remember that I told you that my second brother, Charlie, was studying dragons in Romania. We can write to Charlie. He might be happy to help take care of it. I think this should be the best way now."

"Awesome, Ron!" Harry said excitedly. They can finally get rid of this dragon.

"How about, Hagrid?" Hermione looked at Hagrid nervously, for fear that he would disagree.

In the end, Hagrid agreed, because this was the best solution at the moment, and he had an agreement with Albert that if he couldn't solve it, Albert would tell the principal about the matter. Hagrid really didn't want to give Deng Blido is in trouble.

Ron sent an owl to ask Charlie if he would adopt a dragon.

In the next few days, Malfoy didn't give up, holding a camera, and ran to the hunting lodge whenever he was free, preparing to take pictures of the dragon and confirm that he did not lie at all.

As for Quirrell, after Xiaolong's plan failed, he also received new compensation, and Albert sent him a brand new plan.

This time, Quirrell directly tore up the plan, not planning to follow Albert's plan, but planning to use his own preparation plan.

Quirrell prepares to use the Imperius Curse to control Fudge, telling Fudge to talk to Dumbledore and ask him to help with ideas.

Anyway, everyone knows that Fudge often does this.

Albert didn't know this, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. Hagrid told him that Ron suggested that Charlie help him to adopt Norbert.

In the darkness, it seems that there are two hands, resetting history back to its original trajectory.


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