The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: Realistic beating

After Harry and Ron disappeared, Percy was the most annoying.

Although it is not his fault, as the oldest child in the Weasley family, Percy has the responsibility to take good care of the naughty brothers and sisters.

Originally this was Charlie's responsibility, but Charlie had already graduated from school, so this responsibility fell to Percy.

He didn't forget to send a letter to his family with an owl, telling them that Harry and Ron were missing.

However, Percy didn't know that the Weasleys, who had just returned from the platform to the car, found that their old Ford car had been stolen, and was shocked instantly.

The Weasleys had never thought that someone would steal their Ford.

The Ford car was enchanted, and ordinary Muggles would never notice it, let alone try to steal the car.josei

As for the fact that the Ford flew away by itself and killed the Weasleys, they would not believe that if it was really like that, it would have caused a sensation.

After searching for cars all around, Mr. Weasley’s face was full of unconcealable loss. When finally preparing to apparate and go home, they received a letter from Percy’s Owl, knowing that Harry and Ron were not on the train. On the news, I guess who secretly drove the Ford car!

"How dare they... do that!"

Mrs. Weasley squeezed the note sent by Percy, gnashed her teeth and turned her head to look at her husband, and complained, "I blame you, I told you already, don't indulge them, don't indulge them, It's okay now, they stole the car and are going to drive to Hogwarts by themselves. I have never seen it before..."

"Well Molly, Harry and Ron will be fine." Mr. Weasley took a deep breath and calmed his emotions. He looked at the empty parking space with a sullen face, and put his arms around his wife's shoulders to comfort him. Said: "Let's go home and wait for news!"

Besides, Mr. Weasley really had no other better way. Once the car flew into the sky, they would never find Harry and Ron.

As for whether the two can reach Hogwarts safely, Mr. Weasley is not at all worried. He will definitely not get lost if he follows the train.

However, Mr. Weasley felt that he might need to go back and make some preparations, just in case.

"No matter what, Ron must be given a severe training this time."

At this moment, I was imagining that I would descend from the sky in a car, parked on the large lawn in front of Hogwarts Castle, and greet Ron, who was envied and jealous of all the students, without knowing his upcoming fate.

They were still following the Hogwarts train on the clouds, and Fred and George below were taken aback by their bold speculation, they were opening the window, trying to poke their heads out of the window to find a Ford to follow the train. Harry and Ron behind.

"Don't look at it. Even if Harry and Ron really take a Ford to school, they won't let you see it. They must have been flying in the air or invisible." Albert looked rather speechless and tried to poke his head. Fred and George outside the window.

"Oh, yes, Dad's Ford car can indeed be invisible." George murmured.

Seeing the appearance of Fred and George, it seems that they were disappointed because they failed to get to Hogwarts school in a Ford car.

Albert looked and shook his head.

After lunch, a few people gathered together and played a few rounds of wizard cards. In the following time, Fred, George and Lee Jordan took turns asking Albert about traveling abroad.


The annoying Albert began to pretend to be drowsy, and casually asked the three of them.

As they approached the school, the door of the carriage was knocked again, and Hermione came to them with a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Ford Anglia can fly, and Muggles are amazed." Fred took the Daily Prophet and read the headlines softly: "There are two Muggles in London, and they are sure they saw an old car flying by. Post office building."

"I remember that your father was prohibiting the abuse of Muggle Goods Department work, right?" Albert asked suddenly.

"Is it really Harry and Ron?" Hermione's expression was very ugly. She didn't expect Harry and Ron to miss the train deliberately, and they were actually making this idea.

"The Eight Achievements are theirs."

"How dare they..."

"Maybe, to show off!"

"By the way, your brother is really cheating." Albert took the newspaper, and after reading the headlines carefully, he shook his head and said, "I think the two of them are still triumphant!"

Hermione's face was even worse.

"Now, being fined must be indispensable!" Lee Jordan said.

"Probably fifty to one hundred gallons." Albert closed the newspaper and returned it to Hermione, presumably, "If it is not specifically targeted, it shouldn't be possible to lose his job."

"Of course, Harry and Ron shouldn't be expelled." Albert said to Hermione, who looked ugly. "After all, Dumbledore's savior is very fancy. It's really bad luck to be replaced by someone else. Yes. However, demerit points are probably indispensable."

The envy and jealousy on Fred and George's faces were all replaced by shock.

"Now, do you still envy them?" Albert asked with a smile, looking sideways at Fred and George.

The two shook their heads together. According to Albert's analysis, they both knew that Harry and Ron, who were sitting in a Ford car preparing to show off, were in bad luck.

"Really unbelievable." Hermione murmured and walked away. It was hard for her to believe that Harry and Ron would do such a stupid thing.

For the rest of the journey, they didn't talk much.

The train finally slowly entered the Hogsmeade platform. When Albert and his partner got out of the car with the crowd, they heard many students whispering and discussing that someone was coming to school in a car.

There is no doubt that many students think this is too cool, and they wish that the person who came to the school by car was themselves. UU reading

The expressions on Fred and George's faces became more complicated. If Albert hadn't had it, they would have thought the same way!

"First-year freshmen are here!"

A familiar voice came from not far away. The burly hunting ground manager was beckoning to the panicked freshmen, preparing to take them to the traditional lake crossing ceremony.

The rest of the students rode a night horse carriage to Hogwarts Castle at night.

Behind the meandering night horse carriage, a Ford car passed over the lake, flew over the dark greenhouse, vegetable field, and over the lawn outside Hogwarts, hitting the willow tree trunk with one head.

There was no expectation that the students from the middle school cheered, nor did they look envious and jealous, and some were just angered beating Liu. Harry and Ron, who had not yet been beaten by the cruel reality, were first severely beaten by the branches of the beaten willow.

The two who had just escaped from the dead, no longer had the excitement of riding in the car at first, and some were only at a loss and fear. They didn't even know what they were about to face and what they would be facing.

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