The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 686

Chapter 686: o. w. Ls road roller

After breakfast, the four of Alberts carried their schoolbags to the potions classroom in the basement. To be honest, taking potions class immediately after eating is not conducive to the digestion of food in the stomach.

"The door didn't open." Fred reached out and pushed the door, and found that the door of the potions classroom was locked. He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. It was rare that the Potions Professor didn't open the door in advance.

"Did we get it wrong"

"Wait a minute." Albert stopped them from opening the door without authorization.

After a while, there were more and more students in the corridor, and everyone was waiting outside the Potions classroom for Snape to come over and open the door.

A few minutes later, all the Gryffindor girls came over, watching Albert jokingly: "You didn't actually wear the prefect badge?"


"You will sometimes forget"

Albert knows that several people are not teasing himself, but the prefect of Ravenclaw who wears the prefect badge.

"I think you should take it all day. It's more prestigious, just like Percy, for fear that others will not know that he is the chairman of the student union." Fred didn't have the slightest pressure to talk about Percy's bad things. They obviously noticed. Here Only Selwyn of Ravenclaw carried the prefect badge.

Selwyn's face was not very good, and he turned around and secretly removed the badge pinned on his chest and stuffed it into his pocket.

Alia sensed Albert's gaze and shrugged, "You didn't see the way that guy was arrogant just now."

The surrounding whispers suddenly disappeared, and there was a strange silence on the promenade, and Snape was walking towards this side, his face gloomy and dripping. Snape took the key from his pocket and opened the door of the potions classroom.

"Before starting class, I must remind you one thing."

Snape walked quickly to the podium, turned around and glanced at everyone with a stern look, "Next June, you will take the owLs exam. Then you will prove how much you have learned. I hope you will all be able to do it in the owLs exam. Reluctantly'pass', otherwise I will be very angry."

"Of course, after this year, many of you will no longer be able to take my class," Snape glanced over the students, pouting slightly, "I only pick the best. Students enter my NEWTs potions class, which means that some people will have to say goodbye."

"Before the happy farewell time comes, we need to hold on for another year." Snape said softly, "Therefore, regardless of whether you plan to take the NEWTS exam or not, I suggest that you all concentrate on studying your homework to meet my requirements. Of owLs students have reached a higher passing level."

Fred and George were winking at Albert, seeming to be celebrating that they finally didn't have to see Snape again next semester.

Of course, the Weasley brothers are not the only ones who have this kind of thought. It is well known that Snape’s potions class is difficult. As long as his NEWTs potions class reaches outstanding students, the annual NEWTs potions class is usually difficult to exceed Two digits.

"Today, we are going to formulate a kind of medicine that often appears in ordinary wizard rank exams: a demulcent. It can calm and soothe irritability and anxiety, and help relieve your pressure before the exam. I have seen many students who cannot bear the owLs exam. I collapsed under pressure, so I recommend mastering how to configure a moderator, and if necessary, you can give it to yourself or your classmates."

"Of course, if you put the ingredients carelessly, you may fall into a kind of deadly and sometimes irreversible drowsiness, so you need to pay extra attention. The ingredients and preparation methods are on the blackboard. You have one Half an hour... let's start."

After Snape finished speaking, he waved his wand, and the door of the storage cabinet suddenly opened.

Moderators are not difficult, at least in Albert's view.

As long as the ingredients are added to the crucible in strict order and quantity, and the mixture is stirred to the specified number of times, the temperature of the flame must be reduced to a certain standard when the crucible is boiling, and maintained for a certain period of time before adding the last one. The ingredients are complete.

Strictness and standards have always been the key factors for the success of potion making, but for most students, it seems that it is often difficult to achieve.

When Albert put two drops of hellebore syrup into the cauldron, Snape suddenly appeared behind him and said nonchalantly: "Professor McGonagall should have told you about the Potions Championship, every weekend. Get here at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Albert did not answer, still focusing on the crucible in front of him.

Snape definitely did it on purpose. If he had a trembling hand just now and had an extra drop of hellebore syrup, God knows what this pot of moderator would look like.

The result was quite satisfactory, and a faint, silver-white vapor came out of the cauldron, exactly the same as Snape had just described.

Albert put half of the medicament sample into a short-necked bottle with his name, and the other half was put in his own medicine for storage.

After doing all this, Albert looked around. Except for him, no one else succeeded. There were some problems with the details, and the color of the potion was not the same as expected.

"It's just a bunch of shit!" When Lee Jordan left the classroom, he stretched out.

"Finally I don't have to see Snape next semester." Fred was not much better than Li Jordan, and his pot of potion smelled of rotten eggs.

"I'm afraid you will have to come to potions class by yourself next semester." Lee Jordan didn't feel a pity at all, he thought maliciously, "I just paid attention to the level of our potions this year. I doubt Snee. Can Pu’s NEWTs potions class make up ten students?"

"I think five is very reluctant." George analyzed, "Under normal circumstances, Slytherin and Ravenclaw are more good at potions than ours, Albert, Ravenclaw's Catri Na can barely be a problem. Whether Shanna can be an excellent candidate is still open for discussion. Hufflepuff has another..."josei

"Digory is still very good." Albert reminded.

"Well, after counting that guy, I barely made up four. Slytherin has a few outstanding ones. Do you count on Montage?" George sneered.

"Speaking of which, if you fail to go to a higher class, does it mean you can graduate early?" Li Jordan asked suddenly.

"As long as we can successfully open a store, it doesn't matter if the owLs exam fails." Fred and George didn't actually care much about the owLs exam.

"I think your family will definitely be very dissatisfied with your grades." Albert reminded, "Your summer vacation will be very sad then."

"What class is this afternoon?" Fred asked, turning the subject away.

"Professor of History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts." Albert said.

"I just hope our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor can be more reliable than Lockhart." George vomited.

Last semester, Lockhart was really not an ordinary pit.

"Professor Lupin should be pretty good, and the level of the wizard who can use the patron saint is not too low."

"I hope I can learn something."

The history of magic in the afternoon was very boring. Professor Bins was telling the topic of Giant Wars, but most of the students were drowsy within ten minutes.

Albert did not attend the class, but took another book from his schoolbag and read it.

As for the exams and homework, he had asked Isabel to borrow notes from the history of magic in advance. Anyway, Professor Bins always followed the text in class, and the notes he took were basically the same.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a bit of fun for everyone.

Professor Lu Ping did not teach the class, but spent a lot of time figuring out what they had learned from the first year to the fourth grade.

"I know very well the situation in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. You have changed four professors. In this chaotic situation, it is difficult to really learn something." Lupin said softly, "But don't worry, everyone. Not as bad as you think. Most of the owLs exam content is in the "Dark Force: Self-Defense Guide". Most of the actual combat assessment content you will face is to expel some dark creatures. As long as you master the methods to fight them, you don't have to worry too much about failing the exam. . "

"Dark creatures, how do we deal with other dark wizards?" Fred raised his hand and asked, "For example, the fugitive Black."

"I think it's hard for you to meet the Dark Wizard, at least you won't meet it before you leave school." Lu Ping saw the look of everyone's expectation, UU reading said helplessly, "Ann, let me listen to Professor McGonagall. I mentioned that Professor Lockhart once taught you the disarming curse, Mr. Desen, don’t you mind coming up and showing it to everyone.”

Albert was pushed up by a few friends around him.

Professor Lu Ping waved his magic wand to make room for both sides.

"How do we defend against most of the spells that other wizards use on ourselves?" Professor Lupin nodded toward Aber's characteristics: "It's time to start."

Toolman Albert raised his wand and used a disarming spell on Lupin very cooperatively. Before concentrating on Professor Lupin, the spell was blocked by the opponent using an iron armor spell.

Applause immediately sounded in the classroom.

"Very good, very good, Mr. Anderson." Professor Lu Ping said to everyone: "As you can see, I went smoothly with Mr. Anderson's disarming spell. Does anyone know what spell I used?"

"Iron Armor Curse."

"Yes, it is the iron armor curse. Gryffindor adds ten points." Lupin continued. "The iron armor curse can create a magical barrier that can deflect spells and physical entities to protect specific people or specific areas. A defensive spell with multiple spells."

"The spell of the iron armor curse: armor protection??."

"Sir, shall we learn the Iron Armor Curse next class?" someone asked expectantly.


"Why not teach it, I think the Iron Armor Curse is more useful." Someone asked dissatisfiedly.

"Because my task now is to make you pass the owLs exam with as high a score as possible." Lupin said gently, "If there is time after teaching the rest of the "Dark Force: Self-Defense Guide", I I can teach you some more magic to use, but for now you should be concerned about the owLs exam."

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