The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 688

Chapter 688: Play mystery

After dinner, they returned to the common room in Gryffindor.

Albert needs to go back to the dormitory to feed the cats first, and then take Tom to the common room to let him communicate with other cats. It is not good to stay alone for a long time.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan rarely read a book quietly, and the three of them need to prepare useful materials for the potions class essay.

No way, Snape gave them a moonstone essay on the first day of school, and it was due to be handed in next potions class.

Albert also said that he might not be free the next day, so the three people who had just finished the meal had to write the paper together, so as not to write it by himself another day, and waste more time and energy on it.

"The characteristics of moonstone and its use in pharmaceuticals, I think that by copying these in, and writing a little larger, you should be able to make up a full twelve inches of content."

Several people put together the information they found, and looked at the length of the information and felt that it was almost the same!

"I think it's better to find some more. We can't copy all the information we find. It's best to start with its medicinal value. I remember that ecstasy also requires a small amount of moonstone... Uh, he Min, what's the matter?" Albert looked at the materials found by the three of them, while constructing the overall structure of the thesis in his head, feeling that someone was walking by him, he raised his head to look at the visitor, his eyes fell on the girl's feet again. A big **** cat.

"Your cat?"

"It's Crookshanks." Hermione said. "I bought it in Diagon Alley during the summer."

"It seems to be a little older, and it seems that I didn't have a good time before." Albert looked at Hermione's Crookshanks, reached out a bag of dried fish from his pocket, and tried to use food to bring him closer. The distance to Crookshanks.


The Tom cat, who was squatting on the table and napping, suddenly became angry when he saw that Albert was going to give his ration to other cats. At a speed that didn't match his size, he rushed to Crookshanks, guarding Albert behind him, and staring at the big cat in front of him like a thief.


Albert stretched out his hand to fish the cat up, scratched Tom's handle and said, "I haven't found you protecting food before, Tom is really careful!"

Hermione was also taken aback, thinking that the two cats would fight.

Albert stretched out his hand to hit Crookshanks, and Tom pressed his hand with his paw pads, and made a vigilant sound at Crookshanks.

"I'm really jealous, so cute!" Albert stopped teasing Tom, looked up at Hermione, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's about the divination class."

"Are you trying to say that Professor Trelawney is an old liar?" George interrupted suddenly.

"Write your paper."

Hermione was interrupted by George and didn’t feel embarrassed anymore. She directly told Albert about her thoughts: “I think the divination class is confused. There are many areas that need to be guessed. This class always feels very unreliable. Professor Trelawney even saw the omen of death in Harry's tea dregs."

"Potter still thinks that black dog is ominous?" Albert put Tom on the ground and asked casually.

"you know?"

"This summer, I ran into him while shopping in Diagon Alley. Potter asked me about it. I told him it was just a stray dog." Albert said, looking at Tom, who was staring at Crookshanks warily. , "It seems that Potter doesn't seem to let go, and is still scaring himself."

"I also think it's a stray dog." Hermione seemed to have found some common topics, and continued: "I think Professor Trelawney is pretending to be a liar. Many people say that she is a liar. This morning, she even predicted Ha Lee will die, but Professor McGonagall said that Professor Trelawney will predict that a freshman will die every semester..."

"In a way, what you said is actually correct." Albert said somehow.

"I kind of want to give up this course, it's wasting my time." Hermione was very polite without directly saying that the fortune-telling course is rubbish. Although it was only the last class, the senses given to Hermione in the fortune-telling class were really bad.

Albert looked up at Hermione's eyes and asked with a smile, "Remember what Professor Trelawney said to you at the beginning?"

"She said this is the most difficult course, and warned us that if we don't have the'sight', she can teach us very little, and she also said that the textbooks are useless." Hermione recalled the divination class when Trelaw What Professor Ni said.

"What this means is: Divination requires talent. If you don't have the talent, even if you spend time on it, you can only learn a little bit. That's why it is said that fortune-telling is the most difficult subject of all courses." Directly helped Hermione translate this sentence.

"It's just that Professor Trelawney likes to say it in a mysterious and mysterious tone... Well, I think you should fully understand the meaning of that sentence now." Albert looked at Hermione's stunned expression and nodded in satisfaction.josei

"Is that really the case?" Hermione couldn't help asking.

"Yes, in fact, there are very few wizards with divination talents, and it can even be said that there are few pitiful." Albert softly soothed, "Although there are some suspicions of boasting, but at present, apart from me, Hogwarts School has not found it. Another student with a talent for divination, even if Isobel achieves excellent results in the divination exam, he also has no talent for divination, so you don’t really need to be sad. If you really don’t have a talent for divination and don’t want to learn some knowledge in the field of divination, It’s okay to just give up."

"So Professor Trelawney is not a liar?"

"No, she's a liar. Mystery has always been a common problem with fortune-tellers, because predicting the future is very difficult." Albert motioned to Hermione to find a place where no one was to talk about it.

After the two found a place with no one, Albert continued the topic just now, "Professor Trelawney is the great-great-granddaughter of the famous prophet Cassandra Trelawney. In fact, he has a talent for prophecy. ."

"But why do you say Professor Trelawney is a liar" Hermione asked inexplicably.

"Professor Trelawney can’t use her talent for prophecy. Well, how do you say it? It’s like you have a hundred gallons, but you can’t use it. So, Professor Trelawney can’t get through the crystal like me. When the ball sees some pictures of the future, he will get the trust of others in a mysterious way. Most wizards actually don't believe in the so-called prophecies." Albert pointed out this directly like Hermione.

"Of course, what we can learn from Professor Trelawney is not only the knowledge of divination, but also some very practical skills."

"You mean Professor Trelawney's cryptic way of speaking?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly. She felt that Albert had learned the mystery from Professor Trelawney, although all Albert's so-called prophecies had been met.

"Yes, this is one of them." Albert did not deny, "Most wizards are actually unwilling to believe in divination, even if the predictions finally come true. The entire magical world except for a few masters who can truly predict the future. Highly respected. Most of the fortune-tellers are regarded as liars, so why don't you play mystery? Maybe you can fool one or two people."

"So are you, but can't you predict the future?" Hermione asked suspiciously. "Why do you want to be mysterious?"

"I know you are still wondering if I am a liar, no need to quibble, I can understand." Albert raised his hand to signal Hermione no need to quibble. "One day, when I am really crowned the title of master of prophecy, you will not think that I am a liar who makes mysteries, but a respected ‘prophet’."

"So, you are trying to be a prophet" Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly.

"No, I'm just trying to get you to accept that I am a prophet." Albert corrected. "Because I can see part of the future as a prophet."

"But... why?" Hermione didn't think Albert was a fame and fortune man.

"Because the prophet, the speech weight of the underage wizard is not the same."

"Speaking weight"

Hermione obviously couldn't understand the meaning of the words.

"You will understand later." Albert didn't intend to explain.

"Do you know about Hagrid?" Hermione remembered what happened to Hagrid.

"I expected it last semester and reminded Hagrid, but he obviously didn't care." Albert said calmly.

"I thought you would predict this." Hermione raised her eyebrows slightly.

"With Hagrid's character, you can actually guess it without prediction. I just didn't expect something happened on the first day of school." Albert sighed helplessly.

"Will Hagrid be fired?" Hermione asked.

"will not."

Noting Hermione’s puzzled look, Albert explained: "Professor Dumbledore will give Hagrid a guarantee, so Hagrid will not be expelled."


Harry and Ron happened to come out to find Hermione when they heard Albert say that Hagrid would not be fired.

"Potter, you should have a little confidence in Professor Dumbledore," Albert said in a low voice, "Of course, old Malfoy won't let go. When they find that they can't trouble Hagrid, they will naturally find other people to vent. ."

"Other objects?" the three asked questioningly

"That hapless eagle-headed horse-winged beast will definitely be used as a scapegoat." Albert said meaningfully.

"What do you mean."

"It means that the eagle-headed horse-winged beast will be killed for wounding." Albert looked at Harry calmly and said, "Of course, if you want to save it, you can give it to the Minister of Magic. Fudge wrote a letter expressing his willingness to donate a large sum of Galleons to the St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, so that Fudge would calm the matter immediately, and at a faster pace, because the Malfoys were also not short of money, and they were finding that they could not find the sea. After Grid’s troubles, he will use similar methods to persuade Fudge."

Harry was stunned by the statement that Albert had bribed Fudge. UU reading

To be honest, Harry's impression of Fudge is actually pretty good.

"But... the eagle-headed horse-winged beast is innocent." Hermione's eyes widened in disbelief.

"The eagle-headed horse-winged beast hurt Malfoy. As long as Lucius is willing to donate a sum of money, the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures is willing to give it a crazy title and let it fall off his head." Albert watched. Looking at the dumbfounded three people, they sneered, "Don't be surprised, this is politics. Politics has never had anything to do with justice."

"But... even in court..."

"The courts have never been a place for justice. People use courts to defend the law, and the law is never equal to justice." Albert ruthlessly shattered the ridiculous thoughts in the hearts of the three. "Don't look at me like that. My family members are all lawyers. I knew these things at a very young age. It may be cruel to you now, but this is probably the case. Hagrid can't win the lawsuit without any fluke."

"Hagrid's window has lights, I want to go downstairs to see him, it's still early..." Harry said suddenly, he instinctively wanted to avoid this cruel fact.

"I don't know if we are allowed to go out." Hermione looked at Albert anxiously, with pleading eyes, hoping that Albert would go with them to visit Hagrid.

"After dark, you'd better not wander around, especially you Potter. I heard that Black's target is you." Albert reminded.

"Sirius Black hasn't crossed the Dementor into the school yet, has he?" Harry said loudly.

"Well, good luck to you. By the way, say hello to Hagrid for me and tell him not to be sad, and I will find a way to help him solve the problem." Albert turned around and returned to the Gryffindor common room after speaking. , Leaving three people staring at each other.

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