The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 733

Chapter 733: preparing

As time entered December, the weather around Hogwarts became more and more severe. The surroundings of the castle were often shrouded in snow and wind. The roaring cold wind blew people's cheeks and pain. Outdoor herbal medicine classes and magical creature protection classes became all. Two courses that people most want to take.

The corridors of the castle were cold and damp, and the harsh wind blew in from the loose window glass. People hurried and no one wanted to stay in the corridors. Even the common room was very cold. The empty space by the fireplace became the most sought-after spot for everyone. .

Albert had to put on a thick sweater, wrap himself in a scarf and gloves, and put special warmers and hot drinks in his pockets. He suspects that the weather will become so bad because of the chain reaction caused by the large number of dementors around Hogwarts.

If you insist, who hates bad weather the most in the dormitory, it is Fred and George.

At the end of November, after the Ravenclaw team defeated the Hufflepuff team, it meant that Gryffindor had a chance to win the game. The emotionally high Wood was reincarnate as a training madman and brought his team. Train hard in the wind and snow.

After all, they can't lose another game now.

The Weasley twins were also forced to train in the freezing wind and snow, and each time they returned from training, they looked extraordinarily tragic.

Both Albert and Lee Jordan sympathized with Fred and George.

Not joining the Quidditch team is indeed the most correct choice, otherwise you will have to go to the court with the twins to suffer.

Albert couldn't stand the toss and didn't waste so much energy on Quidditch training. He has a lot of things to do every week, busy doing homework, busy attending clubs, busy practicing magic, busy writing letters to others, and busy dating his girlfriend.

There is no way, whether it is friendship or affection, it takes time to maintain.

Recently, he has another business to be busy.

Through Lee Jordan's father, Albert found an architect who was good at repair work.

To be honest, this kind of profession is not welcomed by wizards in the magical world, and there are not many in the entire British magical world.

The number of wizards in the British magical world is very limited. Most wizard residences are inherited, and most Muggle wizards live in the Muggle world. If it is necessary to build new houses, a large number of wizards will choose to build them manually. The Weasley’s is the best example.

After all, magic allows wizards to stack houses like building blocks to build houses that do not conform to scientific structures.

However, there are always people who need wizards to help build houses. Although there are very few, as long as there is a demand, a corresponding profession will be born.

Inigo Jones is such a wizard. It is worth mentioning that architects are just a secondary profession for him.

Albert asked the house-elf Bit to come forward and reached an agreement with Inigo Jones to help him repair the house in Hogsmeade.

As for the cost, one hundred gallons.

That's right, it's so cheap.

According to the house elves, the house was carefully inspected, everything needed was renewed, and magic was used for secondary reinforcement. Except for the outer shell, the interior of the house has basically changed a lot, and Bit returned to Albert. I took several photos, and the results are quite satisfactory.

After the house elves reported on the progress of the house’s repairs and left, Isobel, who had been staring at the house plan for a long time, finally spoke.

"Sometimes, I really don't understand what you want to do!"

"It can become a place for us to work in the future. After graduation, you definitely don't want to stay at home!" Albert poured himself a cup of hot tea, looked up at Isobel, who was looking at the photo, and said with a smile. Only when there is a place to work, it looks like split work."

He is indeed planning to build a laboratory. After graduation, there will be no such good place as Hogwarts' Requirement Room. He has to get a workshop for making potions and making magic items.

Moreover, in Hogsmeade Village, there is no need to worry about being warned by the Ministry of Magic for spell casting before adulthood.

Of course Isobel knew this, but she always felt that Albert's motives were impure. The other party seems to be planning to turn that house into a place where the two will meet in the future.

After all, Albert will stay at Hogwarts for a few years, while Isobel will work in Hogsmeade, so the two can see each other often without being disturbed.

"It's a good place for a tryst." Isabel said softly. "Will you prepare other similar houses?"

"Oh, why do you always like to use this to tease me, can't you say it differently?" Albert said rather helplessly, "If someone else hears it, I think I'm a scumbag. , The image is ruined."

"Isn't that your dream?"

"There is a gap between dreams and reality. If they can be realized, they won't be called dreams." Albert sighed as he slumped in his chair, "Also, my dream is not... No, I am a salted fish with no dreams. By the way, how do you always like to talk about this, can you tell me the reason? I can use this for you."

Isobel smiled and pushed Albert's face away.

"Girls like to listen to your gossip news." Isobel turned off the subject and said with a smile, "They like to inquire about your little secrets."

"But you are my girlfriend." Albert said silently, "Do you want your gossip news to be known to the whole school? Or do you want everyone to know that we are engaged? , To let the other girls give up?"

"I found you become narcissistic."

"It's not that I am narcissistic, but those girls make me narcissistic."

Of course Albert knew that if this incident were to spread, it would be no less than throwing a depth bomb into the Black Lake.

The relationship between young wizards is not as reliable as imagined.

In Albert's eyes, that is "fast-food-style love, assembly-line feelings."

Hogwarts school couples break up every semester. They are like a college career in a previous life. They are free, free and easy, without restraints. They are together when they like, and they don’t like breaking up in minutes.

In the end, there are very few that can really come together.

Isobel always used this incident to tease Albert. The main reason was that Albert was so ridiculous about this mess. He was one of the few black history of him, and he reminded himself this popular boyfriend by the way: I Staring at you.

Albert knows more and more beautiful girls, and Isobel always feels that it is best to have a snack and be vigilant. This has nothing to do with being jealous.

Although Isobel believes in the relationship between the two sides, there are always exceptions.

Male and female friends are too close, don't talk about pure friendship.

No matter how pure the relationship is, it will deteriorate over time.

In particular, someone said that he wanted to find two or three girlfriends, which aroused Isobel's vigilance. The main reason is that Albert's mouth, many of what he said have become reality.

In the past, Isabel just made a joke about Albert on this matter, and she also knew that it was just a joke.

However, after she learned more about Albert, she felt that this matter had to be guarded, and God knew if this would happen.

Especially now Albert, with the rapid growth of title and reputation, like a ripe fruit, becomes more and more attractive, making many people want to take a bite.

It's fine if they are all strangers, but in fact, Albert knows more and more beautiful girls.

The French Miss Louise with Veeva descent is a case in point. Isobel has no doubt that if Albert had not had her girlfriend, that Miss Louise would never mind chasing him.

Isabel knows how Penello got together with Percy.

If Valeria and Albert had been with him for a long time, Isobel had no doubt that the two would have the possibility of going to bed.

"What are you thinking about?" Albert poured Isobel a fresh cup of hot tea.

"I wonder how many beautiful girls you know." Isobel took a sip from his teacup and said with a smile.

Albert felt the word "Danger" appear on the top of his head.

"You should believe me." Albert said seriously.

"Of course I believe you, but I don't believe other girls." Isabel raised his hand and poked Albert's chest and complained: "Do you know that when the girls at the academy talked about you, their faces showed That kind of expression...Being your girlfriend is more stressful than you think."

"Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen." Albert said softly.

He always felt like he had heard similar words somewhere.

"...It's so stressful to be your sister."

"After this semester, you will graduate."

"Yeah, I'm finally graduating from school. I actually came to help you before the important final wizard exam." Isabel asked with a smile, "How can you thank me?"

"I can satisfy you as much as possible."

Albert didn't mind talking about bad things in front of Isabel.

"You do the same in front of other girls." Isabel asked.

"Of course not." Albert changed the subject. "By the way, if you feel that there is not enough time, we can use the time converter to go back in time."

"Using that thing too much will accelerate the rate of aging." Although Isobel complained, he obviously didn't intend to refuse.

"Go ahead, what are you going to do today?"

"Practice the wandless spell."

"Aren't you able to use wandless magic skillfully?"

"That can only be considered barely usable."

Albert thought about many ways to deal with werewolves.josei

Wandless magic is the best follow-up.

As for whether there will be a time to face a werewolf, Albert doesn't know, but he thinks it doesn't hurt to prepare early.

Be fully prepared, rather than not prepared for anything.

Albert's idea is very simple. If he has the opportunity, he can use a spell to trap the werewolf, and then give the opponent a restoration spell.

As for, why is it trapped first, instead of directly using the restoration mantra?

If the spell doesn't work, won't you just be dead?

Crazy wolf disease will spread among people through the contact of saliva and blood, that is to say, if you are bitten, your life will be completely finished, unless you can change your body like Voldemort.

Albert was quite satisfied with his appearance, and never thought of turning himself into a no-nosed monster.

If you can't trap the werewolf, you can use magic to protect yourself first, and then look for opportunities while ensuring your own safety.

Using a magic wand to cast a transformation spell to trap an enemy is actually not difficult, but without using a magic wand...

"The Transfiguration Curse is originally known to be difficult. If you want to use it without a staff, the difficulty is very high." Isobel looked at the other two results and was bound to the legs of the table. He could see that the spell was particularly rough. Pull it off.

It took Albert a long time to do this, and the difference is really big with or without a wand.

To be honest, this is already very amazing. For ordinary six-year-old students, let alone wandless magic, even a silent spell will have to hold back like constipation for a long time.

"It should be possible to practice regularly. The wizards in Africa are very good at wandless magic. It is said that they rarely use magic wands."

Since Albert filled the wizard's blood, his magical power should not be inferior to Voldemort and Dumbledore who were at their peak.

The gap with the two is more about the use of magic, and the experience gap in age is a disadvantage that Albert is difficult to reverse.

"If you just practice wandless magic, you shouldn't need my help."

Albert did not hide, and told Isabel about Hagrid. He intends to use the transformation spell to conjure a Buckbeak. When the time comes, the Ministry of Magic will come, and Hagrid will delay the spell, creating the illusion that Buckbeak is running away.

This adventure is to take Buckbeak away. Albert does not have the aura of Harry and Hermione, but there is no guarantee that there will be no way to take Buckbeak away. If something goes wrong during that time, then It's embarrassing.

A restoration to the original state to solve the problem is obviously easier.

The only problem is to conjure a Buckbeak that can be fake.

Both of them used the transformation spells well, and it is not impossible to use the transformation spell to make a eagle-headed horse-winged beast.

Albert needs Isabel to help him find problems and give advice.

"You are so brave, but this is a good way. The question is whether you can successfully transform a eagle-headed horse-winged beast to hide it from others." Isobel couldn't help but marvel at the feat Albert wanted to accomplish.

To be honest, this is difficult, very difficult.

"I will succeed."

This is a very advanced transformation technique but it is not impossible for Albert. His transformation ability is not weak, not to mention the panel, everything is possible.

"I want to wait until Professor McGonagall retires. Professor Dumbledore will definitely welcome you as a professor of transformation." Isabel exclaimed.

"Your wish may be disappointed."

"Why?" Isabel asked in confusion.

"Professor Dumbledore can't wait for Professor McGonagall to retire."

"That's right, he is very old, maybe he will retire first." Isabel's tone paused, and he wanted to understand what Albert meant.

"You predicted Dumbledore's death?"

"Well, I saw the Dark Mark floating above Hogwarts, I saw Principal Dumbledore falling from the castle and died, and I saw Harry Potter crying." Albert sighed.

Isobel suddenly understood why Albert was under pressure.

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