The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 750

Chapter 750: Stupid idea

Near eleven o'clock, all the teachers and students of the school began to go to the Quidditch Stadium.

The hall gradually calmed down. Albert closed the book and tucked it back into the deformed lizard skin bag. He got up and said to Isabel, who was sitting on the long Ravenclaw table next door and was also reading to pass the time: "Time is coming, we Let's go too."

After Isobel put a bookmark in the book, he used magic to shrink the book, put it into the pocket of his robe, and followed Albert to leave the castle to the Quidditch Stadium outside the castle.

The weather outside was very cold, and the snow around the castle showed no signs of melting. Albert instinctively pulled up the scarf to cover the exposed skin more tightly.

"This scarf looks a bit ugly now."

Isabel arranged the scarf for Albert and said to himself: "The next day, I will weave one for you again when I have time!"

"I think this scarf is very commemorative now."

Isabel obviously didn't want to take this, and turned off the subject and asked: "By the way, what were you talking about with Percy just now?"

"Oh, you said that!"

Albert told Isabel about Percy's bet with Penello.

Isobel was silent after listening, and didn't react much to it. She is well aware that most couples are like this. Generally, they are interested in each other before they start dating, which is far less than the level of lovers. Whether it's dating, conflict, or breaking up, it's actually normal, just like eating.

The two followed the road cleared by Hagrid in advance to the Quidditch Stadium.

The game has already started. As the commentator, Lee Jordan is giving everyone the knowledge of popular science firebolt. This "unprofessional" approach has aroused dissatisfaction with Professor McGonagall who supervised his commentary.

The two looked around, found a place where no one was disturbed, and took out binoculars to observe the situation on the Quidditch court.

The situation was unfavorable for Ravenclaw. Gryffindor was the first to score at the beginning of the game.

However, Ravenclaw's Qiu Zhang is a very good seeker. She obviously knows the gap between the two sides' broomsticks. She has been staring at Harry since the start of the game, and forced him by constantly passing in front of Harry. change direction.

This should be the Ravenclaw team's tactics, intending to let Qiu Zhang hold Potter and give the pursuer a chance to score.

However, Ravenclaw's pursuit was a bit stretched, and he was actually 20-0 in a short period of time.

"There is a problem with the Ravenclaw team's tactics...what's wrong?"

Albert noticed that Isobel didn't pay attention to the changes on the court, and he didn't know where to look.

He followed the other's gaze and found Katrina sitting not far away alone, her figure looking a little thin.

No, Katrina was not alone, Hermione was sitting not far away, also holding binoculars to observe the changes on the court.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" Isabel sat beside Katrina.

"I just came over from the library." Katrina looked up and glanced at Albert, and muttered: "Why do you need to test twelve subjects so easily?"josei

"Maybe my basic knowledge is relatively solid."

Albert sat next to Isabel, looked at the tired girl and said, "I have the previous Ls exam papers over there, do you want to read it?"

"Examination papers, where did you get these things?" Katrina was not too surprised, she actually asked Isabel for the last Ls examination paper.

"As long as you have money, it's not difficult to get it." What Albert said was actually the truth.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you guy is very rich." Katrina glanced over the scarf around Albert's neck and moved her lips imperceptibly. She had already recognized that it was a long time for Isabel to knit. Later, because the weaving was too short, Isobel added another section.

"That's enough!" Katrina murmured, not knowing what she was talking about.

She was actually a little depressed, how could she compete with such a guy in the first place?

Ever since Albert won the championship of the Magic School Potions Championship, Katrina has been depressed by her first thoughts.

"When are you free?" Katrina asked. She has now devoted most of her experience to the Ls exam. If the exam fails, she will never accept it.

"I'll give it to you next time in class." Albert said as he raised his binoculars and looked towards the court, while Lee Jordan was yelling.

Above the court, Harry was speeding up to chase the Snitch.

However, when Albert turned his sight glasses over, Harry had just flashed a wandering ball, and he did not continue to accelerate, apparently having lost the trace of the Snitch.

"Oh oh..."

Gryffindor's supporters are very disappointed, they are obviously eager to have the Firebolt Harry can end the game in a short time.

Katrina was also applauding for their batter, and then she suddenly noticed that the two people around her were basically unresponsive, and looked at Hermione who was a little disappointed because Harry hadn't caught the Snitch. An inexplicable sense of disobedience suddenly surged in my heart.

Are they really watching the game?

Why is there no response at all?

The game was almost one-sided, and Gryffindor now leads Ravenclaw by a big margin of 70-0.

"How can the gap be so big?"

Isabel is a little puzzled. When playing against the Slytherin team, the opponent played tricks, resulting in Ravenclaw not getting any points. Isabel is understandable, but the current gap in points is obviously very abnormal.

At least, she doesn't think the Ravenclaw team will be so bad.

"I can probably guess the reason." Albert didn't sell off, and continued: "Wood wants to enter the club to play after graduation, so for him, every training now is very important, if he can win before graduation The Quidditch trophy is good for him to join the club, so the training for the Gryffindor team is actually very tiring."

"The difference in training volume, coupled with the psychological pressure caused by the Firebolt, led to the initial tactics of the Ravenclaw team. They hoped to suppress the Gryffindor team in terms of scores. As a result, they did not play well. A lot of points are lost because of strength and mentality." Albert's tone changed, "However, I want to wait for the mentality of the Ravenclaw players to adjust so that they can return to their previous level."

The Sisters McDoug didn’t speak. Not long after Albert had finished speaking, Ravenclaw finally scored for the first time and managed to regain a little disadvantage. Applause and cheers resounded throughout the stadium, even Slytherin. The college is cheering for them.

The Ravenclaw team adjusted their tactics,

Qiu still didn't change his plan, and prevented Harry from capturing the Snitch in various ways, and their pursuit hands worked together more and more tacitly, and took another 10 points from Wood.

After the Ravenclaw team played a normal level, the game became more exciting.

However, Albert didn't care about the end of the game. He saw Malfoy and his group on the edge of the field. Those guys seemed to be pretending to be a dementor.

That's stupid!

Eighty percent is Malfoy's bad idea again.

"Look over there!" Albert touched Isabel's arm, UU reading motioned her to look at the edge of the court.

"What are they going to do?"

It was Katrina who asked, and both of them had noticed Malfoy, Crabbe, and Gore, as well as Slytherin captain Marcus Flint sneaking towards the edge of the court. There seems to be something on board.

" want to scare Harry Potter?" Albert said uncertainly.

Isobel didn't say a word, and looked with interest at the few people over there who had already put on the black cloak.

"Frighten Harry Potter and pretend to be a dementor?" Katrina asked incredulously. "But, the dementor is not..."

At this time, there was a scream from nowhere.

Then Albert saw a silver stag flying towards Malfoy's disguised dementors, throwing them to the ground in fright.

"They are so stupid, aren't they," Katrina murmured.

"That's... the patron saint of Harry Potter." Isabel looked at the stag that had disappeared, with a rare trace of surprise on his face.

"There is no need to be surprised. It is the savior after all," Albert said calmly. "A person who can kill a basilisk does nothing to be surprised."

"You seem to care about the savior?"

"This word has a special meaning." Albert didn't intend to explain

"However, amazing talent."

Katrina naturally also knows the difficulty of summoning the patron saint of the flesh. She is actually practicing the patron saint secretly, but she still cannot summon the patron saint of the flesh smoothly.

"When will you master the Patronus Curse?" Isabel asked suddenly.

"The second half of the second semester." Albert thought for a while. "It took about half a year."

At this moment, Mrs. Hooch had blown the whistle and the game was over.

The Gryffindor team won!

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