The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 795

Chapter 795: Aggrieved

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At this moment, not only was there chaos in Fudge's head, but the others also looked unbelievable.

Dwarf Peter is still alive?

How can this be!

Didn't Peter die twelve years ago?

How could it be alive.

Everyone stared at the cage in Dumbledore's hand. If the mouse in the cage is really Pettigrew Peter, then Sirius Black was innocent from the beginning?

What and what!

"No, it's impossible. Pettigrew Peter is dead, I was could he be alive!" Fudge was very excited. Once Pettigrew Peter is confirmed to be alive, the Ministry of Magic will become a laughingstock. .

See what the Ministry of Magic has been doing in the past year?

Hunt down Sirius Black.

Once Pettigrew Peter is still alive, it basically means that Black is innocent. Even if the so-called repeated investigations are required, the truth will always be the truth.

The surrounding Aurors were also taken aback by Fudge's words, and their eyes fell involuntarily on the metal cage held by Dumbledore, and then sneaked towards Albert who was standing nearby and waiting.

Scrimgeour had actually realized that tonight, the guy named Albert Anderson directly stepped on the face of the Ministry of Magic.

What frustrated them most was that Fudge actually took the initiative to move his face over. After being beaten and swollen by the other party, they even thanked the other party for helping the Ministry of Magic to catch Black, and thanking him for helping the Ministry of Magic to untie the past. the truth.

However, it really doesn’t matter to the Ministry of Magic who betrayed the Potters back then, and they had no intention of reversing the case, because if Sirius Black was innocent, Scrimgeour could even guess that the Ministry would be accepted. How much pressure they would rather use Black’s death to bury the truth. As for whether Black is innocent, it really doesn’t matter.

Dumbledore got the mouse out of the metal cage, placed it on the grass in front of him, and lightly tapped the mouse with his magic wand, and the blue and white light instantly enveloped the speckled body.

The next moment, the spotty body floated slowly, floating in the air, and the small body twisted frantically, as if there was something going to come out of its body.

Hermione's eyes widened in disbelief, and she hid behind Albert, looking nervously at the mouse floating in the air.

After a dazzling flash of light, a head suddenly appeared on the ground, and his limbs also stretched out, and a middle-aged wizard fell in the place where Scabbard was just now.

Little dwarf Peter appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.josei

Not only Fudge, but even the two Aurors behind Fudge stared at the middle-aged wizard who suddenly appeared.

"Little dwarf Peter is still alive." Fudge stared at the middle-aged wizard on the ground dumbfounded, knowing that it was all over.

The four Aurors were nothing but rubbish. Fudge asked them to bring the dementors to investigate the specific situation first, just to make time for them to deal with the matter, but they messed up the matter and made the Ministry a joke. .

"It seems that Mr. Anderson is not lying." Dumbledore said to Fudge while looking at Peter who was unconscious.

"No, it was Professor Lupin who found that Pettigrew Peter was still alive." Albert shook his head and corrected.

"Anyway, Pettigrew Peter is still alive. I am afraid that the incident will have to be investigated again. I remember that Black was thrown into Azkaban prison without trial." Dumbledore didn't care about Fudge, whose face was ugly. , Said to himself: "Blake is probably wrong. He probably didn't collude with Voldemort."

"Don't mention that name." Fudge growled loudly.

"It was him, it was this **** who killed James and Lily." Hagrid was shaking all over, as if he wanted to rush to beat Peter and avenge the Potter family.

"Calm down Hagrid, as long as the news that Peter is still alive is exposed, his fate will definitely be worse than you think." Albert comforted.

When everyone heard the words, they turned their heads to look at Albert, as if waiting for him to continue speaking.

"I think Peter has been hiding in Weasley's house disguised as a rat for the past twelve years. He is not hiding from Black's pursuit, but from the supporters of the mysterious man." Albert glanced at Peter who was unconscious. , Said softly: "The mysterious man arrived at Potter's house based on Peter's intelligence, and he missed there. Most of his supporters entered Azkaban, but there are still many who escaped, hiding and waiting for the opportunity. If they knew that Pettigrew Peter was still alive, what would you say they would do."

"That group of guys will never let Peter go easily." Hagrid's mood suddenly improved a lot, because Albert had already described the tragic end Peter was about to face, but he would not sympathize with this bastard.

"Wake him up, I think Professor Snape must have Veritaserum, feed Peter something to know the truth."

"Let’s go back to the castle first." Dumbledore said, "Harry and the others need to take care, Severus, take your powerful Veritaserum to the principal’s office. Mr. Anderson, you also go with you, as for the others. Everyone should go back and rest!"

Snape's expression was ugly. He realized that Blake had escaped, but he could not change the result. He could only watch Blake escape from crime with his own help, which made him more uncomfortable than killing him.

"It's illegal to use Veritaserum..." Fudge said blushing.

"I think everyone can't wait to know the truth." Dumbledore said.

"It's better to tie up Professor Lupin. I'm still not sure if restoring the humanoid spell will restore Professor Lupin's humanity." Albert waved his wand and conjured a rope to bind Professor Lupin firmly. The mouth is blocked to prevent him from biting.

Then Albert called in a stretcher and asked Hagrid to put a few people on it.

The two Aurors next to Fudge looked at Albert again, and that was not the magic level a fifth-grade student should have.

Several people returned to the castle like this, Harry, Ron, and Lupin were sent to the school hospital by George, and Blake and Peter were carried into the principal's office by Hagrid. When they appeared, the portraits on the wall were all listening to their conversation with their eyes closed.

When Phineas saw Black who had been carried into the principal’s office by Hagrid, his heart was tense, but he soon saw Peter who had also been carried in. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and moved towards Ai who finally walked into the principal’s office. Burt cast a complicated look.

Phineas never thought that Albert could really catch Peter and clean up Black.

But the other party really did it.

The door was knocked quickly, and Snape held a medicine bottle in his hand, handed it to Dumbledore, and exhorted, "Three drops are enough."

Dumbledore opened Peter's mouth, poured three drops of Veritaserum, and pointed his wand to Peter's chest and said, "Get back quickly!"

Dwarf Peter's eyelids trembled slightly, but he did not open his eyes immediately.

Actually useless?

Dumbledore was a little surprised, looking sideways at Albert.

"Feed him this stuff and he will wake up." Albert took a bottle of medicine from his pocket, poured a pill from it and handed it to Dumbledore.

"What is this?" Dumbledore asked, looking at the pill on his hand.

"My own special potent restorative can directly awaken the wizard in a coma and lift the spirit. It is not harmful, and normal people can eat it. If you eat it, you will feel energetic, refreshed, and refreshed, as long as you don’t If you eat too much at once, there will be no side effects."

"What happens if I eat too much?" Snape asked suddenly.

"I will have nowhere to vent my energy, and I will feel very tired afterwards." Albert explained.

Dumbledore put the pill into Peter's mouth, poured some water into his mouth, and pointed his wand to his throat and whispered, "Cough and disappear."

Peter who swallowed the potion soon woke up, but his eyes were dull, his cheeks sagging, as if he was hypnotized.

"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"Hear," Peter whispered.

"I want you to tell us if the James family's death is related to you." Dumbledore said calmly.

"I think the Dark Lord leaked the secret." Peter said.

"It seems that the truth has come to light." Dumbledore said happily, but the Minister of Magic Fudge looked ugly next to him.

"You killed the Muggles in that street too?" Albert continued. He didn't care about other people's gazes.

"Yes. I need to suspend my life to avoid revenge from the Dark Lord's supporters. At that time, Black blocked me, which happened to be the best opportunity." Peter said.

"What is your purpose in hiding in Weasley's house disguised as a mouse."

"Inquire about the news."

"What's the purpose of approaching Harry."

"I'm waiting for the opportunity. If the Dark Lord really makes a comeback, I will give him the last person from the Potter family. As long as Harry is handed over to them, no one will dare to say that I have betrayed the Dark Lord." Peter said. After speaking, he received a punch in the face and bumped the whole person to the ground.

"How dare you, James and Lily are your good friends, how dare you treat their son like this?" Hagrid roared angrily. If it weren't for the Auror, he would have rushed to kill Peter.

"They never regarded me as a real friend." Peter said, "I'm just a follower. I'm just a follower.

"Why betray them?" Albert stopped Hagrid's atrocities and continued to ask.

"The Dark Lord threatened me with my mother. I have no choice." Peter said, "I didn't want to enter the Order of the Phoenix. I said I still have a mother..."

"Enough, take him away, I think Azkaban prison will be his best home." Fudge stared at Albert with gritted teeth. If he hadn't realized he was being played by someone, then. He is really a fool.

Fudge was sure that this guy named Anderson knew from the beginning that Pettigrew Peter was still alive. What happened right now was arranged by him alone, and he actually fell out of the other party's trap like this, acting as the other party wanted like a puppet, and he had promised to give him Black's bounty.

Until now, Black's bounty is still valid, and this bounty has been completed, even if the Ministry of Magic wants to regret it, it is already too late.

Fudge didn't dare to do that. Once he did, God knew what would happen.

"That's all about Black."

Fudge brushed his hair absently with his fingers, walked to the fireplace and said to Dumbledore: "The Ministry of Magic may summon Black at any time to let him cooperate with further investigations."

After speaking, the Aurors took Pettigrew Peter into the rising green flame and disappeared directly into the principal's office.

"Mr. Anderson, you successfully saved an innocent life." Dumbledore said gently.

"You're welcome, this is just a deal, money to do things, nothing more." Albert raised his head and said to the portrait of Phineas: "When Blake wakes up, remember to ask him to send five thousand gallons to me. Inside the vault of Gringotts."

"What's the matter with five thousand gallons?" Hagrid looked at Albert dumbfounded.

"Mr. Phineas spent five thousand gallons and asked me to catch Pettigrew Peter to clean up Black's grievances." Albert explained.

"I will convince him." Phineas' expression was very complicated.

"No one can take my Garon." Albert said calmly.

"Since when did you doubt Peter's identity?" Dumbledore asked curiously as if he hadn't heard the conversation between Albert and Phineas.

"A long time ago, I suspected that the mouse named Scabbard was originally Percy's pet. It is said to have lived a long time before becoming Ron's pet. A mouse more than five or six years old is very abnormal. Afterwards, I happened to see Pettigrew Peter’s name on the map through the mantra curse." Albert shrugged and continued, "Later, Hermione’s cat chased Ron’s streaky, I I began to wonder if he was Peter Pettigrew. Well, don't look at me like that. If you didn't suspect that Peter was still alive, I would have captured Black and replaced Kanon."

"However, you have offended the Ministry of Magic, I dare say they will definitely not give you Black's bounty," Phineas reminded gleefully. "Fudge seems to want to tear you up. Fragments."

"It doesn't matter, Fudge will be ousted from power soon." Albert said indifferently. "The other one is a short-lived ghost and will die in a few years."

"As for the bounty, it wasn't Fudge who paid it. Sooner or later, the Ministry of Magic would have to pay it back." Albert said indifferently, "No one can rely on my Garon, not even the Ministry of Magic. Yes. Hagrid, you first take Black to the school hospital and give this to him by the way."

After Hagrid carried Black to the school hospital, Albert said to Dumbledore, "Could you please give this letter to Fudge for me."

"A reward?" Dumbledore asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"No." Albert smiled. "A fair deal, he doesn't suffer."

"What's the matter of stepping down?" Dumbledore asked, taking the letter from Albert.

"I don't know, Fudge will be ousted by everyone in a few years. His successor is Scrimgeour. However, that guy is a short-lived ghost and will die soon after taking over." Albert thought for a while and added. "If Scrimgeour wants to know how he died, you can ask him to come to me. It only takes a thousand gallons, and I can help him make a prediction."

"You will definitely become a good businessman." Dumbledore said with emotion.

"No, it's just a deal. I predicted for the other party, and he paid Gallon." Albert shrugged, "It's like I told you the result of the prediction, and you sent me a letter."

"That's reasonable." Dumbledore nodded and walked towards the fireplace, disappearing into the blazing flames.

Ministry of Magic and Minister's Office.

Fudge looked at Dumbledore who had entered his office, suppressed the anger in his heart and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Mr. Anderson's letter to you, he said he is going to make a deal with you." Dumbledore put Albert's letter in front of Fudge.


Hearing Dumbledore mentioning Albert, the expression on Fudge's face became even more ugly, but he opened the letter and quickly scanned the contents of his eyes, his expression was a bit sluggish. He just came back from Hogwarts, UU reading www. Fudge is sure that the guy has no time to write this letter.

In other words, the letter had been written from the beginning, and the other party had long expected that the Ministry of Magic did not intend to give ten thousand gallons.

"He, do I mean that guy is really a prophet?" Fudge watched with a vague expression on the letter paper that started to burn, and finally turned into a pile of ashes.

"It is said that Mr. Anderson can peer into the future through the crystal ball, so he easily catches Black." Dumbledore said.

"I agreed."

After Fudge squeezed a few words out of his mouth, he seemed to lose all his strength and slumped in the armchair. After reading this letter, Fudge only felt like a fool, playing around as a monkey, but Fudge knew that he had no choice and could not refuse Albert's proposal.

It's just that the aggrieved heart makes him want to hit someone.

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