The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 849

Chapter 849: Close friends

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At noon the next day, when Albert woke up, the place beside the bed was empty. He got up from the bed, got dressed and went downstairs, and saw Isobel sitting in the dining room with today's newspaper in his hand. He didn't know what he was reading?

Albert stepped forward, put his arms around her shoulders from behind, his eyes fell on the newspaper, "You don't seem to be very happy."

"Look at this..." Isabel handed it to Albert. The headline on it was impressively: "The Horror Scene at the Quidditch World Cup", accompanied by a flashing black and white photo of the Dark Mark hanging on the treetops.

"It seems that some bad things have happened in the World Cup." Although Albert said so, but he didn't really care too much, because of the chaos of the World Cup, he had expected it a long time ago.

"What happened?"

Albert felt that this incident should not have caused Isobel to have such a reaction, after all, this matter had been known in advance.

"This morning, my mother went to help early. Our tent was not burned down, but..." Isabel's words seemed to contain a trace of anxiety: "Someone went into the tent after we left."

"Stranger?" Albert couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"When Bit reclaimed the tent, he used the Mantra in the tent and found the footprints of two strangers."

What exactly this means, Isabel knows all too well.

In such chaos, no one would run into their tent at all, and as long as you think about why Albert did that, you can guess that the person who broke into their tent was obviously unkind.

Who wants to do to them is what Isobel is worried about, and those people are most likely to come to Albert. As for who it is, Isabel is not difficult to guess. After all, it is not a day or two for some pure-blood wizards to see Albert not pleasing to the eye, although there is no conflict between the two sides.

"Don't worry, I'm a master of divination, I will pick out those people and arrange a big gift for them. What you need is to protect yourself, don't worry me." Albert softly comforted, and glanced at the task by the way. Panel, there are new tasks.

Having said that, going to watch the Quidditch World Cup this time is really rewarding.

"Ahem!" Katrina gave a light cough, walked in, and asked casually, "What about mom? I remember she should be on vacation today!"

"There was an accident in the camp last night and many people were injured." Isabel handed the newspaper to Katrina without telling her about the footprints.

"Dark Mark?" Katrina looked at Albert with a weird expression, "I suddenly understood a little bit, why do you think that kind of magazines and newspapers will be popular."

"Today I have to take Nia home." Albert handed a small bottle to Isabel.

"This is?" Katrina stared at the bottle curiously.

"Fulfillment," Isobel said.

"This thing is a lucky potion?" Katrina naturally heard the name of lucky potion.

Albert took out another silver pocket watch and handed it to Isabel, "Don't take risks, leave temporarily when you are in danger.

, Your own safety is the most important. "

Katrina felt that Albert was really nervous, but she also envied Albert's meticulous care of Isabel.

Just then, a white owl flew in from the window and threw a letter in front of Albert. Albert picked up the letter, glanced at the sender, and found that it was from Hermione.

Albert stuffed the envelope into his pocket and didn’t intend to immediately

"Don't you read what's written in the letter?" Katrina looked away from the "dangerous" pointer on her pocket watch and turned her gaze to Albert again. "A letter from a certain girl."

"A friend." Albert corrected. "Well, go and call the others up for dinner, so that Catherine and Valeria can arrange to return home as soon as possible. Britain is in chaos now."

"We are up."

Catherine and Valeria went into the kitchen yawning, and Nya got up too, looking awake.

The six people sat around the dining table and talked about what happened last night while eating. Catherine and Valeria realized the chaotic situation in the UK through the newspaper, and they believed that Albert really had the ability to predict.

Another owl flew in from the window, and Albert glanced at the sender, who was a twin brother.

Then, the owl was out of control, and one after another came in and out of the room. There was a letter from Sirius, a letter from Bud, a letter from Lee Jordan, a letter from Harry Potter, and even a letter from Grandpa Luke. Many people were sending letters to him anyway.

"You are really welcome!" Catherine said with a weird expression.

"He is indeed very popular." Niya murmured, "When we will go home, Grandpa Luke may have seen today's report. If we don't go back soon, they will probably be very worried."

"Grandpa Luke has asked Shera to send us a letter." Albert pointed to the owl resting by the window. "After lunch, we will go back. You should also pay attention to your safety. Starting today, the United Kingdom The magic world is not as peaceful as before."

After lunch, Albert left. Niya was also sent back by the house elf Bit in a suitcase.

Luke and Sansa were very surprised at the sudden emergence of Albert and Nia from the room, but they were relieved when they thought that it was a magic method.

"I saw the report this morning." Luke still has some understanding of mysterious people, and he also knows that they are all evil guys.

"Albert took us out of the camp before the chaos happened last night." Niya sat beside Luke and showed them the souvenirs she bought at the World Cup.

"Yes, Albert has always been reassuring." Luke looked at the firebolt model and nodded. Albert never needed them to worry.

Nia combed Tom's hair while chatting with Luke and Sansa about the Quidditch World Cup.

Albert listened to their chat while opening the letter he had just received, and occasionally echoed a few sentences.

Fred and George mentioned in the letter that they were deceived. Although they saw through Bagman's attempt to pay back the money with the dwarf gold coins, they were still deceived by Bagman, the bag of Galleons that the **** gave them. There are a lot of Garon's replicas in it, and there are not many real gold coins in it. It is not difficult to see from the handwriting on the parchment that Fred and George are angry.

The content of Lee Jordan's letter was also poor, but they obviously hadn't noticed a problem with the gold coin.

Grandpa Luke's letter was simple, asking when the two of them would go home.

Mr. Bard was worried about Albert's safety, and he also mentioned the chaos last night, and some worries about whether the turmoil predicted by Albert is coming.

Sirius mentioned the news about the newspapers in the letter, because of the Dark Mark last night, someone had asked them to inquire about the magazine. He also mentioned that the printing problem has been solved in the last two days, and the first issue will be launched next month.

It was Hermione’s letter that surprised Albert. The content of the letter was about the unfair treatment of the house elves. It also mentioned Barty Crouch’s firing of the house elves last night. With anger. Hermione seemed hoping to get some support and comfort from Albert, because other people didn't care, or even ignored it.

In the letter, Harry mentioned the loss of his wand and the release of the Dark Mark by someone holding his wand, and suspected that the man might be the man who appeared in Peter's prophecy.

Albert took some time to write a reply, especially Hermione’s letter. He didn’t try to convince Hermione, he just told her about the current situation of house elves, and suggested that Hermione try to write a book about the harmonious coexistence of wizards and house elves. The story, to slowly guide the wizard to treat the house elves correctly and treat them as loyal and reliable family members, so as to improve the bad situation of the house elves.

Everything needs to be flexible and changeable, and after Hermione finishes writing, she can also serialize the story in the magazine. This is much more useful than the "vomit" that Hermione later formed, and it can also help Sirius solve the problem of magazine content.

Several birds with one stone.

"It's me!" After checking the content of the letter, Albert nodded in satisfaction. What's more, to his surprise, he actually triggered an additional panel task. Although the rewards are not many, the task can be triggered. A surprise.


"Why can't there be a normal dress?"

Ron was in a bad mood, especially after seeing his dress, he almost went crazy.

After returning from watching the World Cup, he felt that everything went wrong. First, Fred and George found out that the gold coins given by Ludo Bagman were fake, and his 27 Gallons were directly lost. If it weren’t for Fred and George. George still had a little conscience, and he would even lose all his savings because of returning the real Jialong that was not in his pocket.

But that kind of mental gap still made him unbearable, otherwise he could order a new dress in Diagon Alley instead of being angry here.

Blame Fred and George?

No, they are the biggest victims. The real Jialong in the money bag can't make up for their losses at all.

Percy's face was also ugly, because his Kanon disappeared.

Yes, Bagman used the dwarf's gold coins to pay for the winnings.

Now, the Weasley family knows what Ludo Bagman is, but after internal discussions, they didn't plan to tell their parents about it, because that would only embarrass Mr. Weasley.

Of course, maybe their father knew it a long time ago, so he tried to stop them from betting.

"You can buy another one. Didn't you win a lot of money from the bet?" Hermione also felt that Ron's dress was a bit ‘fancy’.

"You won a lot of money from the bet?" Ron couldn't help laughing, making Harry and Hermione very disturbed.

"Harry, Hermione, Fred, there is your letter." Mrs. Weasley's shout came from downstairs.

"Who sent it?" Harry asked.

Fred said, "Albert."

"What did he say." Ron asked anxiously.

"He can't help it." After reading the letter, Fred said with a gloomy face: "He reminded it a long time ago. It's our problem. Now I have to write a letter to Lee Jordan."

"And Sirius." George reminded.

"Harry, did you write a letter to Albert too?" Ron turned his head and asked.

"Well, about the Dark Mark." Harry said. "Sirius asked me to write to him."

"What did Albert say?" Hermione asked.

"He said that I would cause trouble to myself every year." Harry curled his lips and said, "He thought the mysterious man's conspiracy might be directed against me, and asked me to talk to Sirius and Dumbledore about it."

"You do have trouble every year." Even Ron had to admit that Albert's words had some truth.

Since Harry enrolled, he has been in trouble every year.

"That's not my fault." Harry was a little annoyed, and he seemed to like to make trouble everywhere.

"We know it's not your fault." Ron asked, turning the subject away. "Hermione, what's in your letter?"

"Albert suggested that I contribute to Sirius's magazine." Hermione put away the letter, thinking about the feasibility of Albert's suggestion.

The letter was short, without comfort, just telling her the current situation and a little advice.

Can be regarded as providing her with an idea.

It is impossible to change the status quo in a short period of time. It is not difficult to see this from the attitude of the wizards towards the house elves, and she even had trouble with Percy about this.

After reading Albert's reply, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Hermione was really afraid that Albert would be like other wizards. UU reading

That night, Hermione even felt that she was the abnormal one, and that feeling made her feel restless.

"Let the wizard realize that the house elves are loyal and reliable members of the family, and let them subconsciously treat those house elves kindly?" Hermione repeatedly read the contents of her heart. The house elves she saw in Albert's place, It really belongs to two different worlds from the elf named Shining.

"What happened to that letter?" Ginny asked suspiciously, seeing Hermione staring at the letter.

"Albert's letter, I talked to him about house elves." Hermione explained.

"House elf?" Ginny was a little confused.

"There is a house elf serving him." Hermione said to Ginny, "that house elf is not like other house elves, and Albert is also very good to house elves, unlike other wizards. You were not there at the time, and you have never seen how other wizards treat Shining."

"He is special, isn't it." Ginny said, "Otherwise, Anderson would not be admired and admired by so many girls."

"Yeah," Hermione said softly. "He is special."

"Do you like him?" Ginny asked.

"He is engaged." Hermione said suddenly.

"Engaged?" Ginny was surprised. "The one with Ravenclaw?"

"Don't tell me," Hermione reminded.

"Yeah." Ginny was silent.

"What about you?" Hermione asked, turning the subject away.


"Still like Harry?" Hermione asked.

Ginny was silent.

"Perhaps, you should try to give up Harry." Hermione suggested. "Try to get along with others, try to show everyone your charm, maybe Harry will notice you."

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